< click
for more!
By Jillian Moreno, Amy R
SR [Finished chest measurement
for sweaters]
= the smallest chest measurement to the largest
chest measurement we could find in the book.
There may be only one pattern with the smallest
or largest size, but it's in there.
Books are softcover unless
noted otherwise. All prices USD unless

Available at Amazon
Lingerie Style: More Than 30 Basic and
Lingerie-Inspired Designs
by Joan McGowan-Michael
Stewart, Tabori and Chang
$29.95 hardcover
SR= 34-53", when there are
bra cups – up to a D; bottoms 34-44"
Joan McGowan-Michael works her design
magic in 30 designs that will tickle
your inner pin-up girl. Now these are
not just vaguely inspired
lingerie designs – Joan knows about
shaping and about shapely bodies. She
walks you through knitting bras, garters,
slips -- all manner of beautiful, feminine,
vintage inspired underthings. And her
selection of tanks, cardigans and pullovers
is delicious, and definitely meant for
public view.
JM & AS |

Available at Amazon
Frenzy: 26 Projects for All Forms of
by Heather Brack and Shannon Okey
Interweave Press
A beginner’s
book of felting that explains it all.
The tools, the fiber the tips the tricks,
it’s all here and it’s
here for four different types of felting – knit,
then felt, wet felting, needle felting
and Nuno felting (my personal felting
favorite). Even though I know a bit
about felting, the tips and info sprinkled
through the book, written in conversational
style had me reading every word. And
there are patterns two, not just a
handful, but 26 – basic, not
too complex and infinitely customizable
for your personal felting desires.
JM |

Available at Amazon
Close-Knit Circle: American Knitters
by Kerry Wills
Praeger Publishers
$39.95 hardcover
Fellow knitsters, you know our little
knitting hobby has hit a nerve...not
when the media chooses to embrace it – Julia,
Cameron, yeah, yeah; new yoga – check.
We are truly something when
ACADEMIA notices us.
This book is part of The American Subcultures
series. This academic book does not contain
any stitches or patterns. That
being said it’s
an interesting read, though if you are
a passionate knitter,
you won’t find much new here.
do love that it really captures a moment
in knitting time – the knitting
groups, the online world of magazines
(Go Knitty!), blogs and knit alongs,
fiber festivals and knitting charities.
There are 5 pages of footnotes, and that
alone makes me giddy.
JM |

Available at Amazon
Knits: 30 Fashion-Forward Designs
by Berta Karapetyan
Potter Craft
$32.50 hardcover
SR= 32- 41"
Berta Karpetyan’s name has been
all over Vogue Knitting's pattern section
for years. It’s
surprising that it’s taken so long
for her own book to come out.
Not familiar
with Berta’s work? She’s
the founder and design goddess of Karabella
Yarns. And she's the type of designer
that can take something seemingly simple
as a v-necked pullover and pull, push,
or twist it just a little, make it striking,
make you look twice when you flip through
the book.

Available at Amazon
with Gigi
for kids ages 8 and up
by Karen Thalacker
Martingale & Company, $16.95
Knitting with Gigi Kit
$24.95 USD, softcover book with knitting needles
2 skeins of yarn
Gigi McGreedy already knows how to knit.
In fact she’s knit so much, her
mom suggests she start knitting for others.
Told in rhyme and step-by-step instructions
with engaging illustrations. Gigi encourages
and teaches kids to knit, for themselves
or others. I can talk about how charming
this book is, but the proof was my 8-year-old
daughter stealing away with the book,
saying, “ I
like the drawings, mom”, and then
calling for needles and yarn a few minutes
JM |

