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Pink Needles
Madeline Tosh
spacer model: Vanessa Allis spacer photos: Anniken Allis


Quick and easy shawl featuring a fun crossed stitch on a garter stitch background. Knitted on large needles, it creates a soft and drapey fabric.

The Manos del Uruguay version makes a soft and cozy shawl perfect for chilly fall days. A silk version would be a beautiful accessory to a party dress. Or substitute any worsted weight yarn of your choice or knit it with your own handspun yarn. The shawl can easily be adjusted to different yarn amounts so is perfect for stash busting.

The shawl is knitted in three triangles creating a semicircular shape, using yarn over increases along 2 ‘spines’.




One size; can be easily customized


Width (wingspan): 62 inches
Length at centre back: 26 inches
Length along each ‘spine’: 28 inches

spacer Blue/Green Multi Version: Manos Del Uruguay Silk Blend [30%silk, 70% merino; 300yd/274m per 100g skein]; color: 7325; 2 skeins

Recommended needle size:
spacer1 US #9/5.5mm circular needle, 24 inches or longer
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer Stitch markers
spacer Yarn needle

14 sts/28 rows = 4 inches in garter stitch, after blocking

Note: Gauge is not important for this pattern, but be sure you have a loose, drapey fabric.
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]

K4W: Knit next st, wrapping yarn 4 times around needle. These extra wraps will be dropped on the following row, creating an elongated st.
8-st cross: Slip next 8 sts purlwise to right needle, dropping extra wraps of all sts, resulting in 8 elongated sts. Insert left needle in the 4 elongated sts furthest from the tip of the right needle and pass them over the other 4 elongated sts; the elongated sts will form an X shape. Slip all 8 sts back to the left needle, still in this crossed form; knit each st.

CO 12 sts.

Set-up Row
[RS]: [K2, yo] twice, place marker, k1, yo, k2, yo, place marker, k1, [yo, k2] twice. 18 sts.

Markers indicate 'spine' sts.

On RS rows, shawl will be shaped by working increases after first 2 sts of row, before last 2 sts of row, and before and after each of these 'spine' sts. Be careful that yarnovers do not slip over markers.

K 1 row, then begin pattern as follows:

Odd-Numbered Rows 1-5 [RS]: K2, yo, [k to marker, yo, slip marker, k1, yo] twice, k to last 2 sts, yo, k2. 6 sts increased.

Even-Numbered Rows 2-6 [WS]: K all sts.

Row 7 [RS]: K2, yo, [k1, K4W to 1 st before marker, k1, yo, slip marker, k1, yo] twice, k1, K4W to last 3 sts, k1, yo, k2.

Row 8 [WS]: K all sts, working 8-st cross over each set of 8 elongated sts.

The first time you work Row 8, there will be only one 8-st cross worked in each section of the shawl; each subsequent time you work Row 8, there will be one more 8-st cross in each section of the shawl.

Repeat Rows 1-8 until shawl is desired length, then work Rows 1-6 once more.

Loosely BO all sts.

Weave in ends. Soak shawl in lukewarm water until thoroughly saturated. Gently squeeze out excess water and pin out to desired size. Allow to dry completely.
Anni, aka YarnAddict, is a knitter, designer, dyer and spinner from Norway who now lives in South West England with her husband, two daughters and a huge stash which threatens to take over her house, much to her husband and daughters’ annoyance. She’s an obsessive knitter and spinner who loves designing sock and lace patterns.

Anni also teaches sock and lace knitting at local yarn stores and runs the free online sock club, Sockamania.  She blogs here and keeps a website here.



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