Using longer circular needle and MC, CO 153[170, 187,
204] sts. Place marker
and join to begin working in the round, being careful not
to twist.
Round 1: [K1, yo, k6, ssk, k2tog, k6, yo] to end.
Round 2: K all sts.
Repeat these 2 rounds 6[6,
7, 8] times more.
First Decrease Round: [K1, yo, k4, ssk, ssk, k2tog,
k2tog, k4, yo] to end. 135[150, 165, 180] sts.
K 1 round.
Next Round: [K1, yo, k5, ssk, k2tog, k5, yo] to end.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds 6[6,
7, 7] times more.
Second Decrease Round: [K1, yo, k3, ssk, ssk, k2tog,
k2tog, k3, yo] to end. 117[130, 143, 156] sts.
K 1 round.
Next Round: [K1, yo, k4, ssk, k2tog, k4, yo] to end.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds 5[6,
7, 7] times more.
Third Decrease Round: [K1, yo, k2, ssk, ssk, k2tog,
k2tog, k2, yo] to end. 99[110, 121, 132] sts.
K 1 round.
Next Round: [K1, yo, k3, ssk, k2tog, k3, yo] to end.
K 1 round.
Repeat these 2 rounds 4[5,
5, 6] times more.
Fourth Decrease Round: [K1, yo, k1, ssk, ssk, k2tog,
k2tog, k1, yo] to end. 81[90, 99, 108] sts.

Round 1: P all sts.
Rounds 2-3: K all sts.
Round 4: [K2tog, yo] to
Rounds 5-6: K all sts.
Round 7: P all sts.
Round 8 is worked differently for
each size:
Size 2T Only: K2tog, k
to end. 80 sts.
Size 3T Only: [K2tog, k43]
twice. 88 sts.
Size 4T Only: M1, k to
end. 100 sts.
Size 5T Only: K all sts.
108 sts.
Establish Daisy Pattern:
Size 2T Only: Work Rounds
1-6 of Daisy Pattern.
Size 3T Only: Work Rounds
1-6 of Daisy Pattern, then work Rounds 3-4 once more.
Size 4T Only: Work Rounds
1-6 of Daisy Pattern, then work Rounds 3-6 once more.
Size 5T Only: Work Rounds
1-6 of Daisy Pattern, repeat Rounds 3-6 once, then work
Rounds 3-4 once more.
Divide for Armholes:
Next Round: BO 6[7, 8,
9] sts knitwise, work 33[36, 41, 44] sts in pattern
(34[37, 42, 45] sts on right needle after bound-off
sts), place all sts just worked onto st holder for
back; BO 6[7, 8, 9] sts, continue in pattern to end.
Upper front will be worked back and forth over remaining
34[37, 42, 45] sts. When working in Daisy Pattern as
established, you may have sts at the edge of the piece
that do not fit evenly into the st pattern. Work these
sts in stockinette st.

Work 9 rows in pattern, ending with a WS row.
Shape Neckline:
Row 1 [RS]: Work 12[13,
14, 15] sts in pattern and place them on st holder;
BO 10[11, 14, 15] sts, work in pattern to end. 12[13,
14, 15] sts.
Rows 2, 4 [WS]: P all sts.
Row 3 [RS]: BO 2 sts, work
in pattern to end. 10[11, 12, 13] sts.
Row 5 [RS]: Work as for
Row 3. 8[9, 10, 11] sts.
Work 7[9, 11, 13] rows
in pattern, ending with a WS row.
BO all sts.
Place 12[13, 14, 15] held sts of front on needle and
rejoin yarn with WS facing.
Row 1 [WS]: BO 2 sts, p
to end. 10[11, 12, 13] sts.
Row 2 [RS]: Work all sts
in pattern.
Row 3 [WS]: Work as for
Row 1. 8[9, 10, 11] sts.
Work 8[10, 12, 14] rows
in pattern, ending with a WS row. BO all sts.
Place held sts of back on needle and join
yarn with WS facing.
Work 17 rows in pattern,
ending with a WS row.
Shape Neckline:
Row 1 [RS]: Work 10[11,
12, 13] sts in pattern
and place them on st holder; BO 14[15, 18, 19] sts, work
in pattern to end. 10[11, 12, 13] sts.
Row 2 [WS]: P all sts.
Row 3 [RS]: BO 2 sts, work
in pattern to end. 8[9, 10, 11] sts.
Work 1[3, 5, 7] rows in
pattern, ending with a WS row. BO all sts.
Place 10[11, 12, 13] held sts of front on needle and
rejoin yarn with WS facing.
Next Row [WS]: BO 2 sts,
p to end. 8[9, 10, 11] sts.
Work 2[4, 6, 8] rows in
pattern, ending with a WS row. BO all sts. |