Invaders Sock
Using CC1, loosely CO 92 sts. Place 46 sts on
each needle and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist. The first
and second needles of the round will be designated
Needle 1 and Needle 2, respectively.
Work 10 rounds in Corrugated Rib.
Next Round: K to last 2 sts on Needle
2, k2tog.
91 sts: 46 on Needle 1 and 45 on Needle 2.
Work all rounds of Repeating Invaders chart;
chart will be repeated 7 times in each round.
K 1 round using MC.
Next Round: Using MC, k to last 3 sts of Needle
1, slip these 3 sts to Needle 2; k to last 4
sts of Needle 2, slip these sts to Needle 1.
There are 47 sts on Needle 1 and 44 sts on Needle
2. The sts on Needle 1 will form the heel and
sole of the sock, while the sts on Needle 2
will form the instep.
Next Round: K1, ssk, k to end of round.
90 sts:46 sts on Needle 1, 44 sts on Needle
Next Round: [K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts
on needle, k2tog, k1] twice. 4 sts decreased.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds twice more.
78 sts: 40 sts on Needle 1 and 38 sts on Needle
Next Round: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts
on Needle 1, k2tog, k1; k all sts on Needle
76 sts: 38 sts on each needle.
The heel is worked back and forth over the 38
sts on Needle 1.
It is worked in stripes formed by alternating
CC1 and MC every 2 rows. The row changes are
very short, so it is unnecessary to break
the yarn between rows of different colors;
the yarn not in use may be carried loosely
along the inside of the work. When beginning
a row with a new color, be sure to bring the
strand of the new color up from underneath
the old color. This will ensure that the strands
will be twisted around each other, preventing
holes from forming at these points.
1 [RS]: Using CC1, k37. Turn work.
Row 2 [WS]: Yo, p36. Turn work.
Row 3 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k34 using MC.
Turn work.
Row 4 [WS]: Yo, p34. Turn work.
Row 5 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k32 using
CC1. Turn work.
Row 6 [WS]: Yo, p32. Turn work.
Row 7 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k30 using
MC. Turn work.
Row 8 [WS]: Yo, p30. Turn work.
Row 9 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k28 using
CC1. Turn work.
Row 10 [WS]: Yo, p28. Turn work.
Row 11 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k26
using MC. Turn work.
Row 12 [WS]: Yo, p26. Turn work.
Row 13 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k24 using
CC1. Turn work.
Row 14 [WS]: Yo, p24. Turn work.
Row 15 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k22
using MC. Turn work.
Row 16 [WS]: Yo, p22. Turn work.
Row 17 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k20 using
CC1. Turn work.
Row 18 [WS]: Yo, p20. Turn work.
Row 19 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k18
using MC. Turn work.
Row 20 [WS]: Yo, p18. Turn work.
Row 21 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k16 using
CC1. Turn work.
Row 22 [WS]: Yo, p16. Turn work.
Row 23 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k15
using MC. Turn work.
Row 24 [WS]: Yo, p16, SSP. The [yo]
at the turning point of the previous short row
has been worked together with the following
stitch. Turn work.
Row 25 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k16 using
CC1, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 26 [WS]: Yo, p18, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 27 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k18
using MC, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 28 [WS]: Yo, p20, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 29 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k20 using
CC1, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 30 [WS]: Yo, p22, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 31 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k22
using MC, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 32 [WS]: Yo, p24, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 33 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k24 using
CC1, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 34 [WS]: Yo, p26, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 35 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k26
using MC, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 36 [WS]: Yo, p28, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 37 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k28 using
CC1, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 38 [WS]: Yo, p30, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 39 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k30
using MC, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 40 [WS]: Yo, p32, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 41 [RS]: Yo, k1 using MC, k32 using
CC1, SSk3tog. Turn work.
Row 42 [WS]: Yo, p34, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 43 [RS]: Yo, k1 using CC1, k34
using MC, SSk3tog. Break CC1. Turn work.
Row 44 [WS]: Yo, p36, SSp3tog. Turn
Row 45 [RS]: K37, SSk3tog. All sts
have been worked.
Begin working in the round again using MC only.
Continue in stockinette stitch until work measures
2.75 inches less than desired length to end
of toe.
K 1 round using CC1.
Using MC, continue in stockinette stitch until
work measures 2 inches less than desired length
to end of toe.
Work Toe in the same way as Heel, over sts on
Needle 1.
When Toe is complete, graft sts on Needle 1
to sts on Needle 2.

Score Sock
Using CC1, loosely CO 92 sts. Place 46 sts on
each needle and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist. The first
and second needles of the round will be designated
Needle 1 and Needle 2, respectively.
Work 10 rounds in Corrugated Rib.
K 1 round using MC.
Work all rounds of High Score chart; chart will
be repeated twice in each round.
K 1 round using MC.
Next Round: [K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts
on needle, k2tog, k1] twice. 4 sts decreased.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds 3 times more.
76 sts: 38 sts on each needle.
Work Heel, Foot, Toe and Finishing as for Repeating
Invaders sock, omitting the round of CC1 before
the toe, and the Shooter. |