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Pink Needles
Shivaya Naturals Yarns
spacer photos: Elizabeth Morrison


I woke up one morning and a knitted Matryoshka jumped into my mind before I could even find my socks.

Since I value warm hands over almost all else, I knit the big gal and her little sisters to help take me from cool fall days to glove-and-mittens snowstorms.

Hand circumference, excluding thumb: 7.75 inches
Cuff edge to fingertip: 10.5 inches
Dale of Norway Baby Ull [100% machine washable wool; 180yd/165m per 50 g skein]
spacer [MC] Black; 2 skeins
spacer [CC1] White; less than 1 skein
spacer [CC2] Hot Pink; less than 1 skein
spacer [CC3] Red; less than 1 skein
spacer [CC4] Yellow; less than 1 skein

Recommended needle size:
spacer 1 set US # 3/3.25mm double-point needles
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]

spacer Stitch markers
spacer Tapestry needle
spacer Sewing needle and thread
spacer 2 or 4 square pieces of felt or ultrasuede squares, approx. 3/8 inch (see note below)
spacer 2 or 4 buttons, approx. 3/8 inch diameter
Note: If detached mitten caps (as shown) are desired, 2 buttons are needed. If you prefer attached mitten caps that can be folded back and buttoned to the back of the hand, 4 buttons are required. Same number of squares of felt or ultrasuede are needed as number of buttons.
29 sts/36 rows= 4 inches in stranded colorwork
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]

Rose pattern adapted from The Mitten Book, by Ingrid Gottfridsson.

Instructions and tips for stranded colorwork can be found here.

Except for eyes of mitten cap, all facial features are embroidered after knitting is complete, using duplicate stitch and French knots.
Instructions for working a French Knot can be found here.
Instructions for Duplicate Stitch can be found here.
Instructions for the Backward Loop Cast On can be found here.

M1: for this pattern, knit into the front and back of a stitch. 1 st increased.

1x1 Rib (Worked in the round over an even number of sts):
Round 1: [K1, p1] to end.
Repeat this round for 1x1 Rib.

2x2 Rib (Worked in the round over a multiple of 4 sts):
Round 1: [K2, p2] to end.
Repeat this round for 2x2 Rib.




TatianaLittleChart TatianaRingChart
TatianaMiddleChart TatianaIndexChart
Using CC2, CO 56 sts. Divide sts between needles and join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist.
Work 3 rounds in 1x1 Rib. Break CC2.

Work Rounds 1-27 of Chart A, decreasing as shown in Rounds 25 and 27.

Break yarn and draw through remaining 14 sts, pull to close. Thread yarn once more through last round of sts, then weave in ends securely.


Using CC2, CO 52 sts. Divide sts between needles and join to begin working in the round, being careful not to twist.
K 2 rounds.

Work Rounds 1-5 of Cuff Chart.

Break CC2.
Using MC, work 18 rounds in 2x2 Rib.

Thumb Gusset:
Round 1: M1, place marker, [k16, m1] twice, k17. 55 sts.
Rounds 2-3: K all sts.
Round 4: M1, k to marker, m1, slip marker, k to end of round.
Repeat Rounds 2-4 ten times more. 77 sts.

Slip the 23 sts of the thumb gusset (sts between beginning of round and marker) to waste yarn, removing marker. Using Backward Loop method, CO 2 sts and join to continue working in the round. 56 sts.

K 1 round. Break MC.
Using CC2, k 3 rounds. Break CC2.
Join CC4 and work Rounds 1-10 of Chart B; chart will be repeated 4 times in each round. Break CC4.
Using CC2, k 2 rounds.

Little Finger:
Next Round: K21 and place these sts on waste yarn; k next 13 sts; place remaining 22 sts on waste yarn. Using Backward Loop method, CO 1 st and join to continue working in the round, positioning needles so that beginning of round is after CO st. 14 sts. Break CC2.
Using CC3, k 4 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-16 of Little Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] seven times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 7 sts and pull tight.

Continue Hand:
Place 43 held sts on needles. Using CC2, pick up and k 1 st in CO st at base of little finger; k22 (to side of hand). 44 sts. Break CC2.
Join CC3 and k 1 round.

Ring Finger:
Next Round: K14 and place these sts on waste yarn; k next 15 sts; place remaining 15 sts on waste yarn. Using Backward Loop method, CO 1 st and join to continue working in the round, positioning needles so that beginning of round is after CO st. 16 sts.
K 7 rounds.

Work Rounds 1-16 of Ring Finger Chart.

Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] eight times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 8 sts and pull tight.

Middle Finger:
Place 7 held sts next to Ring Finger on palm of glove on one needle, and 8 sts from back of hand on another needle. 14 sts remain on hold. Join CC3 to palm sts.

Next Round: K7, pick up and k 1 st in CO st at base of finger, k8; using Backward Loop method, CO 2 sts and join to continue working in the round, positioning needles so that beginning of round is after CO sts. 18 sts.
K 8 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-18 of MIddle Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] nine times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 9 sts and pull tight.