Available at Lettuce
Knit |
by Earthenwood Studios
$3-8 each, depending on size
From smaller than a
dime to large enough to cover your palm,
Earthenwood has been making buttons of
all sizes for many years. Popular with
knitters everywhere, they offer a beautiful
way to finish your handknit creations!
Strong but very light,
they're a perfect compliment for handknit
fabric and can be made in almost any
color in the lovely variety of patterns
they offer. Leaves, vines, flowers, abstracts.
All lovely.
Sez their website:
"Our porcelain beads, charms, and buttons
are fired to high temperatures, which
make them very strong, similar to glass.
They are very unlikely to chip and break
with normal use." They
also caution that, because they're ceramic,
they're not invincible -- so treat them
with care when washing.
You can order them
to your exact specifications from their website,
or contact Lettuce
Knit, which stocks
a large assortment of Earthenwood buttons
of all sizes and colors, pre-made and
ready to ship right away.
AS |

Available at Amazon
Fitted Knits: 25 Designs for
the Fashionable Knitter
by Stefanie Japel
F&W Publications
SR= 26-44"
Stefanie Japel not only understands
knitting, but she understands why we
knit – to
be creative, to challenge ourselves,
and to look great in interesting and
fashionable garments.
The ever-popular
Glampyre, a frequent and beloved contributor
to this magazine, has created a book
of patterns that are not only beautiful
to look at, but are constructed with
great thought. All are knit top-down – this
is a great place to start if you’ve
never knit top down – and many
of the patterns are simple without simplistic
results. These are garments that are
fashionable today and will still be in
five years. Because Stef knows that everybody
is different, she has including techniques
for customizing her patterns to fit your
body. Go Stef!

Available at Amazon
Little Knits: Clingy, Soft & A
Little Risque
by Iris Schreier
Lark Books
$19.95 hardcover
SR= 32-45"
Iris Schreier is the creative genius
behind Art Yarns, delectable,
beautifully hued luxury yarns. So she,
better than anyone, knows how to showcase
them to their fullest. In this third
book featuring her yarns, she doesn’t
The designs feature
her yarns beautifully, but her designs
are, more importantly, interesting
to knit and flattering to wear. Her
signature directional knitting is still
evident, but this book focuses on lace.
From a tiny dollop of lace on a directional
tank to garments that are cascades of
lace. Lovely.
JM |

Available at Amazon
Family Knits:
25 Handknits for all Seasons
by Debbie Bliss
St Martins Press
$29.95 hardcover
SR= 34-50"
sweater measurements
Bliss’ designs are the knitting equivalent
of comfort food for me. Don’t know
what to knit? Need the comfort of a stylish,
but plain-ish pattern to knit during Lost?
Debbie all the way.
Her new book of patterns
focuses on everybody in the family,
from in seasons from beach to snow. Plain,
modern, and pretty perfect.
JM |

Available at Amazon
Sensational Knitted Socks
by Charlene Schurch
Martingale & Company
The elements that made Schurch's Sensational
Knitted Socks an outstanding sock
book are here with new sock and stitch
patterns. Only quibble: the stitch patterns
are placed at the back of the book away
from the sock patterns, so I have to either
flip back and forth between the two or
photocopy (for my own very private use)
the stitch pattern I want to use. Like
I said, a mere quibble.
This book has been added to my desert
island book list.
JM |

Available at Amazon
Yourself Visually: Handspinning
by Judith MacKenzie Mc Cuin
Wiley Publishing
Teach Yourself Visually is a series
of books that not many people know about.
Perhaps, it’s the plainish packaging
or not-so-much advertising, but if you
haven’t checked out this series,
you are missing out.
The Handspinning book, written by sought-after
teacher, Judith Mackenzie McCuin, is a
marvel. It is the most detailed beginning
book of spinning I’ve
ever seen. 202 pages with an average
of 3 photographs on every page, it covers
fiber, preparation, how to spin on a
hand spindle and a wheel, plying, dyeing,
spinning novelty yarn and even hand and
wrist exercises and stretches for spinners.
An exhaustively thorough, enlightening
JM |

Knitter's Bling
t-shirt by Knit
One; sizes S-XL; $32
glitzy fun! In white or black short-sleeved
shirts decorated with adorable clear
sparkly crystals, now you can proclaim
your love of the craft loud and clear,
day or night. The Knit One website says
you can order up to a size XL, but I
believe you can get a 2X if you ask.
So ask! Machine
washable [inside out], dry flat. Cause
you don't wanna kill your bling.

