Using larger circular needle, CO 190[228, 266]
sts. Place marker and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist. When working
first round, place marker after first 95[114, 133]
sts to mark side "seam" position.
Round 1: [P2, k3, p1, k3, p1, k3,
p1, k3, p2] around. This round sets Rib Pattern.
Work in Rib Pattern until work measures
17.5[19.5, 22.5] inches.
Next Round: [P1, m1, work in patt
to last st before marker, m1, p1] twice.
Work 1 round in patt as set.
Repeat these 2 rounds once more. 198[236,
274] sts.

Sideways Stitch
[shown at right]:
Round 1: Using smaller needle, work in
pattern as set, EXCEPT when working each st, wrap
yarn around needle in opposite direction, so that
each st is backward on the needle. (The yarn on
the right side of the stitch will sit behind the
needle, and the yarn on the left will sit in front.)
Turn work so WS is facing you. (You may
find it helpful to turn your work inside out.)
Round 2: Knit into front and back
of first stitch, [slip last st on right needle
to left needle, k into back of second st on
left needle, k into back of first st on left
needle, drop both sts from left needle] to
end of round.
Next Round: K2tog, k to end.

Using larger needle, work first 99[118, 137] sts
of next round following Chart, repeating highlighted
section (sts 3-21) 5[6, 7] times. Leave rem 99[118,
137] sts on hold on smaller needle.
Work back and forth, following Chart, until
work measures 10.5[11, 13] inches from Sideways
Stitch row, ending with a WS row.
Shape Front Neckline:
Next Row [RS]: Work 43[52, 61] sts
in patt, place rem sts on st holder.
Next Row [WS]: BO 3 sts, work in
patt to end.
Next Row [RS]: Work in patt to
last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
Work 1 row in patt.
Repeat these 2 rows 6[8, 8] times more. 33[40,
49] sts rem.
Break yarn. Place rem sts on st holder.
Leaving 13[14, 15] center sts on st holder,
replace 43[52, 61] sts on needle with RS facing
and reattach yarn.
Next Row [RS]: BO 3 sts, work in
patt to end.
Work 1 row in patt.
Next Row [RS]: K1, k2tog, work
in patt to end.
Work 1 row in patt.
Repeat these 2 rows 6[8, 8] times more. 33[40,
49] sts rem.
Break yarn. Place rem sts on st holder.

Reattach yarn to sts held on smaller needle
and work following Chart, using larger needle,
until work measures 12.5[13.75, 15.75] inches,
ending with a WS row.
Next Row [RS]: Work 36[43, 52]
sts in patt, place rem sts on st holder.
Work 1 row in patt.
Next Row [RS]: Work in patt to
last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
Work 1 row in patt.
Repeat these 2 rows twice more. 33[40, 49]
sts rem.
Break yarn. Place rem sts on st holder.
Leaving 27[32, 33] center sts on st holder,
replace 36[43, 52] sts on needle with RS facing
and reattach yarn.
Next Row [RS]: K1, k2tog, work
in patt to end.
Work 1 row in patt.
Repeat these 2 rows twice more. 33[40, 49]
sts rem.
Break yarn. Place rem sts on st holder.
Turn work inside out and use Three-Needle
Bind Off to attach shoulder seams.
Using double-point needles, with RS facing
and beg at right shoulder, pick up and k 3
sts for every 4 rows and 1 st in each held
or bound off st around neckline.
Work 8 rounds in 1x1 Rib. BO using Sewn
Bind Off.

(Make 2)
Note: As written, the sleeve will be 24
inches long after shrinking. This allows for
a generous turned-back cuff, or extra-long
sleeves that cover part of the hand.
Using larger circular needle, CO 47[49,
51] sts.
Row 1 [RS]: K1[1,
2], p0[1, 1], k3, [p1, k3, p1, k3, p4, k3,
p1, k3] twice, p1, k3, p0[1, 1], k1[1,
Row 2 [WS]: P1[1,
2], k0[1, 1], p3, [k1, p3, k1, p3, k4, p3,
k1, p3] twice, k1, p3, k0[1, 1], p1[1,
Work 8[6, 4] more rows in rib as set.
Next Row [RS]: K1, m1, work in
patt to last st, m1, k1.
Work 9[7, 5] rows in patt, working new sts
into st patt and keeping edge sts in stockinette
Repeat these 10[8, 6] rows 8[10, 14] times
more. 65[71, 81] sts; 100[96, 96] rows have
been worked.
Work Sideways Stitch:
Next Row [WS]: Using smaller needle,
work in pattern as set, EXCEPT when working
each st, wrap yarn around needle in opposite
direction, so that each st is backward on
the needle.
Next Row [RS]: Knit into front
and back of first stitch, [slip last st on
right needle to left needle, k into back of
second st on left needle, k into back of first
st on left needle, drop both sts from left
needle] to end of row.
Next Row [WS]: P1, m1, p to end.
67[73, 83] sts.
Upper Sleeve
Next Row [RS]: Using larger needle,
K1, work from stitch 18[15, 10] to stitch
21 of Chart, work highlighted section of Chart
three times, work stitch 3 to stitch 6[9,
14] of Chart, k1.
Work 9[7, 5] rows in patt as set.
Next Row [RS]: K1, m1, work in pat to
last st, m1, k1.
Repeat these 10[8, 6] rows 5[9, 13] times
more, working new sts into st patt and keeping
edge sts in stockinette st. 79[93, 111] sts.
Cont in patt until work measures 27.5 inches.
Work 2 rows in garter st, keeping edge sts
in stockinette st.
BO all sts.