the Figure Eight Cast On method, CO 12 stitches
onto each of 2 circular needles (24 sts).
K 1 round, working into the back loop of each
Note: Throughout this pattern, the first
needle of the round will be referred to as
Needle 1; the second needle will be Needle
Toe Increase Round: [K2, m1, k to
last 2 sts on needle, m1, k2] twice. 4 sts
Repeat this round five times more. 48 sts.
K 1 round.
Work Toe Increase Round.
Repeat these two rounds five times more.
72 sts.
K 1 round.
Set-up Round: Work Round 1 of chart
patt to end of Needle 1; k to end of Needle
Cont in patt as set, working sts of Needle
1 in chart patt and sts of Needle 2 in stockinette
st, until work measures approx. 3.5 inches
less than desired length, ending with Round
5 or Round 11 of patt.
Gusset Increase Round: Work in patt
to end of Needle 1; k1, m1, work to last st
of Needle 2, m1, k1.
Work 1 round in patt as set.
Repeat these 2 rounds ten times more, then
work Gusset Increase Round once more. 96 sts;
36 sts on Needle 1, 60 sts on Needle 2. You
should have just worked Round 4 or Round 10
of chart patt.

Heel is worked back and forth over the sts
on Needle 2.
Row 1 [RS]: Work in patt to end
of Needle 1 (Round 5 or Round 11 of patt);
k first 40 sts of Needle 2. Turn work.
Even-numbered Row 2-16 [WS]: Sl 1,
p19. Turn work.
Odd-numbered Rows 3-15 [RS]: Sl 1,
k19. Turn work.
Row 17 [RS]: Sl 1, k17, w&t.
Row 18 [WS]: Sl 1, p15, w&t.
Row 19 [RS]: Sl 1, k13, w&t.
Row 20 [WS]: Sl 1, p11, w&t.
Row 21 [RS]: Sl 1, k9, w&t.
Row 22 [WS]: Sl 1, p7, w&t.
Row 23 [RS]: Sl 1, k5, w&t.
Row 24 [WS]: Sl 1, p3, w&t.
Row 25 [RS]: Sl 1, k11, pick up and
k 8 sts (1 st in each slipped st) along edge
of flap. Turn work.
Row 26 [WS]: Sl 1, p27, pick up and
p 8 sts (1 st in each slipped st) along edge
of flap. Turn work.
You will now have 76 sts on Needle 2: 36
heel flap sts, and 20 gusset sts on each side
of the flap sts.
Row 27 [RS]: [Sl1, k1] 17 times,
sl 1, ssk. Turn work.
Row 28 [WS]: Sl 1, p34, p2tog. Turn work.
Repeat Rows 27 and 28 eighteen times
more. 38 sts on Needle 2.
Work Row 27 once more, but do not
turn work. Proceed to Leg.
Next Round: K all sts of Needle
1; k2tog, k to end of Needle 2. 72 sts.
This will count as Round 6 or Round 12 of
chart patt.
Next Round: Work all sts of both
needles in chart patt.
Cont in patt as set until leg measures 1.5
inches less than desired length.
Next Round: [K1, p1] to end.
Repeat this round until work measures desired
BO all sts loosely in rib.