Index Finger:
Place remaining 14 held sts on needles. Using CC3, pick up and k 2 sts at base of Middle Finger, then k first 6 held sts; this point will be beginning of round. Divide sts between needles. 16 sts.
K 8 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-15 of Index Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] eight times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 8 sts and pull tight.

Place 23 held sts of thumb gusset on sts.
Round 1: Using MC, pick up and k 2 sts in CO edge at top of thumb gusset; k23. 25 sts.
Round 2: K2tog, k23. 24 sts.
K 14 rounds, or until thumb reaches base of wearer's thumbnail.
Next Round: [K6, k2tog] three times. 21 sts.
K 5 rounds, or until thumb reaches just past tip of wearer's thumb.
Next Round: [K2tog] twelve times.
Next Round: [K2tog] six times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 6 sts and pull tight.

Work Cuff as for right glove.

Thumb Gusset:
Round 1: K8, m1, k16, place marker, m1, place marker, k17, m1, k8. 55 sts.
Rounds 2-3: K all sts.
Round 4: K to marker, slip marker, m1, k to next marker, m1, slip marker, k to end of round.
Repeat Rounds 2-4 ten times more. 77 sts.

Next Round: K to marker, slip the 23 gusset sts of the thumb gusset (sts between markers) to waste yarn, removing markers; using Backward Loop method, CO 2 sts and join to continue working in the round, k to end of round. 56 sts. Break MC.

Using CC2, k 3 rounds. Break CC2.
Join CC4 and work Rounds 1-10 of Chart B; chart will be repeated 4 times in each round. Break CC4.
Using CC2, k 2 rounds.

Little Finger:
Next Round: K7, place next 43 sts on waste yarn; using Backward Loop method, CO 1 st and join to continue working in the round, k6. 14 sts. Break CC2.
Using CC3, k 4 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-16 of Little Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] seven times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 7 sts and pull tight.

Continue Hand:
Place 43 held sts on needles. Using CC2, pick up and k 1 st in CO st at base of little finger; k all sts. 44 sts. Break CC2. Picked-up st is first st of round.
Join CC3 and k 1 round.

Ring Finger:
Next Round: K8, place next 29 sts on waste yarn; using Backward Loop method, CO 1 st and join to continue working in the round, k7. 16 sts. Position needles so that beginning of round is after picked-up st.
K 7 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-16 of Ring Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] eight times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 8 sts and pull tight.

Middle Finger:
Place 7 held sts next to Ring Finger on palm of glove on one needle, and 8 sts from back of hand on another needle. 14 sts remain on hold.
Next Round: Using CC3, pick up and k 1 st in CO st at base of finger, k7; using Backward Loop method, CO 2 sts and join to continue working in the round, k8. 18 sts. Position needles so that beginning of round is after picked-up sts.
K 8 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-18 of Middle Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] nine times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 9 sts and pull tight.

Index Finger:
Place remaining 14 held sts on needles.
Next Round: Using CC3, pick up and k 2 sts at base of Middle Finger, k14. 16 sts. Position needles so that beginning of round is at center of picked-up sts.
K 8 rounds.
Work Rounds 1-15 of Index Finger Chart.
Next Round: Using CC3, [k2tog] eight times. Break yarn, draw through remaining 8 sts and pull tight.

Work Thumb as for right glove.



For each hand, work as for Gloves through completion of Chart B.
Using CC2, k 3 rounds. Break CC2.
Using CC3, work 6 rounds in 2x2 Rib. BO all sts loosely in pattern.

Place 23 held sts of thumb gusset on sts.
Round 1: Using CC2, pick up and k 2 sts in CO edge at top of thumb gusset; k23. 25 sts.
Round 2: K2tog, k23. 24 sts.
Round 3: K all sts. Break CC2.
Using CC3, work 6 rounds in 1x1 Rib. BO all sts loosely in pattern.

Embroider faces on mitten cap and fingers, following Embroidery Charts.
Weave in ends.

Mitten Cap:
To make button loop at bottom of mitten cap, using CC4 and with WS facing, pick up and k 3 sts just above top of ribbing, centered below mouth. Work I-Cord for approx. 1.25 inches. Break yarn and draw through all sts, then use yarn tail to sew cord securely into a loop.

Try on glove and mitten and mark position of button on upper hand colorwork band (Chart B) as shown in photos. Sew button in place, sewing through square of felt or ultrasuede on WS of work to reinforce button attachment point.

If attached mitten cap is desired, sew edge of back of mitten cap to back of hand, trying on to determine correct position. Fold mitten cap back and mark point where tip of cap hits hand; sew button to this point, reinforcing as for first button. Using MC, work a second button loop in the same way as the first, at tip of mitten cap.

Use sewing thread to sew edges of reinforcing fabric squares to inside of mittens.
Steam block if desired.


Jaala Spiro keeps her hands cozied up in Madison, Wisconsin, where her two kids and husband actually wear her hand knits with pride.

She publishes the Knitcircus print zine and blogs at knitcircus.