Using waste yarn, CO 21 sts.
K 4 or 5 rows. Break yarn.
Join working yarn, leaving a long tail, and
p 1 row.
*Make a slip knot in end of sewing thread and
slip around end of left needle.
When working next row, k loop of slip knot together
with first st on needle, and hold thread together
with working yarn when working remaining sts.
Hold the tail end of the thread together with
the yarn and thread, to knit in the tail.
Continue to work with thread and yarn held
together while working heel.
K20, w&t. P19, w&t.
K18, w&t. P17, w&t.
K16, w&t. P15, w&t.
K14, w&t. P13, w&t.
K12, w&t. P11, w&t.
K10, w&t. P9, w&t.
K8, w&t. P7, w&t.
Place a safety pin in the row just worked;
the length of the sock foot will be measured
from this point.
When working the short rows which follow,
the sts which have been wrapped in the preceding
set of short rows will be wrapped again.
K8, w&t. P9, w&t.
K10, w&t. P11, w&t.
K12, w&t. P13, w&t.
K14, w&t. P15, w&t.
K16, w&t. P17, w&t.
K18, w&t. P19, w&t.
K20, w&t. P21. Break sewing thread, leaving
a 6-inch tail.
Hold thread tail together with working yarn
when working next row.
Cont in stockinette st until foot measures 2 inches
less than desired length, ending with a WS row.*
You can try the sock on to check length by
slipping your heel into the cup-shaped heel
formed by the short rows, and laying the work
along the sole of your foot. Make a note of
how many rows have been worked for the sole.
Toe and Instep
Work from * to * as for Heel and Sole. Be sure
to work the same number of rows for the instep
as you worked for the sole.
Join for Leg
Note: When joining the back and front of the
sock in the step which follows, you will be working
into the first row of sts worked with the working
yarn, at the beginning of the heel. To obtain
the right number of sts, it will be necessary
to pick up an extra st in a loop adjacent to the
first or last st of the row.
The waste yarn will be removed from these
sts during the finishing process.
Be certain that sock is not twisted!
work at toe, so that CO edge of heel meets sts
on needle.With WS facing, pick up and p 21 sts
in loops of first row of heel worked in working
yarn (see photo). 42 sts on needle.
Next Row [RS]: K20, k into back loops
of next 2 sts (to tighten join between front and
back of sock), k to end.
P 1 row.
Row 1 [RS]: [K2, p2] to last 2 sts, k2.
Rows 2, 4 [WS]: [P2, k2] to last 2 sts,
Row 3 [RS]: [K2, p2, C2F, p2] to last 2 sts,
Repeat Rows 1-4 until leg measures 5
inches, or desired length.
BO Row [RS]: [P2tog, slip st on right
needle back to left needle] until all sts have
been bound off. Break yarn, leaving a long tail,
draw through last st and pull tight.
Right Sock
Work Heel, Sole, Toe and Instep as for Left Sock.
for Leg
K 1 row.
Fold work at toe, so that CO edge of heel meets
sts on needle.With RS facing, pick up and k 21
sts in first row of heel worked in working yarn
(see photo). 42 sts on needle.
Next Row [WS]: P20, p into back loops
of next 2 sts, p to end.
Work Leg as for Left Sock. |