Panel (Worked over 11 sts):
[K11, turn work; p11, turn work] 4 times.
Using double-point needle, pick up back loops
of sts 8 rows below sts on needle (back loops
of first row of curler panel). 11 sts on double-point
Place inner portion of curler to WS of curler
panel, wrap panel around curler so that working
needle meets double-point needle.
[K next st on working needle together with
next st on double-point needle] until all
sts on double-point needle have been worked.
Curler panel is complete. Attach outer portion
of curler.
Wrap & Turn
To wrap and turn on a RS row, knit to point
specified in pattern, bring yarn to front of
work between needles, slip next stitch to right-hand
needle, bring yarn around this stitch to back
of work, slip stitch back to left-hand needle,
turn work to begin purling back in the other
To wrap and turn on a WS row, purl to point
specified in pattern, bring yarn to back of
work between needles, slip next stitch to right-hand
needle, bring yarn around this stitch to front
of work, slip stitch back to left-hand needle,
turn work to begin knitting back in the other