Wendy Wonnacott
I have always wondered how
the women here in Italy look so put together.
After much deliberation in
the form of countless cappuccinos and cornetti
at the local cafes, I've come to the conclusion
it's all in the bag. No matter the age, the
woman, the season, they always have a great
I really don't need much of
an excuse to make another bag but I thought,
hey, if I did need one that would certainly
be it.
bag is roomy enough for the necessities and
then some. I've left the structure rather simple,
the shaping coming from the gusset and lining
support. I highly suggest lining the bag simply
to prolong the life of your knitting (well,
that and the added structure and supportthe
lining gives). Applied i-cord edging and i-cord
handles give it a finished look.
slip stitch pattern is from Le Dictionnaire
Harmony des Points de Tricot Volume III. The
textured slip stitch pattern and contrasing
colors make for one eye-catching bag. The pattern
works beautifully using a solid and variegated
yarn combination as well!
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations can be found here]
Stitch Pattern
Note: When working a slip stitch
pattern in the round, on even numbered rows you need
to bring the yarn to the back of the work before you
slip, then to the front of the work for the next purl
1: [CC] [K2, sl1] to end.
Round 2: [CC] [P2, sl1] to end.
Round 3: [MC] [(Sl1, k2) three times,
sl1, k3, (sl1, k2) three times, sl1, k1] to
Round 4: [MC] [(Sl1, p2) three times,
sl1, p3, (sl1, p2) three times, sl1, p1] to
Round 5: [CC] [K1, (sl1, k2) three
times, sl1, k1, (sl1, k2) four times] to end.
Round 6: [CC] [P1, (sl1, p2) three
times, sl1, p1, (sl1, p2) four times]
Round 7: [MC] [K2, sl1] to end.
Round 8: [MC] [P2, sl1] to end.
Round 9: [CC] [(Sl1, k2) three times,
sl1, k3, (sl1, k2) three times, sl1, k1] to
Round 10: [CC] [(Sl1, p2) three times,
sl1, p3, (sl1, p2) three times, sl1, p1] to
Round 11: [MC] [K1, (sl1, k2) three
times, sl1, k1, (sl1, k2) four times] to end.
Round 12: [MC] [P1, (sl1, p2) three
times, sl1, p1, (sl1, p2) four times] to end.
Weave in ends.
Lay bag flat and measure length and width --
record these numbers for use in cutting lining
Using MC, work applied 4 st i-cord around top edge
of bag. [note: applied
i-cord photo turorial here]
bag gusset, creating a 3 inch (8cm) gusset. Tack down
corners of gusset to bottom seam of bag. [note: detailed
info on creating a gusset in the Sueet
pattern from the Spring 04 issue]
out a piece of cardboard 10 inches (26cm) long by
2.5 inches (6 cm) wide. Round the corners. Cover the
cardboard with a piece of lining fabric, securing
with tape or thread. Tack base into the bottom of
the bag at the four corners.
handles to inside edge of bag, approximately 3 inches
(8cm) from corners of bag. Align beg of I-cord with
top of bag.
Cut a rectangular piece
of lining fabric that is the height and twice
the width of the bag (add one inch to each dimension
for seam allowances).Fold the lining in half
widthwise and sew the sides and bottom of the
lining together, leaving a half-inch seam allowance.
Sew 3-inch gussets into the lining. Fold the
top edge of the lining down one-half inch and
insert lining into bag, pinning in place. Sew
top edge of lining to the bag. [note: hand sewing
in a lining tutorial can be found here.