Katherine Matthews is fascinated by all things new and shiny, and she occasionally noodles
out a design under the Purl Diving
She draws
inspiration from many cultures,
and is currently obsessed
by the colors and motifs seen in Hindi
films from Bollywood,
as well as other South Asian
film genres. She is a social
media junkie, blogs in way
too many places (including Apparknitchik
and Totally
Filmi) and can be often be found hanging around
the Twitter watercooler.
Katherine is grateful to both Susanna Hanson, who taught
her how to knit the wristwarmers in the first place, and
to Kotomi Hiyashi's book "Beads Knitting", which
opened her eyes to the possibilities of combining beads,
Bollywood, and the traditional Nordic wristwarmer. |