Front of Purse:
Using MC and straight needles, CO 43 sts.
Work 5 rows in Seed Stitch.
Work in stockinette st until work measures 8.25 inches, ending with a RS row.
Bottom and Back of Purse:
Work 119 rows in Seed Stripe Pattern (11 full repeats and first 9 rows of a twelfth repeat). Work measures approx. 20.5 inches. Use safety pins or waste yarn to mark each end of last row worked.
Next Row [RS]: CO 3 sts using Cable Cast On, k to end.
Next Row [WS]: CO 3 sts using Cable Cast On, k3, work in Seed Stitch to last 3 sts, bring yarn between needles to front of work, slip last 3 sts to right needle.
Continue in Seed Stripe Pattern, working I-Cord Edging as set, until work measures approx. 7.5 inches from marked row, ending with 4 rows Seed Stitch. You will end with a RS row.
Next Row [WS]: K3tog, work in Seed Stitch to last 3 sts, bring yarn between needles to front of work, slip last 3 sts to right needle.
Mark center of row using a safety pin.
Next Row [RS]: K3 for I-Cord edging as established, but instead of continuing row, work I-Cord Bind Off to center of row. Work 3 inches in I-Cord (unattached) to form button loop. Give loop a half-twist and resume working I-Cord Bind Off until all sts have been bound off.
Break yarn, draw through remaining 3 sts, and sew end neatly into I-Cord.
Note: The first and last 3 stitches of every row of the strap are worked in I-cord Edging.
Using MC and straight needles, CO 26 sts.
Work 5 rows in Seed Stitch, working first and last 3 sts of each row in I-cord Edging.
Row [WS]: K3, [k2, p2] 5 times, sl last
3 sts wyif. This row establishes 2x2 Rib for
Work 17 more rows in 2x2 Rib as set.
In the decrease sequence which follows, the 2x2 Rib pattern will gradually be decreased to a 1x1 Rib pattern.
Decrease Row 1 [RS]: K3, k2tog, [p2, k2] 4 times, p2tog tbl, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Decrease Row 2 [RS]: K4, p2tog, [k2, p2] 3 times, ssk, p1, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Decrease Row 3 [RS]: K4, p1, k2tog, [p2, k2] twice, p2tog tbl, k1, p1, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Decrease Row 4 [RS]: K4, p1, k1, p2tog, k2, p2, ssk, p1, k1, p1, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Decrease Row 5 [RS]: K3, [k1, p1] twice, k2tog, p2tog tbl, [k1, p1] twice, sl last 3 sts wyif. 16 sts.
Continue in 1x1 Rib, maintaining I-Cord Edging as set, until work measures 50.5 inches or 9.5 inches less than desired length, ending with a WS row.
In the sequence of increases which follows, the 1x1 Rib pattern will be gradually increased back to 2x2 Rib.
Increase Row 1 [RS]: K3, M1R, [k1, p1] 5 times, M1P, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Increase Row 2 [RS]: K5, M1P, [p1, k1] 4 times, M1L, p2, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Increase Row 3 [RS]: K5, p2, M1R, [k1, p1] 3 times, M1P, k2, p2, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Increase Row 4 [RS]: K5, p2, k2, M1P, [p1, k1] twice, M1L, p2, k2, p2, sl last 3 sts wyif.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Increase Row 5 [RS]: K3, [k2, p2] twice, M1R, k1, p1, M1P, [k2, p2] twice, sl last 3 sts wyif. 26 sts.
Work 17 rows in rib as set.
Work 5 rows in Seed Stitch, maintaining I-Cord Edging.
BO all sts.
Using CC and circular needle, CO 93 sts. Join
to work in the round, being careful not to twist.
Work in stockinette st until work measures 7
BO all sts using I-Cord Bind Off.
Note: The outer pocket has a slanted upper edge,
which is formed using short rows to allow for
the I-Cord Bind Off. There is no need to wrap
stitches when turning these short rows.
Using MC and straight needles, CO 23 sts.
Work in Seed Stitch until work measures 2 inches.
Shape Upper Edge:
Row 1 [RS]: Work 21 sts in pattern, turn work.
(Do not finish working this row.)
Row 2 and all even-numbered
Rows [WS]: Work in
pattern to end of row.
Row 3 [RS]: Work 19 sts in pattern, turn work.
Row 5 [RS]: Work 17 rows in pattern, turn work.
Continue in this way, working each RS row 2 sts
shorter than the last, until:
Row 17[RS]: Work 5 rows in pattern, turn work.
Row 18: Work in pattern to end of row.
BO all sts using I-Cord Bind Off. When cutting
yarn, leave a long tail for sewing pocket to
bag. |
in ends.
Lightly steam block all pieces. Inner pocket may require wet blocking to
make the upper edge lay flat.
Lay inner pocket flat and stitch together
at CO edge to form a flat pocket.
Pin outer pocket to front section of purse,
1.5 inches from each side edge, with lower
edge of outer pocket 6 inches from top
edge of purse. Sew pocket to purse.
Fold edges of lining fabric 1 inch to
wrong side, and press. (If you've never
made a lining before, you might want to
consult a sewing guide for detailed instructions--especially
for how to make nice, neat corners). Pin
lining to purse body with wrong sides together.
Ensure that lining does not overlap edges
of I-Cord flap edging. Carefully sew lining
to purse around edges using thread and
sewing needle.
Attach inner pocket to strap (see diagram
Fold CO end of strap in half lengthwise
to find centre. Starting at sewn-together
edge of pocket and CO edge of strap,
sew one folded edge of pocket to centre
of strap, lining up bottom of pocket
with second row of seed stitch on strap.
Sew remaining folded edge of pocket to
BO end of strap in the same way.
Attach bottom of inner pocket to inside
of purse (see diagram below):
Measure 10 inches from CO edge of
purse body, and fold purse body crosswise
with lining facing out. Pin lower edge
of inner pocket to lining at fold. Using
tapestry needle and MC, attach bottom of
inner pocket to bottom centre of purse
body, using a running stitch through the
bottom of the pocket, through lining and
knitted fabric, then back up. This will
leave a line of small stitches showing
along centre bottom.
Attach strap to purse body:
Pin edges of strap to edges of purse body.
Sew across bottom of strap and up one
side, catching the inside edge of the
i-cord edge stitch. When you reach the
top of the purse, break the yarn and
stitch the other side together, starting
from the bottom up.
Sew snaps to inside of inner pocket if
Securely sew button to front of purse.