Cast on 20 stitches using Judy’s Magic Cast On.
Place 10 sts on each of the two needles, and join for
working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Round 1: [K1,
kfb, K to 2 stitches
before end of needle,
kfb, k1] twice. (24 stitches)
Round 2: Knit
all stitches
Repeat these 2 rounds 10 times more. (64 stitches)
Next round: Knit
all sts.
Work even in stockinette
as established until foot measures 7.75 inches from cast-on
The stitches on needle #1 will be used for the instep.
The 32 stitches on needle #2 will be used for the sole.
to the end of needle #1
and leave these 32 stitches
to rest while you work the heel on needle #2.
Short row heel:
Row 1 [RS]: K31,
wrap next stitches as
follows: Bring yarn to
front of work as if to
purl, slp1, take yarn
to back of work as if
to knit. Turn work
so that purl side is
Row 2 [WS]:
Slp wrapped stitch, p30,
slp 1. Turn work
so knit side is facing.
Row 3 [RS]:
Bring yarn to front of
work as if to purl, slp
1, bring yarn to back
of work as if to knit
(there is now 1 wrapped
stitch on either end
of row), k29, wrap next
stitch as you did in
row 1, turn work so purl
side is facing.
Row 4 [WS]:
Slp wrapped stitch, p28,
slp 1, turn.
Row 5 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch. There
are now 2 wrapped stitches
at either end of row.),
k27, wrap next stitch as
you did in row 1, turn
Row 6 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p26, slp1, turn.
Row 7 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k25, wrap next stitch,
Row 8 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p24, slp1, turn.
Row 9 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k23, wrap next stitch,
Row 10 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p22, slp1, turn.
Row 11 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k21, wrap next stitch,
Row 12 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p20, slp1,turn.
Row 13 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k19, wrap next stitch,
Row 14 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p18, slp1, turn.
Row 15 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k17, wrap next stitch,
Row 16 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p16, slp1, turn.
Row 17 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch. k15, wrap next stitch,
Row 18 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p14, slp1, turn.
Row 19 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch, k13, wrap next stitch,
Row 20 [WS]: Slp wrapped stitch, p12, slp1, turn.
Row 21 [RS]: Wrap and slp wrapped stitch to complete decrease
There are now 10 wrapped stitches at either end of row,
and 12 unwrapped in the middle -- 32 sts total.
Row 1 [RS]:
K 12 stitches. K the
next stitch together
with its wrap, turn.
Row 2 [WS]:
Slp 1, p12, p next st
together with its wrap. Turn.
Row 3 [RS]:
Slp 1, k13, k next st
together with wrap. Turn.
Row 4 [WS]:
Slp1, p14, p next st
together with wrap. Turn.
Row 5 [RS]: Slp
1, k15, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 6 [WS]: Slp
1, p16, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 7 [RS]: Slp
1, k17, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 8 [WS]: Slp
1, p18, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 9 [RS]: Slp
1, k19, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 10 [WS]: Slp
1, p20, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 11 [RS]: Slp
1, k21, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 12 [WS]: Slp
1, p22, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 13 [RS]: Slp
1, k23, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 14 [WS]: Slp
1, p24, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 15 [RS]: Slp
1, k25, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 16 [WS]: Slp
1, p26, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 17 [RS]: Slp
1, k27, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 18 [WS]: Slp
1, p28, p next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 19 [RS]: Slp
1, k29, k next stitch
together with wrap, turn.
Row 20 [WS]: Slp
1, p30, p next stitch
together with wrap. 32
Knit back across all 32 sts on needle #2.
Knit 2 rnds
across all 64 sts on both needles.

Side 1 Setup:
Continue to work on needle
#1 and needle #2.
Next row [RS]: K all sts of needle 1, K8 on needle #2, turn
Following row [WS]: Slp 1, p15 (7 on needle #2 and 8 on needle
#1). Place a removable marker at each end of these 16 stitches. You
may wish to rearrange your sts so that these 16 are one one needle, and
the remaining are on the second. If you do this, ensure you have
a marker placed to indicate the beginning of the round.
The sides of leg are each worked back and forth on these
16 stitches in 3 separate sections.
Section 1:
Row 1 [RS]: Slp1,
k2tog, knit to last 3
stitches, SSK, k1.
Row 2 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 3 [RS]: Slp1,
k across all stitches.
Row 4 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 5 [RS]: Slp1,
K2tog, knit to last 3
stitches, SSK, k1.
Row 6 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 7 [RS]: Slp1,
k across all stitches.
Row 8 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 9 [RS]: Slp1,
K2tog, knit to last 3
stitches, SSK, k1
Row 10 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 11 [RS]: Slp1,
k across all stitches.
