In Gord We Trust, a free knitting pattern from Free knitting pattern for a two-sock scarf designed in tribute to Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip.
In Gord We Trust
by Kate Atherley
I need to tell you a story.
Two weeks ago, Canada had one of those huge countrywide moments that had 1/3 of Canadians turned to the CBC, our national broadcaster, at the same time. We weren't watching the summer Olympics; in fact, the CBC pre-empted the Olympics for this event. The CBC was airing a three-hour, commercial-free, blissfully uninterrupted concert by The Tragically Hip.
Those of us who love this band love this band. We have memories about how a Hip song has woven its way into our own history. Or many Hip songs. Their discography is, thankfully, extensive.
Anyway. Here's why we were all watching: The Hip's lead singer, Gord Downie, has incurable brain cancer, and this was his last show ever. Unlike what happened earlier this year when we unexpectedly lost the beloved triumvirate of David Bowie, Alan Rickman and Prince, we got to say goodbye to Gord. And so those of us who love The Hip cleared our Saturday night and found the biggest damn tv we could, and gathered our friends to watch.
I sat, as Torontonians do, on a patio (this one equipped with multiple huge screens and fabulous speakers), with a pint in one hand and a tissue in the other. The concert began, and everyone clapped after each song. We cheered often.
At one moment (and here's where the knitting comes in), my friend Brenna said, "he's wearing a scarf made out of socks!" Indeed he was. (see below) At the next song break, he held up the unbuttoned creation and said, "I've learned I need to keep my instrument warm." He wrapped it around his neck, buttoned the toes together and launched into the next number.
Knitty's own Kate Atherley is a Hip fan, too, and she was watching and weeping just a little further west. I texted her, asking if she'd seen the scarf and if, as she's an expert sock designer, she thought we could do a tribute to it in our upcoming issue. Which was going live in two weeks. With some yarn from Kim McBrien of Indigodragonfly – also a Hip fan – Kate made it happen. (Kim's favorite Hip song is Ahead by a Century.)
This scarf, then, is two fraternal socks in colors reminiscent of the metallic leather suits Gord wore on the tour -- in magenta and turquoise. The first suit of the night was made from silver hologram leather, and so Kate used a silver hologram carry-along thread to give the scarf sparkle. As shown, Kate's version (shown above) wraps generously around the neck once. If you'd like to wear it, as Gord does to the right, wrapped twice around your neck and buttoned at the toe, make the leg portions significantly longer.
For the photoshoot, I reached out to the designer of the hats Gord wore during this last tour, Karyn Gingras of Lilliput Hats. She was wonderfully supportive, and in 24 hours, she had pulled together a replica and loaned it to us.
Our model is Kate's husband, movie critic Norm Wilner. Also a Hip fan. And the pattern's name came from one of the hashtags that was trending like crazy that night.
And now we have something to ask of you. If this pattern is useful to you, or if you are touched by the story of what's happening to Gord Downie, please join us in contributing to the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research established at Sunnybrook Hospital.
model: Norm Wilner
(his favorite Hip song is My Music At Work)
photos: Amy Singer
(her favorite Hip song is Boots or Hearts)
Length: 32 inches/81.5 cm
Width at widest part: 4.5 inches/11.5 cm
Yarnindigodragonfly Chameleon Sock [63% extra fine superwash merino, 20% cashmere, 17% silk; 400 yd/366 m per 100 g skein]; color:

Kits are available here -- a portion of the purchase price will go to the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research.
Carryalong thread

Recommended needle size
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below - every knitter's gauge is unique]

