Using a provisional cast on method, CO 8 sts. Work in garter st until work measures 16 inches.
Shape Hand:
Row 1 [RS]: K3, k2tog, k3. 7 sts.
Rows 2-3: K all sts.
Row 4: K2, k2tog, k3. 6 sts.
Rows 5-6: K all sts.
Row 7: Kfb, k to end. 7 sts.
Row 8: Kfb, k5, kfb. 9 sts.
Row 9: Kfb, k to end. 10 sts.
Row 10: Kfb, k8, kfb. 12 sts.
Row 11: Kfb, k to end. 13 sts.
Row 12: K all sts.
Row 13: Ssk, BO 4 sts (including ssk just worked),
k to end. 8 sts. Thumb is complete.
Row 14: K all sts.
Index Finger:
Next Row: K2, place remaining 6 sts on st holder.
K 11 rows.
Next Row: K2tog. Break yarn and draw through remaining st.
Middle Finger:
Place 2 held sts next to index finger on needle and rejoin yarn.
K 12 rows.
Next Row: K2tog. Break yarn and draw through remaining st.
Ring Finger:
Place 2 held sts next to middle finger on needle and rejoin yarn.
Work as for index finger.
Little Finger:
Place remaining 2 held sts on needle and rejoin yarn.
K 9 rows.
Next Row: K2tog. Break yarn and draw through remaining st.
Remove waste yarn from CO edge and place resulting live sts on needle. Rejoin yarn and work as for first half, ensuring that thumbs are facing same direction.