Stitch: Knit all rows.
Box Stitch [for a multiple
of 4 sts]:
Rows 1 and 4: * k2, p2*,
Rows 2 and 3: *p2, k2*
[If you are not working
on a multiple of four stitches, work the stray
couple of stitches as appropriate.]
CO gauge _____ x 16[17,
17.5, 18] =_____ sts.
Knit in garter stitch for
4[4.5, 5, 5] inches.
CO an additional gauge _____
x 4 [4, 4.5, 5] = _____ sts at neck edge.
Work in box st [see above]
for 2.5 inches.
Switch back to garter st
for 2.5[3, 3.5, 4.5] inches.
Right Armhole
BO gauge_____ x 7[7.5, 8,
9] =_____ sts, beginning at neck edge.
Work in garter st for 2
CO gauge_____ x 7[7.5, 8,
9] = _____ sts.
Knit in garter st for 2.5[3,
3.5, 4.5] inches.
Work in box st for 2.5 inches.
BO gauge_____ x 1 ______sts
at neck edge.
Knit in garter st for 7[8,
9, 9] inches.
CO gauge_____ x 1 =_____
sts at neck edge.
Work in box st for 2.5 inches.
Switch back to garter st
for 2.5[3, 3.5, 4.5] inches.
Left Armhole
BO gauge_____ x 7[7.5, 8,
9] =_____ sts, beginning at neck edge.
Work in garter st for 2
CO gauge_____ x 7[7.5, 8,
9] = _____ sts.
Knit in garter st for 2.5[3,
3.5, 4.5] inches.
Knit 2.5 inches in box st.
Bind off gauge _____ x 4
[4, 4.5, 5] = _____ sts at neck edge.
Knit in garter st for 3.5[4,
4.5, 4.5] inches.
Work buttonhole row:
Option 1: Beginning 3 sts
from neck edge, work 5 buttonholes evenly
spaced along row. For each buttonhole, BO
2 sts, on next row, CO 2 sts above the bound
off sts.
Option 2: Beginning 3 sts
from neck edge, work buttonholes every 2 inches
by working a yo, k2tog for each buttonhole.
Continue knitting until
piece measures 4[4.5, 5, 5] inches from last
BO all sts.
[For optional turned up
cuff, knit an additional 2.5 inches before
beginning decreases. Make sleeve length measurements
from folded edge -- i.e. add 2.5 inches to
given measurements.]
CO gauge_____ x 9[10, 11,
12] = _____ sts. Add 1 st if necessary to
get an even number of sts.
Work in garter stitch, except
for center 12 sts which are worked in box
Continue to work sleeve
in this manner, increasing 1 st at beginning
and end of row every 8th row until
you have gauge_____ x 16[17, 18, 20] =_______sts.
Knit even, maintaining center box
st stripe, until piece measures 16.5[16.5, 17.5, 17.5]
Sleeve cap
BO 4 st at the beginning of next 8 rows.
[If you are knitting with a bulky gauge yarn, stop
decreasing here.]
BO 6 st at the beginning of next 4 rows
BO remaining stitches.
Knit second sleeve.