Knitty�: little purls of wisdom
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Pink Needles
Modern Yarn
spacer photos: Amber Allison


In honor of my favorite program, The Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch, I would like to introduce you to The Deadliest Crab.

Real red king crabs can grow to have a leg span of 6 feet, but this little guy is only 14 inches. 

He is a lot cuter and friendlier than the real thing and you don't have to go to the Bering Sea to get one.





Leg span: 14 inches


Cascade 220 Wool [100% Peruvian Highland Wool; 220 yards/201 meters per 100g skein]; 1 skein each color
spacer [MC] #2427 Glamour
spacer [CC] #8021 Beige

Recommended needle size:
spacer 1 set US #6/4mm double-point needles

spacer Split ring marker or safety pin
spacer Waste yarn
spacer Black embroidery thread
spacer Tapestry needle
spacer Two 9 mm black safety eyes
spacer Polyfil stuffing


24 sts/30 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch

Note: To obtain a firm fabric, yarn is worked at a tighter gauge than is recommended on the ball band.
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]

Like most knitted toys, gauge isn't super-important. Just make sure that the polyfil isn't peaking out when the crab is getting stuffed.

The upper shell of the crab is knit in the round from the outer edge, decreasing towards the center. Stitches for the lower body are picked up then knit in the round, and decreasing towards the center.

MB: Make bobble. K into front, then back, then front again, of same stitch: 1 st increased to 3 sts. Turn work, p3. Turn work, k3. Turn work, p3. Turn work, k3tog: 3 sts decreased to 1 st.

3x3 Rib (Worked in the round over a multiple of 6 sts):
All Rounds: [K3, p3] to end.


Using MC, CO 96 sts onto double-point needles. Divide sts between needles and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist. Place split ring marker or safety pin in work to indicate beginning of round.
Work 3 rounds in 3x3 Rib, W&T at end of last round.

Shape Edge of Shell:
This sequence of short rows is worked in order to raise the edge of the shell above the point where the mouth will be.
Row 1 [WS]: P81, W&T.
Row 2 [RS]: K4, [k2tog, k6] 9 times, k2tog, k4, W&T. 86 sts remain.
Row 3 [WS]: P73, W&T.
Row 4 [RS]: K74, W&T.
Row 5 [WS]: P75, W&T.
Row 6 [RS]: K2, [k2tog, k5] 10 times, k2tog, k2, W&T. 75 sts remain.
Row 7 [WS]: P66, W&T.
Row 8 [RS]: [K4, (MB, k7) 3 times, MB, k4] twice, k1, W&T.
Row 9 [WS]: P68, W&T.
Row 10 [RS]: K1, [k2tog, k4] 11 times, k2tog. 63 sts remain.
Do not turn work. This point will now be beginning of round. Redistribute sts as necessary and place split ring marker or safety pin in work to indicate beginning of round.

Shape Top of Shell:
Round 1: [K13, MB] twice, k12, MB, k13, MB, k8.
Even-Numbered Rounds 2-8: K all sts.
Round 3: [K5, k2tog] 9 times. 54 sts.
Round 5: [K4, k2tog] 9 times. 45 sts.
Round 7: [K3, k2tog] 9 times. 36 sts.
Round 9: [K2, k2tog] 9 times. 27 sts.
Round 10: [K1, k2tog] 9 times. 18 sts.
Round 11: [K2tog] 9 times.
Break yarn, draw through remaining 9 sts and pull tight. Thread yarn through sts again to secure.

Attach safety eyes to face of crab, on either side of raised portion of edge, using photo as guide.


With WS facing and using MC, pick up and k 96 sts along last round of 3x3 Rib. (The CO edge and first 2 rows of the upper shell form a ridge, which will protrude over the edge of the lower body.) Place split ring marker or safety pin in work to indicate beginning of round.

Break MC; from this point, lower body will be worked using CC.
Round 1: Using CC, k tbl all sts.
Round 2: [K9, k2tog] 8 times, k8. 88 sts.
Odd-Numbered Rounds 3-11: K all sts.
Round 4: [K8, k2tog] 8 times, k8. 80 sts.
Round 6: [K7, k2tog] 8 times, k8. 72 sts.
Round 8: [K6, k2tog] 9 times. 63 sts.
Round 10: [K5, k2tog] 9 times. 54 sts.
Round 12: [K4, k2tog] 9 times. 45 sts.
Round 13: K all sts.

Crab will be stuffed at this point, before knitting is completed. Before stuffing, draw all yarn ends to inside of body and weave in just enough to secure. Ends do not need to be woven in invisibly or attractively, as they will be hidden.

Lightly stuff body.

Round 14: [K3, k2tog] 9 times. 36 sts.
Round 15: K all sts.
Round 16: [K2, k2tog] 9 times. 27 sts.
Round 17: [K1, k2tog] 9 times. 18 sts.
Round 18: [K2tog] 9 times.
Add more stuffing to achieve desired firmness. Break yarn, draw through remaining 9 sts and pull tight. Thread yarn through sts again to secure.

BACK LEGS (Make 6)

Tip: When casting on, leave a tail approx. 12 inches long, to be used for sewing leg onto body. You may find it easier to stuff leg as it is worked, instead of waiting until leg is complete.

Using MC, CO 15 sts onto double-point needles. Divide sts between needles and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist. Place split ring marker or safety pin in work to indicate beginning of round.

Rounds 1-20: K all sts.
Round 21 [first decrease round]: [K3, k2tog] 3 times. 12 sts.
Rounds 22-31: K all sts.
Round 32 [second decrease round]: [K2, k2tog] 3 times. 9 sts.
Rounds 33-37: K all sts.
Round 38: [K1, k2tog] 3 times.
Break yarn, draw through remaining 6 sts and pull tight. Thread yarn through sts again to secure. Weave ends inside the leg.
Lightly stuff leg. Be careful not to overstuff, or leg will be too stiff.

Form Joints:
Cut an 8-inch piece of MC. Tie tightly around leg at the first decrease round (Round 21). Use  tapestry needle to draw ends through to other side of leg, so that one end is at either side of piece of yarn circling leg. Tie ends into a square knot, then sew ends securely into leg.
Form a second joint in the same way, around second decrease round (Round 32).


Using MC, CO 12 sts onto double-point needles. Divide sts between needles and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist. Place split ring marker or safety pin in work to indicate beginning of round.

K 15 rounds.
Next Round: K6, place remaining 6 sts on hold on waste yarn; CO 3 sts and join to continue working in the round. 9 sts.

First Claw:
K 10 rounds.
Next Round: [K1, k2tog] 3 times.
Break yarn, draw through remaining 6 sts and pull tight. Thread yarn through sts again to secure. Weave end inside claw.

Second Claw:
Place held sts on needles and join yarn, leaving a tail. K held sts, CO 3 sts and join to work in the round. Work as for first claw.

Use yarn tail between claws to sew CO edges of claws together, and secure end.
Form a joint at base of claws, in the same way as joints for back legs.


Using tapestry needle and black embroidery thread, embroider a little mouth on the lower body, below the point where upper shell is raised. 

Sew legs to lower body of crab, using photos as guides.

designernameBlank Amber Allison enjoys Deadliest Catch and is looking forward to the new season.  This is her second pattern written for knitter-consumption.  She lives in St. Paul, MN, but you can find her on the Ravelry (username: ella).