Using smaller double-point needles, CO 36 sts. Divide sts between needles
and join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist. Place
marker to indicate beginning of round.
Work in 1x1 Rib until work measures 3 inches.
Using larger double-point needles, k 1 round.
Continue with larger needles from this
Next Round: [Kfb] to end. 72 sts.
K 5 rounds. If desired, begin using circular
Next Round: [C6B, k30] twice.
K 5 rounds.
Repeat these 6 rounds 6 times more. Work
measures approx. 8.5 inches.
Shape end of cozy as follows:
Round 1: C6B, k22, [k2tog, k2] twice, C6B,
[k2, ssk] twice, k22. 68 sts.
Round 2: K27, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k10, ssk,
k1, ssk, k21. 64 sts.
Round 3: K26, k2tog, k2tog, k10, ssk, ssk,
k20. 60 sts.
Rounds 4-6: K all sts.
Round 7: [C6B, k24] twice.
Rounds 8-10: K all sts.
The lower edge of the cozy is shaped using
short rows, similar to the way a sock heel
is turned.
Row 1 [RS]: K37, k2tog. Turn work.
Even-Numbered Rows 2-10 [WS:] P9, p2tog.
Turn work.
Row 3 [RS]: K2, C6B, k1, k2tog. Turn work.
Odd-Numbered Rows
5-7 [RS]: K9, k2tog. Turn
Row 9 [RS]: Work as for Row 3.
When Row 10 is complete, 50 sts remain.
Row 11 [RS]: BO 20 sts, k to end of round.
30 sts.
Shape leash opening:
Using double-point needles, k first 13 sts
of next round, place following 10 sts (to
beginning of bound-off sts) on st holder;
k last 7 sts of round. 20 sts.
Divide these 20 sts between needles and work
5 rounds in 1x1 Rib. BO all sts.
 Button Flap:
Place held sts on larger needle and rejoin
yarn. Work in 1x1 Rib until flap measures
2 inches, ending with a WS row.
Work buttonhole as follows:
Next Row [RS]: Work first 5 sts in pattern;
join a second length of yarn and work remaining
5 sts in pattern.
Work 1 inch in pattern, working each set
of 5 sts using attached length of yarn and
ending with a WS row. This will form two
short, narrow strips of ribbing.
Next Row [RS]: Work across all sts in pattern
using same length of yarn; break other length
of yearn, leaving a tail to be woven in later.
Buttonhole is complete.
Continue in 1x1 Rib for 1 inch. BO all sts. |