Row 12 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 13 [RS]: Slp1,
K2tog, knit to last 3
stitches, SSK, k1.
Row 14 [RS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Row 15 [RS]: Slp1,
k across all stitches.
Row 16 [WS]: Slp1,
p across all stitches.
Place removable stitch
marker at each end of last row. (8 stitches remain)
Section 2:
Row 1 [RS]:
Slp1, k7.
Row 2 [WS]: Slp1,
Repeat these 2 rounds 7
more times. Place removable stitch marker at each end
of last row.
Section 3:
Row 1 [RS]: Slp1,
m1, k to last 2 stitches,
m1, k2.
Row 2 [WS]: Slp1,
p across.
Row 3 [RS]: Slp1,
k across.
Row 4 [WS]: Slp1,
p across.
Row 5 [RS]: Slp1,
m1, k to last 2 stitches,
m1, k2.
Row 6 [WS]: Slp1,
p across.
Row 7 [RS]:Slp1,
k across
Row 8 [WS]: Slp1,
p across.
Row 9 [RS]: Slp1,
m1, k to last 2 stitches,
m1, k2.
Row 10 [WS]: Sp1,
p across.
Row 11 [RS]: Slp1,
k across.
Row 12 [WS]:Slp1,
p across.
Row 13 [RS]: Slp1,
m1, k to last 2 stitches,
m1, k2.
Row 14 [RS]: Slp1,
p across.
Row 15 [RS]: Slp1,
k across.
Row 16 [WS]:
Slp1, p across.
Place removable stitch
marker at each end of last row. These 16 stitches
will now rest on this needle while you knit the other
side of leg.
Side 2 Setup:
Go back down to beginning
of leg. Hold sock with right side of heel facing
you. Using needle #1, join new yarn at the bottom
left corner of the side you just completed.
Next row [RS]: BO 16 stitches, k31, turn work. (You should
have ended at bottom right corner of the already completed side.)
Following row [WS]: Purl BO 16 stitches, p across remaining
Work second side as per
the first side of the leg, beginning with Section 1.
RS will be facing when you are done.
Next row [RS]: K across
16 stitches at the top of side 2, cast on 16 stitches
using the backwards loop method. K 16 sts at
top of side 1, cast on another 16 stitches using the
backwards loop method. Join the round, making
sure sts are not twisted, and the wrong sides are facing
each other. Place marker to indicate beginning of round.
64 sts total.
You are now set up to resume knitting in rounds using
both circular needles. Redistribute sts as necessary.
K every round until work measures 2 inches from where
you rejoined the round.
Next round: [K2, p2] to end.
Repeat the above round
until ribbing measures 1 inch.
Bind off using sewn
bind off for elasticity.

Hold sock with toe facing
you. Join new yarn at at bottom right corner
where you have placed a removable
stitch marker.
the first needle, pick
up and knit 16 stitches
between this first marker
and the next marker. Pick
up and knit another 16
stitches between pairs
of stitch markers until
you are halfway around
the edge, and you have
64 stitches on this needle.
With second needle, beginning
at top left corner marker,
pick up and knit 16 stitches
between pairs of markers until
you have reached the
other needle, and you 64 stitches on this needle.
should have made a complete
circle and be back where you
started at the bottom right
corner, with 128 sts total, divided
evenly between the two needles.
Target decreases:
All decreases should be
randomly place for rounder-edged,
more evenly shaped target. If you place the
decreases consistently,
you will get more of
a pinwheel shape, with
straight edges.
Round 1: K around, working k2tog 16 times in
the round, randomly spaced. (112 stitches.)
Round 2: and
all even rounds: K all
Round 3: K around,
working k2tog 14 times
in the round, randomly
spaced. (98 stitches)
Round 5: K around,
working k2tog 14 times
in the round, randomly
spaced. (84 stitches)
Round 7: K around,
working k2tog 12 times
in the round, randomly
spaced. (72 stitches)
Round 9: K around,
working k2tog 12 times
in the round, randomly
spaced. (60 stitches)
Round 11: K
around, working k2tog
10 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (50 stitches)
Round 13: K
around, working k2tog
10 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (40 stitches)
Round 15: K
around, working k2tog
8 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (32 stitches)
Round 17: K
around, working k2tog
8 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (24 stitches)
Round 19: K
around, working k2tog
6 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (18 stitches)
Round 21: K
around, working k2tog
6 times in the round, randomly
spaced. (12 stitches)
Thread yarn through remaining
12 stitches, pull tight to close and secure.
Repeat for target on back of sock. |