With circular needle, cast on 64 sts. Do not join.
RAGLAN SET-UP ROW (WS): p1, place marker, p14, place marker, p34, place
marker, p14, place marker, p1.
RAGLAN INC ROW (RS): [Knit to 1 st before
marker, KFB, sl marker, KFB] 4 times, knit
to end—72 sts.
NEXT ROW (WS): Purl.
Rep last 2 rows 18 (21, 24, 27, 30, 33) times
more—216 (240, 264,
288, 312, 336) sts.
separate sleeves from body
NEXT ROW (RS): Knit to marker, place next
52 (58, 64, 70, 76, 82) sts for first sleeve
on scrap yarn to be worked later, knit to
marker, place next 52 (58, 64, 70, 76, 82)
sts for second sleeve on scrap yarn to be
worked later, knit to end—112 (124,
136, 148, 160, 172) sts on needle.
Work 15 rows even.
NEXT ROW (RS): KFB, knit to last st, KFB—114
(126, 138, 150, 162, 174) sts.
NEXT ROW (WS): KFB, purl to last st, KFB—116
(128, 140, 152, 164, 176) sts.
Rep last 2 rows twice more, then work RS
row only once more—128 (140, 152, 164,
176, 188) sts.
Cont in St st, cast on 9 sts at beg of next
2 rows—146 (158, 170, 182, 194, 200)
sts. Work even until body measures 10" (25cm)
from underarm, ending with a WS row.
EYELET ROW (RS): k2, [yo, k2tog] to end.
Work even in St st for 1½" (4cm)
more. Bind off.
Transfer 52 (58, 64, 70, 76, 82) held sts
of one sleeve to needle. Do not join. Work
even in St st until sleeve measures 9½ (10,
10, 10, 10½, 10½)" 24
(25, 25, 25, 27, 27)cm from underarm, ending
with a WS row.
EYELET ROW (RS): k2, [yo, k2tog] to end.
Work even in St st for 1½" (4cm)
more. Bind off.
Seam sleeves. Fold sleeve and body hems to
WS on eyelet row. With yarn threaded on
a darning needle, slip sts in place.
ties and neck edging
With DPNs, cast on 1 st. Working in seed
st, inc 1 st at beg of next 14 rows—15
NEXT ROW: Work 6 sts in patt, work 3 tog,
work to end—13 sts.
NEXT ROW: Work even in seed st.
NEXT ROW: Work 2 sts in patt, work 3 tog,
work 3 sts in patt, work 3 tog, work to end—9
NEXT ROW: Work even in seed st.
Cont in seed st, dec 1 st at beg of next
4 rows—5 sts.
Work i-cord on these 5 sts as foll: Knit
1 row, do not turn. *Slide sts back to working
end of needle and knit them again. Rep from
* for 11" (28cm). Do not bind off.
Now work applied i-cord around neckline as
foll: *k4 on DPN, then knit last st tog with
1 st picked up from right front neck edge—5
sts. Slide sts back to working end of needle
and rep from *. Work as est all around neckline,
then cont working i-cord for 11" (28cm)
Work in seed st, inc 1 st at beg of next
4 rows—9 sts.
NEXT ROW: Work even in seed st.
NEXT ROW: Work 2 sts in patt, M1, work 1,
M1, work 3 sts in patt, M1, k1, M1, work
to end—13 sts.
NEXT ROW: Work even in seed st.
NEXT ROW: Work 6 sts in pattern, M1, k1,
M1, work to end—15 sts.
Cont in seed st, dec 1 st at beg of next
14 rows—1 st.
Fasten off.