Available at Amazon
Techniques for Hand Knitters
Sharon Brant
Trafalgar Square Books
$24.95 hardcover
A good basic finishing book. It begins
talking about finishing long before you
actually finish a garment, with choosing,
substituting yarns, garment fit and alteration.
Then it delves into the actual knitting – casting-on,
short row shoulder shaping, buttonholes
and bands, etc. Best, not often found
in finishing books, Brant discusses mitred
corners and the lining of garments.
Instructions are short
and to the point and illustrated with
photographs – you
can actually see where to pick up, pin,
JM |

Available at Amazon
Knits: Projects for Fans of Harry Potter
Wiley Publishing
SR: 28 –54"
Pardon the pun, but this is a charming
book. If you are not a fan of Harry
Potter, move along, this isn’t
for you. For the rest of us I’m
happy to report that the patterns in
this book are so clearly developed
and executed with the ardor only an
obsessive fan can generate.
There are
patterns for garments in the movies – the
initial sweater, quidditch sweater,
Ron’s animal cracker hat ; things
inspired by things in the movie, Molly’s
robe, a blanket based on the Weasley
clock, and things I hadn’t thought
of, that make me smile, like a
wand cozy.
In fact I smiled the
entire time I spent with the book, since
it captures the magic creativity of childhood.

Available at Lexie
[circ, shown in Dutch Treat, left]
& Betty
[straight, shown in Viona, right]
needle cases
by Lexie Barnes
$50 each
It's no secret that
I love what Lexie Barnes makes. She
has an inner coolness that seeps into
every project she designs, plus as
a mama, she gets that we want practical
bags that can survive knitterly
abuse and still look great.
New from Lexie are
her needle cases. Kitty holds circs
[see interior below left] and Betty
[below right] is for straights and/or
crochet hooks. That doesn't mean you
couldn't use 'em for anything else
that you see fit. DPNs in Kitty, maybe?
Kitty also comes with sturdy cards
that you can label as you see fit.
I put my wood, bamboo and plastic circs
on the left and metals on the right,
and one indicator card per row tells
me at a glance what I've got and what's
gone missing. It also zips up tidily,
even when fully stuffed [see pic at
left]. Beautiful, bulletproof storage
for your needle collection.

Available at FlipKnit
- Combination & Western Knitting
- Combination & Western
- Right & Left
Slanting Decreases
- "Grandma" Knit & Purl
by Annie Modesitt
$4.99 each
Anyone who has ever
taken a class with Annie Modesitt,
or even just looked
at her patterns, knows that this is
a woman who wants knitting to be fun.
For Annie knitting
is fun, but not frivolous. You will
always learn something from her because
the fun makes it stick in your head.
Her new set of books are a perfect
example of the marriage of fun and
Remember the little animated flip books
when you were a kid? I think I spent
an entire summer making them when I
was 10. These flip books are filled
with up close photographs that teach
you knitting skills instead of how
to do a cartwheel.
Knitting features
Annie-style combination knitting and
western style knitting; Purl,
both ways too;
and Right Decreases; "Grandma"Knit
and Purl Increases (knitting
in the stitch below) are laid
out in old-school flip animation in
each compact volume.
The best
part (besides feeling 10 again) is
that you can stop on any single image
and study it until it makes sense
to your brain.
JM |

Available at Yarnmarket |
by Della Q
15"w x 5.5"w x 10"h
Della Q has made beautiful
silk bags that knitters love since launching
her company in 2004. This one is jaw-droppingly
Made of pure silk,
embroidered on the front with flowers
and vines, this is the most luxurious
of knitting bags. You could wear it as
a purse with a formal outfit and not
be out of place.
Pockets inside will
hold notions, cellphones, whatever --
and there's a big zipped pocket on the
opposite side for extra safekeeping.
Metal feet keep the pretty bag off dirty
Different colors are
available at different retailers. Yarnmarket
has it in green or purple. Della Q shows
it in brown. Yum.
AS |

