smaller circular needle and MC, CO 80 sts.
Place marker and join to begin working in
the round, being careful not to twist.
Work in 2x2 Rib until work measures 4 inches.
Using larger needle, k 1 round.
If omitting slots for helmet straps, k 2
rounds in place of the 2 rounds described
Add Slots for Helmet Straps
Next Round: K12, BO 8 sts, k39 (40
sts on right needle after bound off sts),
BO 8 sts, k to end of round.
Next Round: [K to bound off sts,
CO 8 sts] twice, k to end.
If omitting ponytail slots, k 10 rounds
and proceed to Dividing Round, below.
Add Ponytail Slots
K 4 rounds.
Next Round: K16, BO 8 sts, k31
(32 sts on right needle after bound off sts),
BO 8 sts, k to end of round.
Next Round: [K to bound off sts,
CO 8 sts] twice, k to end.
K 4 rounds.
Dividing Round: K10; place last
20 sts worked on hold on smaller needle (leave
st marker in place); k60.
Work 55 rows back and forth in stockinette
st over remaining 60 sts; work measures 7
inches from dividing round, ending with a
WS row.
Shape Top of Mask
Row 1 [RS]: K40. Turn work.
2 [WS]: P20. Turn work.
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k18, k2tog tbl.
Turn work.
Row 4 [WS]: Sl 1, p18, p2tog. Turn work.
Repeat these 2 rows 19 times more. All sts
have been worked; 20 sts remain.
Shape Face Opening
K20; pick up and k 36 sts along edge of face
opening (2 sts for every 3 rows); k held sts,
retaining st marker; pick up and k 36 sts
along side edge of face opening. 112 sts.
K to st marker at center bottom of face
opening; this is beginning of round.
K 8 rounds.
Shape Forehead
K61, w&t. P10, w&t.
K13, w&t. P16, w&t.
K19, w&t. P22, w&t.
K25, w&t. P28, w&t.
K to end of round.
Shape Lower Face
K10, w&t. P20, w&t.
K25, w&t. P30, w&t.
K to end.
K 3 rounds.
Decrease Round: [K1, k2tog] to last
st, k1. 75 sts.
BO all sts.
Note: Face opening is finished using
crochet. If you prefer not to crochet, k 3
more rounds after Decrease Round
before binding off.