photos: Jo Shaw | ||
44 sts/60 rounds = 4 inches in stockinette stitch |
T2R: slip 1 stitch to cable needle and hold at back of work, k1, p1 from cable needle. T2L: slip 1 stitch to cable needle and hold at front of work, p1, k1 from cable needle. LTD (left twisted decrease): slip one purlwise, slip one purlwise through the back loop, move both stitches back to left hand needle and knit two stitches together. RTD (right twisted decrease): slip one purlwise, slip one knitwise; as for SSK, knit these stitches together through the back loops. Special s1 - k2tog - psso: Remove marker, slip last st from Round 6 back to left hand needle, pm (new start of round). Sl st back to right hand needle, k2tog, slip previously knitted stitch over k2tog. Charts The charts for this pattern are very large. Each fits on a letter-sized page. Click below and print each resulting page. Cuff + leaf transition (updated 10/13/14) | Sprout + Sprout transition |
DIRECTIONS Cast on 70[75, 90, 98]. Distribute sts across needles as you prefer and join for working in the round, being careful not to twist. Ribbing round: Work Row 1 of Cuff Chart 5[5, 6, 7] times around. Work Cuff Chart Row 1 for ribbing as set for 19 more rounds. Continue, working Rows 2-13 of Cuff chart. Leg Upper leg round: Work Sprout Chart once, k to end of round. Continue as set until you have completed 3 full repeats of the Sprout Chart. 90[95, 110, 118] sts. Lower leg round: Work Sprout Transition Chart once, k to end of round. Continue as set until you have completed the Sprout Transition Chart. 70[75, 90, 98] sts. For size M only: K15, k2tog, knit to end. 74 sts. Work even in stockinette until work measures 8 inches or desired length to top of heel. Heel Flap Row 1 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p34[36, 44, 48], turn; place remaining 35[37, 45, 49] sts on hold for instep. Row 1 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k19[19, 23, 25], ssk, k1, turn. Row 2 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p6[4, 4, 4], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 3 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k7[5, 5, 5] ssk, k1, turn. Row 4 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p8[6, 6, 6], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 5 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k9[7, 7, 7], ssk, k1, turn. Row 6 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p10[8, 8, 8], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 7 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k11[9, 9, 9], ssk, k1, turn. Row 8 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p12[10, 10, 10], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 9 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k13[11, 11, 11], ssk, k1, turn. Row 10 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p14[12, 12, 12], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 11 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k15[13, 13, 13], ssk, k1, turn. Row 12 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p16[14, 14, 14], p2tog, p1, turn. Row 13 [RS]: Sl1p wyib, k17[15, 15, 15], ssk, k1, turn. Row 14 [WS]: Sl1p wyif, p18[16, 16, 16], p2tog, p1, turn. Size S, proceed to Gusset. M, L, XL only L, XL only: XL only: Gusset Gusset setup: K11[11, 12, 13] sts to center of heel; this is new start of round, k10[10, 13, 14] rem heel sts; with RS facing, pick up and knit sts into each st along side of heel flap; knit across instep sts; with RS facing, pick up and knit sts into each st along side of heel flap, knit to end of round. Decrease round 1: K to 2 sts before instep, k2tog, k across instep sts, ssk, knit to end. Knit even until foot measures 1.5[1.75, 2, 2.25] inches short of desired length. Toe K to start of instep. Cut yarn leaving a 12 inch tail. |
Jo has textiles in her genes. She lives in England and many generations of her family have been in the textile trade, including her father who was a successful Nottingham lace designer. Jo loves to knit and spin but has turned her hand to more unusual crafts, such as temari balls and tatting! Jo is on a constant quest to increase her knitting knowledge. She shares some of this on her blog, and you can find her on Ravelry as snowywolf. |
Pattern & images © 2014 Jo Shaw. Contact Jo |