Available at Amazon
Pearl-McPhee Casts Off: The Yarn Harlot's
Guide to the Land of Knitting
by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Storey Publishing
Tired of trying to
explain our world to your non-knitter
friends? Have you taught someone to
knit, but they're not quite sure what's
normal and what's freakishly obsessive?
[Hint: obsession is normal.] This book
validates our knitting world, putting
into amusing prose the lessons we've
learned the hard way, or are in the
middle of learning right now. I'd suggest
you keep your copy with you so you
can pass it around when someone
gives you that look
the next time you're knitting in line
at the movie theater.
Steph says everything
we're thinking -- or have yet to put
into words -- better than anyone.
You'll find yourself nodding as you
read, which can't be any weirder sight
to a muggle than sock knitting.
AS |

Available at Amazon
Never Felt Better:
The Definative Guide
to Fabulous Felting
by Nicky Epstein
Sixth & Spring Books
$29.95 hardcover
This book is made up almost entirely
of photographs of swatches which demonstrate
the properties of felted knitting better
than any other book on felting, simply
by showing everything up close and personal.
There are before-and-after swatches using
different fibers; swatches showing dimensional
felting; a big section on shibori; swatches
for texture stitch patterns featuring cables
and lace; appliqué felting;
color felting with intarsia, embroidery
and entrelac; even bits on felted-and-sewn
felting using sewing patterns; and
fruit and veg sculptural felting.
through the book are tips from Nicky
and her readers. My favorite?
A list of the best yarns for felting.

Available at Timeless
bags by Timeless Totes
Knitting duffel:
[above, shown
in Stitch Leaves]
Darla tote: $22
[top left, shown in Teal Damask]
Knitter's travel case:
[bottom left,
shown in Kiss 'N Tell]
These bags are tantalizing...utility
and affordability! But they're a tease,
because right now, they're not so easy
to find. [I saw them at the needlearts
trade show but have yet to
see them for sale in person anywhere.]
The Knitting duffel
is a spare bag inside, with one simple
zipper pocket -- all lined in nylon.
But its shape is unique, it's not too
big and the angled zipper allows it to
open really wide so you can get into
every corner. The handles are leather-look
vinyl. This one is my favorite, though
I'd love it better with a light-colored
lining so I could see inside more easily.
The Darla tote has
a zippered pocket and two slide-in pockets
on the inside -- all pockets are lined
in vinyl! The straps are simply nylon
webbing, colormatched to the bag.
The Knitter's travel
case [despite the not-my-taste lip-print
fabric] is a brilliant design. The structure
of the bag is expandable, so the two
outside vinyl pockets will hold a LOT
of stuff! There are also two slimmer
inside vinyl pockets for thinner things.
A very handy bag.
Their website doesn't
show any of the new fabrics I saw at
the show [like Teal Damask and Stitch
Leaves shown above], but if you click
"Distributors", you'll find
retailers in almost every state in the
US and one in Canada. Or try this: call
their toll-free number and see what they've
got in stock and what it costs. A cryptic
website shouldn't keep you from a good
bargain. Call 877-909-3020.
AS |

Available at Amazon
Best of Vogue Knitting Magazine
Sixth & Spring Books
$29.95 hardcover
100 articles gathered from the first 25
years of Vogue Knitting. Useful, helpful
and fun [the covers!]. Remember the Threads magazine collections of knitting articles
from the early '90s? It’s
like that but better and bigger.
I must
include a caveat for the two knitters
out there who do not find Elizabeth Zimmerman’s
or Meg Swansen’s ideas useful,
helpful or fun -- 33 out of the 100 articles
are either by or about them. For the
rest of us [especially those of us who
missed them the first time around], this
is a special treat.
2007 Knitty magazine.
Do you make or sell cool stuff you'd like to see
reviewed or featured in Knitty?
Visit this page for more
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