2 stitch markers
yarn needle
1 button to fit buttonhole
20 sts/28 rounds = 4 inches/10 cm in stockinette stitch, double stranded
Gauge is not critical for this project, although yarn usage and finished size will vary if worked at a different gauge.
[Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]
Two socks are worked, and then joined together at the top. I’ve put stripes on the foot of one, and the leg of the other. You can follow my plan, or work your own stripes. There’s enough yarn to have fun.
The yarn is held doubled throughout, and the carryalong thread held double in heel and toe, and single through the rest of the sock.
Instructions for Judy's Magic Cast On can be found here.
Instructions for working short rows can be found here.
Instructions for grafting can be found here.
Using two strands of CC, two strands of the carryalong thread and Judy’s Magic CO, CO 12 sts – 6 sts on each side.
K 1 round, distributing sts as you prefer.
Note: you’ll be working the increases in a slightly unexpected position. This is so that any jog from color changes isn’t visible when the sock is worn flat.
Round 1, increase and place markers: (K2, m1r, k1, pm, k1, m1l, k2) twice. 16 sts.
Round 2: Knit.
Round 3, increase: (K to 1 st before marker, m1r, k2, m1l) twice, k to end of round. 4 sts increased.
Round 4: Knit.
Repeat Rounds 3-4 six more times. 44 sts total.
Cut CC and one strand of the carryalong thread. Join MC.
Remove markers.
K until sock measures 8 inches/20.5 cm from tip of toe.
Cut MC, join CC and a second strand of the carryalong thread.
Heel Step One:
Row 1 [RS]: K10, w&t.
Row 2 [WS]: P20, w&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K to 1 st before previously wrapped st, w&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P to 1 st before previously wrapped st, w&t.
Repeat Rows 3-4 three more times – 5 wraps on each side, 12 unwrapped sts in the center.
Heel Step Two
Row 1 [RS]: K12, w&t.
Row 2 [WS]: P12, w&t.
The first st either side of the central 12 stitches now has two wraps.
Row 3 [RS]: K to double-wrapped st, work double-wrapped st together with its wraps, w&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P to double-wrapped st, work double-wrapped st together with its wraps, w&t.
Repeat Rows 3-4 three more times, until all double-wrapped sts have been worked. On the last repeat, you will be wrapping the two stitches on either side of the instep.
Final row [RS]: K11, to midpoint of heel sts.
Cut one strand of the carryalong thread. Join MC, leaving CC attached. This position is the start of round.
Setup round: With MC, K around, working two remaining wrapped sts together with their wraps.
K 3 more rounds in MC.
K 3 rounds CC.
K 8 rounds MC.
K 2 rounds CC.
K 1 round MC.
K 1 round CC.
K 1 round MC.
K 5 rounds CC.
K 4 rounds MC.
K 3 rounds CC.
K 3 rounds MC.
K 2 rounds CC.
K even in MC until sock leg measures 8 inches/20.5 cm from top of heel. Slip sts to a spare needle.
Cut yarn, leaving 36 inch/91 cm tails.
Secure any loose tails on the inside of the sock.
Using two strands of CC, two strands of the carryalong thread and Judy’s Magic CO, CO 12 sts – 6 sts on each side.
K 1 round, distributing sts as you prefer.
Note: You’ll be working the increases in a slightly unexpected position. This is so that any jog from color changes isn’t visible when the sock is worn flat.
Round 1, increase and place markers: (K2, m1r, k1, pm, k1, m1l, k2) twice. 16 sts.
Round 2: Knit.
Round 3, increase: (K to 1 st before marker, m1r, k2, m1l) twice, k to end of round. 4 sts increased.
Round 4: Knit.
Repeat Rounds 3-4 two more times, and work Round 3 again. 32 sts.
Next round, create buttonholes: [K to marker, slip marker, yo, k2tog] twice, k to end of round.
Repeat Rounds 3-4 three more times. 44 sts.
Remove markers.
Cut one strand of the carryalong thread. Leaving CC attached, join MC.
K 8 rounds MC.
K 2 rounds CC.
K 3 rounds MC.
K 1 round CC.
K 2 rounds MC.
K 2 rounds CC.
K 3 rounds MC.
K 4 rounds CC.
K 5 rounds MC.
K 1 round CC.
K even with MC until sock measures 8 inches/20.5 cm from tip of toe.
Cut MC, and join a second strand of the carryalong thread.
Work Heel as for Sock One.
Cut CC and one strand of the carryalong thread. Join MC. This position is the start of round.
Setup round: With MC, K around, working two remaining wrapped sts together
K even in MC until sock leg measures 8 inches/20.5 cm from top of heel. Slip sts to a spare needle.
Cut yarn, leaving 24-inch/61-cm tails.
Secure any loose tails on the inside of the sock.
Hold two socks with RS facing, with the live sts at each “cuff” facing each other, making sure that the heels are on the same side, and that you’re starting at the side of the foot.
Graft the sock tops together, working all the way around. Try on scarf and sew button to appropriate location to provide the fit you wish.
Wash socks to block.
Kate’s favorite Hip song is Scared, and she cried during the final concert.
Pattern © 2016 Kate Atherley. Images © Amy Singer. Contact Kate