If a pom pom
maker is not available, directions for making
a pom pom using cardboard can be found here
 T2L: Knit into back of second stitch on left
needle, knit into front of first stitch on
left needle, drop both stitches from left needle.
T2R: K2tog, but do not drop sts from left needle;
insert right needle between sts just worked
together and k into first st again; drop both
sts from left needle.
C3B: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold
to back of work; k1, k2 from cable needle.
C3F: Slip next st to cable needle and hold
to front of work; k2, k1 from cable needle.
C4B: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold
to back of work; k2, k2 from cable needle.
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold
to front of work; k2, k2 from cable needle.
C6B: Slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold
to back of work; k3, k3 from cable needle.
2x2 Rib (Worked in the round over a multiple
of 4 sts):
Round 1: [K2, p2] to end.
Repeat this round for 2x2 Rib.
Back Panel (Worked over 12 sts):
Round 1: P12.
Round 2: P4, T2R, T2L, p4.
Round 3: P4, k4, p4.
Round 4: P3, k1, T2L, T2R, k1, p3.
Round 5: P3, k6, p3.
Round 6: P2, k1, C3F, C3B, k1, p2.
Rounds 7-9: P2, k8, p2.
Round 10: P2, C4F, C4B, p2.
Rounds 11-13: P2, k8, p2.
Round 14: P2, C4B, C4F, p2.
Rounds 15-17: P2, k8, p2.
Round 18: P3, C3B, C3F, p3.
Round 19: P3, k6, p3.
Round 20: P4, T2R, T2L, p4.
Round 21: P4, k4, p4.
Round 22: P4, T2L, T2R, p4.
 Cable Pattern
(Worked over a multiple of 22 sts + 10):
Rounds 1-5: P2, k6, p2, [k12, p2, k6, p2] to
Round 6: P2, C6B, p2, [k12, p2 C6B, p2] to
Rounds 7-10: Work as for Rounds 1-5.
Round 11-15: K10, [k1, p2, k6, p2, k11] to
Round 16: K10, [k1, p2, C6B, p2, k11] to end.
Rounds 17-20: Work as for Rounds 11-15.
When working I-cord, work is not turned. Instead
of turning the work around to work back on
the WS, slide all sts to the other end of
the needle, switch the needle back to your
left hand, bring the yarn around the back
of the work, and start knitting the sts again.
After the first 2 sts, give the yarn a sharp
Repeat this row to form I-cord. After a few
rows, the work will begin to form a tube. |
CO 76[108] sts. If using double-point
needles, divide sts between needles.
Place marker and join to begin working in
the round, being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x2 Rib until work measures 3 inches.
Eyelet Round: Work 24[36] sts in pattern,
k2tog, yo, p2, yo, k2tog, continue in pattern
to end.
Continue in 2x2 Rib until work measures 9
Next Round: [M1, p38(54)] twice.
78[110] sts.
K 1 round.
Next Round: [P2, k2] once[twice], work Back
Panel over next 12 sts, [k2, p2] once[twice],
k2[3], work Cable Pattern over next 54[76]
sts, working pattern repeat section 2[3]
times, k2[3]. This round establishes pattern
for legwarmer.
Continue in pattern until all rounds of
Back Panel have been worked 3 times, then
work 1 round more (Round 1 of Back Panel);
you will have just completed Round 7 of Cable
K 1 round. P 1 round.
BO all sts.
CO 76[108] sts. If using double-point
needle, divide sts between needles.
Place marker and join to begin working in
the round, being careful not to twist.
Beginning with 2 p sts, work in 2x2 Rib until
work measures 3 inches.
Eyelet Round: Work 46[66] sts in pattern,
k2tog, yo, p2, yo, k2tog, cont in pattern
to end.
Continue in 2x2 Rib until work measures 9
Next Round: [P38(54), m1] twice.
78[110] sts.
K 1 round.
Next Round: K2[3], work Cable Pattern over
next 54[76] sts, working pattern repeat section
2[3] times, k2[3], [p2, k2] once[twice],
work Back Panel over next 12 sts, [k2, p2]
once[twice]. This round establishes pattern
for legwarmer.
Continue as for Right Legwarmer. |