Knitty�: little purls of wisdomKnitty�: little purls of wisdom

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Pink Needles
spacer model: Olivia M. spacer photos: Caroline M and Laurie D.


With a colorway called “Looking Glass”, a mirror pattern is practically a requirement.

These mittens feature two cables, one on each side of the hand, reflecting each other across a two-stitch “mirror” in the center. Both the cables and the “mirror” flow out of the 2x2 ribbing in the cuff. The two cables twist in opposite directions, and increases and decreases in the purled background are used to pull them from side to side.

The thumbs are set slightly into the palms to make them more comfortable.




To fit an average women’s hand


Length: 10.5 inches, including cuff
Hand circumference, above thumb: 7.5 inches

Note: Measurements taken after blocking.
spacer Knitpicks Imagination [50% superwash merino, 25% alpaca, 25% nylon; 219yd/200m per 50g skein]; color: #24357 Looking Glass; 1 skein
Note: Mittens shown used almost all of one skein. If you plan to make the mittens larger or substitute yarn, buy extra yarn.

Recommended needle size:
spacer 1 set of 5 US #1/2.25 mm double-point needles
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer Cable needle
spacer Stitch markers
spacer Waste yarn
spacer Yarn needle

30 sts/46 rows = 4 inches in stockinette st

[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]

While knitting, the back of the hand may appear bumpy along the center. It will even out in blocking.

2x2 Rib (Worked in the round over a multiple of 4 sts):
All Rounds: [K2, p2] to end.

C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work; k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.

CBF: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.

C3FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work; p1 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.

C3BP: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, p1 from cable needle.

: Make 1 purl stitch: Insert left needle, from back to front, under strand of yarn which runs between last stitch on left needle and first stitch on right needle; purl into front of this stitch.

Directions for the Backward Loop Cast On can be found here.
Directions for grafting can be found here.
Information about blocking can be found here.


CO 52 sts. Divide sts between needles, placing 13 sts on each needle. Join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x2 Rib until work measures 3 inches.

Next Round: Work Round 1 of chart over sts on Needles 1 and 2; [k4, m1, k4, m1, k5] twice over sts on Needles 3 and 4. 62 sts: 16 sts each on Needles 1 and2, 15 sts each on Needles 3 and 4.

This round sets pattern for mitten: sts on Needles 1 and 2 are worked in charted pattern, sts on Needles 3 and 4 are worked in stockinette st.
Work 4 more rounds in pattern.

Round 1: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k2, place marker, m1, k1, m1, place marker, k to end of round. 64 sts; 3 sts in gusset.
Round 2: Work all sts in pattern.
Round 3: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k2, slip marker, m1, k to next marker, m1, slip marker, k to end of round.
Repeat Rounds 2 and 3 ten times more. 86 sts; 25 sts in gusset.

Next Round: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k2, remove marker, place next 25 sts on hold on waste yarn, CO 1 st using backward loop method, k to end of round. 62 sts.

Continue in pattern until Round 34 of chart is complete, then work Rounds 2-34 once more.


Work in pattern until Round 37 of chart is complete, then shape mitten top as follows:

Decrease Round: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern, decreasing as shown in next round of chart; k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on Needle 4, k2tog, k1.
Work 1 round in pattern.
Repeat these 2 rounds 6 times more; you will have just completed Round 51 of chart.
Work Decrease Round 3 times more; you will have completed Round 54 of chart. 20 sts remain.

Slip sts from Needle 1 to Needle 2, and sts from Needle 3 to Needle 4. Graft sts on Needle 2 to sts on Needle 4.

Place held sts of thumb gusset on needles and rejoin yarn. K all sts, then pick up and k 3 sts in gap at point where gusset joins hand. 28 sts. Join to work in the round, rearranging sts on needles as desired.
Work in stockinette st until thumb is approx. 2 inches long, or 1/8 inch less than desired length.

Shape Tip of Thumb:
Round 1: [K2, k2tog] to end. 21 sts.
Round 2: K all sts.
Round 3: [K1, k2tog] to end. 14 sts.
Round 4: K all sts.
Round 5: [K2tog] to end. 7 sts.
Break yarn, draw through all sts and pull tight.

Work cuff and beginning of hand as for right mitten.

Round 1: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k27 (to last 3 sts on Needle 4), place marker, m1, k1, m1, place marker, k2. 64 sts; 3 sts in gusset.

Round 2: Work all sts in pattern.

Round 3: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k to first marker, slip marker, m1, k to next marker, m1, slip marker, k2.

Repeat Rounds 2 and 3 ten times more. 86 sts; 25 sts in gusset.

Next Round: Work sts on Needles 1 and 2 in pattern; k to first marker, remove marker, place next 25 sts on hold on waste yarn, CO 1 st using backward loop method, k2. 62 sts.

Continue as for right mitten.

Weave in ends and block mittens.
Olivia is a high school student in Northern Virginia.

She has been knitting since she was nine. She will knit anything once, but focuses mainly on socks. When she isn’t knitting, she reads, plays violin, and deals with massive amounts of homework.

Olivia can be found on Ravelry as Reindeer.



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