Using larger circular needle and A, CO 122[134,
144] sts. Do not join.
Using smaller circular needle, work 10[12,
12] rows in Corrugated Rib.
Break D and work 20[22, 24] rows in stockinette
st using larger needles and A.
Work 20[22, 24] rows using B.
Using C, work in stockinette st until work
measures 8.5[9.5, 10.5] inches or desired
length to underarm, ending with a RS row.
Next Row [WS]: P25[28, 31] (left
front), BO 8 sts, p55[61, 65] (56[62, 66]
sts on right needle after bound off sts; back
of sweater), BO 8 sts, p to end (right front).
Break yarn and set work aside.
Make a note of how many rows you have worked
using C.
Using larger double-point needles and A, CO
30[32, 36] sts. Join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist. If desired,
once the first few rounds have been worked,
place a split ring marker or safety pin in
your work to indicate begining of round.
Using smaller double-point needles, work
10[12, 12] rounds in Corrugated Rib. (Because
the rib is being worked in the round with
the RS facing, work each round as per Row
1 of the Rib pattern as described in the Pattern
Note: Read ahead! Color pattern instructions
and shaping instructions are worked at the
same time.
Break D and k 25[28, 31] rounds using larger
needles and A.
K 25[28, 31] rounds using B.
Using C, work to end of sleeve.
After Corrugated Rib is complete, shape sleeve
as follows:
K 5[6, 7] rounds.
Increase Round: K1, m1, k to end of round,
m1, k1.
Repeat these 6[7, 8] rounds 8[9, 8] times
more. 48[52, 54] sts.
Work until sleeve measures 10.5[12, 13.5]
inches, or desired length to underarm, ending
last round 4 sts before end of round.
Next Round: BO 8 sts, k to end.
Break yarn. Place remaining 40[44, 46] sts
on hold on smaller circular needle.
Make a second sleeve in the same way, but
do not remove sts from needles when sleeve
is complete.
When working the yoke as follows, work with
C until 20[22, 24] rows have been worked INCLUDING
rows of lower body. (For example, if you worked
10 rows of the lower body using C, you would
now work 10[12, 14] rows using C.) Once these
rows are complete, work the rest of the sweater
using D.
Join Sleeves to Body:
Pick up Body and rejoin C to right front.
Working all sts onto larger circular needle
with RS facing, k25[28, 31] sts of right front,
place marker, k40[44, 46] sts of one sleeve,
place marker, k56[62, 66] sts of back, place
marker, k40[44, 46] of remaining sleeve, place
marker, k25[28, 31] sts of left front. 186[206,
220] sts.
P 1 row.

Decrease Row [RS]: [K to 2 sts before
marker, ssk, k2tog] 4 times, k to end. 8 sts
Work 3 rows in stockinette st.
Repeat these 4 rows 0[1, 2] times more. 178[190,
196] sts.
Work Decrease Row.
P 1 row.
Repeat these 2 rows 9[10, 10] times more.
98[102, 108] sts.
Working raglan decreases as established,
shape neckline as follows:
BO 2[3, 4] sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
86[88, 90] sts.
BO 2[2, 3] sts at beginning of following 2
rows. 74[76, 76] sts.
Next Row [RS]: K1, k2tog, [k to
2 sts before marker, ssk, k2tog] 4 times,
k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
P 1 row.
Repeat these 2 rows 0[1, 1] time more. 64[56,
56] sts remain.
Work Decrease Row.
P 1 row.
Repeat these 2 rows 2[1, 1] times more, then
work Decrease Row once more. 32 sts
remain. Break yarn, leaving sts on needle
for neckband.

Using larger double-point needle and A, CO
9 sts.
Using smaller needles, work 6 rows in Corrugated
Rib, working edge sts in A.
Buttonhole Row 1 [RS]: Work 3 sts
in patt, BO 2 sts in patt, work to end.
Buttonhole Row 2 [WS]: Work 3 sts
in patt; kfb in next st using D, then p into
same st using A; work to end in patt.
Work 18 rows in patt.
Work Buttonhole Rows.
Repeat these 20 rows 2[3, 3] times more, then
work in patt until Buttonhole Band is same
length af front edge of sweater, when slightly
stretched. Break yarn and place sts on hold
on spare needle.
Work Button Band as for Buttonhole Band,
omitting buttonholes.
Sew bands to front edges of sweater.
With RS facing, using smaller circular needle
and alternating sts in A and D, work held
sts of right front band, pick up and k 1 st
in each held or bound off sts and 3 sts for
every 4 rows around neckline, work held sts
of left front band.
Work 1 WS row in Corrugated Rib.
Work 2 more rows, working a buttonhole in
Neckband above buttonholes in Buttonhole Band.
Work 5 more rows in Corrugated Rib. With
WS facing, loosely BO all sts knitwise using
larger needle and A.