Leg CO 68 sts. Join for working in the round, being careful
not to twist. Place a marker to indicate the beginning
of the round if you wish.
Work in 1x1 Rib for 1 inch.
Start working chart.
Work chart three times,
and then work 11 rows of a fourth repeat.
Heel Flap
Work back and forth on
the first 34 stitches
of the round. The
rem 34 sts – the instep sts – will be held while
you work the heel. Slip them to a holder if you wish.
Row 1 [RS]: [Sl1,
k1 tbl], rep 16 more times.
(17 reps total). Turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl1,
p33. Turn.
Repeat Rows
1 and 2 sixteen
more times (17 repeats total).
Turn Heel
Row 1 [RS]: K19, SSK, k1 tbl, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl1,
p5, p2tog, k1 tbl, turn.
Row 3 [RS]: Sl1,
k6 tbl, SSK, k1 tbl,
Row 4 [WS]: Sl1,
p7, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 5 [RS]: Sl1,
k8 tbl, SSK, k1 tbl,
Row 6 [WS]: Sl1,
p9, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 7 [RS]: Sl1,
k10 tbl, SSK, k1 tbl,
Row 8 [WS]: Sl1,
p11, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 9 [RS]: Sl1,
k12 tbl, SSK, k1 tbl,
Row 10 [WS]: Sl1,
p13, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 11 [RS]: Sl1,
k14 tbl, SSK, k1 tbl,
Row 12 [WS]: Sl1,
p15, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 13 [RS]: Sl1,
k16 tbl, SSK, k1, turn.
Row 14 [WS]: Sl1,
p17, p2tog, p1, turn. 20
sts rem.
Setup round: K tbl across
heel stitches. With the
same needle, pick up 17
sts along heel flap edge. Knit
tbl across the previously
held sts for the instep.
Pick up 17 sts on other
side of heel flap, and
k tbl10 sts from the heel
sts. The beginning of the
round is here, at the center
of the heel.
From here, you will work the instep sts in the chart pattern
starting again at Row 1, and work the sole sts as k tbl.
Round 1: K tbl
to 3 sts before the instep,
k2tog, k1 tbl. Work instep
sts in chart as established;
k1 tbl, SSK, k tbl to
end of round.
Round 2: K tbl all
sts up to instep, work instep sts as per chart as established;
k tbl to end of round.
Rep Rounds 1-2 until
34 sts remain on the sole – 68 sts total.

Continue as established,
keeping sts of sole as
k tbl, and working instep sts as per chart until foot
from back of heel measures
approximately 1.5 inches
less than desired sock
It looks best if
you finish a full chart
repeat before you start the toe, but it’s
not critical.
Decrease round: K tbl to 3 sts before the instep,
k2tog, k2 tbl, SSK, k tbl
to 3 sts before the end
of instep, k2tog, k2 tbl, SSK, k tbl to end of Round.
Work an even round.
Repeat these two rounds until
20 sts rem.
Work the first
5 sts of the round once
more so that the yarn is
positioned at the side of the sock for grafting.
the 10 sole sts to one
needle, and the 10 instep sts to
Graft sts together
to close toe.