(Make 7)
Using MC, CO 48[60, 60, 60] sts. Divide evenly
between three double-point needles (16[20,
20, 20] sts on each needle) and join to begin
working in the round, being careful not to
twist. If desired, after first round is worked,
place split ring marker or safety pin in work
to indicate beginning of round.
K 1 round.
Size XS Only: Proceed to
Round 3.
Sizes S, M, L Only: Proceed
to Round 1.
Round 1: K3, ssk, [k2tog, k6, ssk]
5 times, k2tog, k3. 48 sts.
Even-numbered Rounds 2-8: K all
Round 3: K2, ssk, [k2tog, k4, ssk]
5 times, k2tog, k2. 36 sts.
Round 5: K1, ssk, [k2tog, k2, ssk]
5 times, k2tog, k1. 24 sts.
Round 7: [Ssk, k2tog] 6 times.
12 sts.
Round 9: [K2tog] 6 times. Break
yarn, draw through remaining 6 sts and pull
Weave in all ends. Steam block Hexagons.
Arrange Hexagons according to construction
diagram. Using blanket stitch and CC, sew
edges of Hexagons together. Match the points
marked *, and sew the side edges together.
The bottom edges of each section (marked with
parallel lines) will form the edge of the
Hat Brim
Using MC and with RS facing, pick up and k
8[10, 10, 10] stitches along the lower edge
of each Hexagon and 1[1, 1, 2] sts in end
of each seam. 54[66, 66, 72] sts. Brim will
be worked in the round.
Size S Only:
First Round: [K9, k2tog] 6 times. 60 sts.
All Sizes:
Work in stockinette st (k all rounds) until
work measures approx. 2 inches from base of
Hexagons, or desired length. Loosely BO all