Using Provisional Cast On, CO 26 sts.
Row 1 [RS]: Sl 1 knitwise, k to end.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1 purlwise, p to end.
Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 42 inches or desired length.
Remove waste yarn from CO edge and place resulting live sts on needle.
Twist one end of piece 180 degrees, so that one end shows stockinette st face, and other end shows reverse stockinette st face.
Graft ends together.
Note: When placing markers in the next step, one marker will be designated Marker A, and the other Marker B. For this reason, it is helpful to use two markers which are different from each other.
Position the work so that the grafted "seam" is
facing you, with the reverse stockinette st portion of the
wrap is to your left and the stockinette st portion to your
Beginning at "seam" and using long circular
needle, working along upper edge of reverse stockinette st
portion, pick up and k 1 st in each slipped st, working under
both strands of the slipped sts, until you have worked all
the way around the wrap to the other end of the grafted "seam".
Place Marker A.
Continuing from this point, pick up and p
1 st in each slipped st along the remaining edge of the piece,
with the stockinette st face of the work facing, until you
reach the point where you had begun. Place Marker B.
this point, the first part of each round (to Marker A) is
worked with the reverse stockinette st face of the work facing,
and the second half (to Marker B) is worked with the stockinette
st face of the work facing.
Note: Picking up sts as described forms a decorative chain
along the edges of the stockinette st face of the piece.
In the next round, you will be increasing 1 st every 7 sts.
You may not have an exact multiple of 7 sts; don’t worry if
there are a few sts left over at the end of the round. When you
reach Marker A, if you have not worked 7 sts since the previous
increase, continue counting after the marker until you have.
(For example, if you purled 3 sts before the marker, knit 4 sts
after the marker before working the next increase.)
Round 1: [P7, m1p] to Marker A; [k7, m1] to Marker
Rounds 2-4: P all sts to Marker A; k all sts to
Marker B.
Rounds 5-11: K all sts to Marker A; p all sts to
Marker B.
Rounds 12-15: P all sts to Marker A; k all sts to
Marker B.
Rounds 16-21: K all sts to Marker A; p all sts to
Marker B.
Count the sts on your needle. In the next round, increase
or decrease up to 2 sts to obtain a multiple of 5 sts.
Round 22: P all sts to Marker A; k all sts to Marker
Round 23: K all sts to Marker A; p all sts to Marker
Repeat these 2 rounds once more.
Triangle Bind Off
[K2, turn work] twice.
[K3, turn work] twice.
[K4, turn work] twice.
[K5, turn work] twice.
BO 5 sts.
*K1; there are 2 sts on right needle after last bound-off
st. Turn work.
K2, turn work.
[K3, turn work] twice.
[K4, turn work] twice.
[K5, turn work] twice.
BO 5 sts.*
Repeat from * to * until all sts have been bound off.