The sock is worked toe-up, and instructions are written
for working on two circulars. The cables and lace charts
may look complicated, but are actually fairly easy.
Needles are labeled N1 and
N2, representing needles 1, 2
C1B: Slip next st to cn, hold in back, k; k1 from cn
C1F: Slip next st to cn, hold in front, k1; k1 from cn
C3B: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work;
k2, k1 from cable needle.
C3F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; k1, k2 from cable needle.
C3BP: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of
work; k2, p1 from cable needle.
C3FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; p1, k2 from cable needle.
C4B: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to back of
work; k2, k2 from cable needle.
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; k2, k2 from cable needle.
C4BP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle
and hold to back of work; k2, p2 from cable needle.
C4FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; p2, k2 from cable needle.

Using Judy's
Magic Cast-on,
CO 16 sts between 2 circs (8
sts on each needle).
1: Knit.
2:[K1, M1, K to last st
on circ, M1, K1] twice.
Repeat Rounds 1 & 2 until there are 56 [64]
sts total (28 [32] sts on
each needle).
Continue in stockinette st until piece measures 3.25 [3.75]
inches from CO edge, or
until piece measures 6 inches
LESS than desired total foot length.
Foot & gussets:
Smaller size only: Transfer
two sts from both ends of
N2 to N1. There
will be 32 sts on N1 and
24 sts on N2.
The instep of the sock will be worked on N1, the sole
on N2.
Begin Foot Chart
on N1 while continuing to work
the sole sts on N2 in stockinette
as established.
Work until round 47 of the
chart is complete (88 [96] sts total; 64 on N1, [24] 32
on N2).
Next round, rearrange sts on needles to setup for heel: K1,
p15 with N2. With N1, p6, k20, p6. With N2,
p15, k1. You'll now have 32 sts on N1 and 56 [64]
sts on N2, and you'll be in
position to work the heel.

The heel will be worked back
and forth only on the center
24 [32] sts of N2, ignoring
the gusset sts for now).
Row 1, setup [RS]: K23
[31], wrap & turn.
Row 2 [WS]: P22 [30],
Row 3 [RS]: K21 [29],
Row 4 [WS]: P20 [28],
Row 5 [RS]: K19 [27],
Row 6[WS]: P18 [26],
Row 7[RS]: K17
[25], w&t.
Row 8[WS]: P16
[24], w&t.
Row 9[RS]: K15
[23], w&t.
Row 10[WS]: P14
[22], w&t.
Row 11[RS]: K13
[21], w&t.
Row 12[WS]: P12
[20], w&t.
Row 13[RS]: K11
[19], w&t.
Row 14[WS]: P10
[18], w&t.
Larger size only:
Row 15[RS]: K17,
Row 16[WS]: P16,
Row 17[RS]: K15,
Row 18[WS]: P14,
Row 19[RS]: K13,
Row 20[WS]: P12,
Row 21[RS]: K11,
Row 22 [WS]: P10,
Heel Flap:
Next row (RS): [K1,
Sl1] 5 times
across unwrapped sts, K each
wrapped st tog with its wrap,
turn. P17 [21], P each wrapped
st with its wrap, turn.
RS: *Sl 1, K1* across 24 [30]
sts, Sl1, K last heel flap st together with first gusset
st, turn.
WS: Sl1, P26 [30], P last heel
flap st tog with first gusset st, turn.
Continue in this manner, working
1 gusset st tog with the heel flap every row until all gusset
sts have been decreased. Dec will end with a WS row.
Turn work and K across heel
sts. 56 [64] sts rem TOTAL on both needles.

Smaller size only: Transfer
two sts from both ends of
N2 to N1. There
will be 32 sts on N1 and
24 sts on N2.
First round of leg: Work the setup row of the leg chart
on the sts on N1, and work the sts on N2 in stockinette
st as established.
Continue, working leg chart on N1 and stockinette st
on N2, until 5 full repeats of chart have been worked
- a total of 70 rounds.
Ribbing round: [K2, p2] to
end of round.
Work 12 Ribbing rounds total.
BO in rib patt loosely. |