It often takes me months, and in the case of Jerusha, years, for the metamorphosis from original idea to finished sweater design. In 2008, my family took a trip to New Zealand, and I saw the heart-shaped motif painted on the ceiling of a Maori ceremonial house. For a long time I compared my copy of the design, scribbled on the back of a cash register receipt, to images in books and online, finally finding it in a Dover publication. By that time, I had learned of my seven-times great grandmother, Jerusha Gordon, who with her husband James, a veteran of the American Revolution, trekked into the wilds of western NY to settle in a hilly township that was beautifully similar to the landscape where I first saw the Maori paintings. The name and the design fit. I hope I have done justice to Jerusha's pioneer spirit." Jerusha is my way of combining my love of history, colorwork, embellishment, and couture finishing in a traditional drop shoulder, crew neck stranded sweater silhouette in the colors of woods in deep winter. Loose-fitting, worked from the bottom up and knit entirely in the round, steeks are added for the center front, crew neck edge and armholes. Sleeves are knit in the round from shoulder to wrist and the wrists are lined with a self facing. The bottom and front edges and collar are finished with self facings. |
model: Nancy Vandivert photos: Gregg Vandivert |
30 sts/35 rounds = 4 inches in colorwork pattern (Chart 1). To save time and to ensure proper fit, take time to check gauge by making a swatch of at least one repeat of Chart 1. |
Charts: Steeks: To reinforce steeks, using either the crochet method (see here) or a fine (size 70) sewing machine needle and all-purpose thread, stitch along the one vertical column of stitches just inside the edges of each steek. Reinforce all of the steeks at once, but cut them open only when ready to work that particular section. Do not use monofilament to reinforce steeks. Stranding: When changing colors where there is no steek (e.g. when working the sleeves), weave in the new color two inches before the underarm seam and the old color two inches after the underarm seam. |
DIRECTIONS Using MC and larger circular needle, CO 280[310, 340, 370, 400, 430, 460] sts, pm for center of front steek and beg of rnd, and join to work in the round, being careful not to twist sts. Round 1: Working Row 1 of Bottom Welt Chart across entirety of row, work 5[5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5] sts for first half of center front steek, pm, work 68[75, 83, 90, 98, 105, 113] sts for Right Front, pm, work 135[151, 165, 181, 195, 211, 225] sts for Back, pm, work 68[76, 83, 90, 98, 105, 113] sts for Left Front, pm, work 4 sts for rem half of center front steek. Work even in Bottom Welt Chart as est for 13 rounds more. Bottom Welt Chart is completed. Next round: With MC only, knit all sts. Begin Chart 1 and Steek Chart: Round 1: Work stitches 5-9 of Steek Chart, sl m, beginning with stitch 1 of chart, work next 68[75, 83, 90, 98, 105, 113] sts in Chart 1, ending on st 68[75, 83, 4, 12, 19, 27], sl m, CO 1 st with MC for side seam, pm, beg with stitch 20[12, 5, 83, 76, 68, 61], work next 135[151, 165, 181, 195, 211, 225] sts in Chart 1, ending with stitch 68[76, 83, 5, 12, 20, 27] of chart, sl m, CO 1 with MC for side seam, pm, beginning with stitch 20[13, 5, 84, 76, 69, 61] of chart, work next 68[75, 83, 90, 98, 105, 113] sts in Chart 1, ending on stitch 87, sl m, work stitches 1-4 of Steek Chart. 