side edges of Body together.
Sew Body to Base, so that
Body seam is at center back.
Using circular needle and
B, with Base facing and beginning at center
back, pick up and k 1 st in each st and 1 st
in edge of each garter ridge around lower edge
of bag, next to lower seam.
Join to work in the round.
K 3 rounds. BO all sts.
Curl fabric over seam and
sew edge to bag, creating a tubular ridge.
Weave in all ends.
Bag, Straps and Drawstring
Set washing machine to hot setting and fill
for small load.
Place items in machine with
a small amount of detergent, and an old pair
of jeans (or some other heavy article of clothing),
to help provide agitation for felting process.
Run through cycle, checking
intermittently until bag reaches desired size.
When checking bag, ensure that the 16 eyelet
holes have not closed up; use a knitting needle
to open them up if necessary.
Remove from machine and rinse.
Cut a piece of heavy cardboard
to size of felted bag base. Place in bottom
of bag, matching corners of cardboard piece
to inner corners of bag base.
Stuff bag with plastic bags,
molding bag to desired shape.
Important Note: Ensure
that the circumference at the top of the bag
is the same as the bag circumference just above
the base! Otherwise, lining the bag will become
more difficult.
Fold top of bag into pleats,
matching up eyelet holes and using photo as
guide, and hold pleats in place using clothespins.
Allow all pieces to dry competely.
Remove clothespins, plastic
bags and cardboard.
sewing thread to sew straps to bag; use photo
as guide.
Thread drawstring through
eyelet holes, using photo as guide. Knot ends
of drawstring.
Cut pieces of lining fabric for body and base
as follows:
Body Width: Circumference
of bag, plus 1 inch.
Body Height: Height of bag
from base to just below drawstring holes, plus
1 inch.
Base Width: Width of bag
at base plus 1 inch.
Base Depth: Depth of bag
at base plus 1 inch.
Sew lining as follows, using
seam allowance of 0.5 inch for all seams:
With right sides together,
sew short edges of body lining piece together.
This is the back seam.
With right sides together,
sew base lining piece to body lining piece,
matching back seam to center of one long edge
of base piece. It may be necessary to snip the
lower edge of the body lining piece at the points
where it matches up with the corners of the
base piece.
Fold top edge of lining to
wrong side, creating a hem 0.5 inch deep. Sew
in place.
Place lining inside bag,
so that wrong side of lining fabric faces wrong
side of bag fabric. Hand sew in place along
upper edge of lining.