282[312, 342, 372, 402, 432, 462] sts Continue in chart patts as est, knitting side seam cast on sts in dominant color of round (MC on Rounds 1-3, CC1 on Rounds 4-9, etc.) until sweater measures 13.5[13.5, 13.5, 14, 14, 14.5, 14.5] inches from cast on edge, or desired length to armhole. Add armhole steeks: Continue to work in pattern until sweater measures 5.75[6, 6.5, 7.25, 7.5, 8, 8.25] inches from beg of armhole. Begin crewneck shaping: Next round: CO 5 sts following stitches 5-9 of next row of Steek Chart. Pm. Ssk, work in est patt to last 2 sts of Left Front, k2tog, sl m, work stitches 1-4 of Steek Chart. Decrease round: Work sts 5-9 of Steek Chart, sl m, ssk, patt to last 2 sts of Left Front, k2tog, sl m, work sts 1-4 of Steek Chart. Next round: BO first 5 Steek sts, patt across rem 45[49, 54, 60, 64, 71, 75] sts of Right Front and place these sts on a holder, BO next 9 steek sts, patt across next 45[49, 54, 60, 64, 71, 75] sts of Back and place these sts on a holder, patt across next 45[53, 57, 61, 67, 69, 75] sts of Back and place these sts on holder for Back Neck, patt across next 45[49, 54, 60, 64, 71, 75] sts of Back and place these sts on a holder, BO next 9 steek sts, patt across next 45[49, 54, 60, 64, 71, 75] sts of Left Front and place these sts on a holder, BO last 4 Steek sts. Join stitches on holders for Front and Back shoulders using three-needle bind off. Note: Sleeve stitches are picked up along armhole steek edge, then worked in the round from shoulder down to wrist. The chart pattern is intended to be centered at the shoulder seam. If you adjust the number of sts picked up, adjust the centering of the pattern accordingly. Reinforce and cut first armhole steek. With RS facing, larger circular needle or DPNs and MC, place held side seam st on needle, pm, pick up and knit 53[58, 61, 67, 72, 76, 80] sts to shoulder seam, then pick up and knit 54[59, 62, 68, 73, 77, 81] sts to underarm. Join to work in the round and pm for beg of rnd. 108[118, 124, 136, 146, 154, 162] sts Round 1: Work side seam st in dominant colour of round, sl m, beginning with stitch 77[72, 69, 63, 58, 54, 50] of chart, work Sleeve Chart to end of round, ending on st 11[16, 19, 25, 30, 34, 38]. Decrease round: Work side seam st, sl m, ssk, patt to last 2 sts, k2tog. Cont in patt until sleeve measures 15.75[15.5, 15.75, 15.5, 15.5, 15, 14.5] inches from shoulder, or 1.5in shorter than desired length. Knit 1 round with MC. Change to smaller needles and continue in St st with MC only until cuff measures 1.5 inches from Turning round. Repeat for other sleeve. Bottom Facing: Turning row [WS]: Knit. Buttonband: With RS facing, larger circular needle and MC, beginning at neck edge of Left Front, pick up and knit 140[144, 148, 152, 152, 160, 164] sts (approx. 6 sts for every 7 rows) down to hem. Purl 1 WS row. Work Rows 1-6 of Cuff Chart, working in St st and carrying unused strands on the inside of the work. Knit 1 row in MC. Change to smaller needles and work in St st with MC until piece measures 1.25 inches from Turning row. Mark placement for seven evenly-spaced buttons on buttonband, with one three sts from the neck edge and one three sts from the bottom edge. Buttonhole band: Purl 1 WS row. Work Rows 1-3 of Cuff Chart. Note: Do not remove markers on buttonband, as these will be used to place buttonholes on facing. Buttonhole Row 2 [RS]: Work in est chart patt, working double yos as k1, p1. Work Row 6 of Cuff Chart. Purl 1 round with MC. Change to smaller needles and work in St st with MC until piece reaches to Buttonhole Row 2 when folded at Turning row (approx. 0.75 inches from Turning row), ending after a RS row. Collar Note: The collar is folded down, so the RS of the collar is the WS of the rest of the work. Knit 2 rows with MC. Begin Chart: Knit 2 rows with MC and break yarn, leaving sts on needle. Collar facing: Purl 1 WS row. Rep last two rows until facing measures 1 inch long from picked up sts at sides of collar. Duplicate Stitching |
Nancy Vandivert happily admits to being a knitting nerd. She knits, crochets, spins, teaches, sews, and lives outside of Rochester, NY with her husband, two college-age daughters, and three cats. Besides designing, her other knitting passions are ethnic mittens and sharing different knitting traditions with whoever will listen. |
Pattern & images © 2012 Nancy Vandivert. Contact Nancy |