Note: If you want the sleeves
to match, knit them first, and be sure to
start both balls of yarn at the same color.
Be sure to twist yarns when switching balls
for intarsia rectangles.
With dpns or 16-inch circular
needle, CO 40[40, 45, 50] sts.
Place marker to note beginning of round and join.
Work in k3 p2 rib for 3 inches.
Work 6 rounds in St st.
On next round, inc 2 st as follows:
k3, m1, k34[34, 39, 44] m1, k3.
Work inc round in this way every 6 rows a total
of 10[12, 13, 13] times.
60 [64, 71, 76] sts.
Work even until sleeve is
19 [19,20,20] inches from beginning.
Place all sts on holder and set aside.
With 5mm circular, CO 170[190,210,230]sts.
Place marker to note beginning of round and
Work in k3 p2 rib for 3 inches.
On next round, work St st as follows:
k2, m1[m1, k2tog, k2tog], k83 [93, 101, 111], pm,
k2, m1[m1, k2tog, k2tog], k83[93, 101, 111]. 172[192,
208, 228] sts.
Continue to work in St st for 8 more rounds.
On following round, dec 1 st each
side of seam markers as follows: k to 5sts before
marker, k2tog, k3, sm, k3, ssk. After passing second
marker in this way, k 11 sts, join second ball of
yarn [CC] and knit next 20[22, 24, 26] sts with
CC. CO 1 st using backward loop method and turn
work. P 21 [23, 25, 27] sts with CC to establish
intarsia rectangle. Switch back to MC and p across
all stitches.
Work in pattern as established,
working decrease row every 4 rows 4[4, 3, 3] times
and every 6 rows 0[0, 2, 2] times.
157[177, 189, 209] sts remain.
Work even until length measures
9[9, 10, 10] inches from beginning.
On next RS row, inc 1 st each side of seam
markers as follows: k to 3 sts before marker,
m1, k3, sm, k3, m1. Work increase row every
4[4, 5, 5] rows a total of 4[4, 5, 5] times
-- 173 [193, 209, 229] sts.
At same time, when length
is 10[10, 11, 11] inches from beginning, on
next RS row, break intarsia rectangle as follows:
K to last 21[23, 25, 27] sts.
Continue with MC, k 20[22, 24, 26], k2tog to join.
Working in the round, knit 6 rounds entirely
with MC.
On next round, k to 20[22, 24, 26] sts previously
established as intarsia block.
Pick up CC and knit 20[22, 24, 26] sts with CC,
using the backward loop method to CO one stitch.
Turn and work side to side as established.
Work even until length is
14[14, 15, 15] inches from beginning, ending
with a WS row.
Join body to sleeves as follows:
On body, with RS facing, knit to 4[4, 5, 5] stitches
before side marker. Place marker. Place next 8[8,
10, 10] sts on holder for underarm. Pick up sleeve
and place 4[4, 5, 5] sts each side of center marker
on holder for underarm. K 52[56, 61, 66] sts from
sleeve. Place marker. Repeat for other side, working
intarsia rectangle as established.
261[289, 311, 341] live sts, 4
seam markers.
On next RS row, begin raglan
decreases as follows: k 2 sts before seam
marker, k2tog, sm, SKP. At same time, join
a third ball of yarn 3 sts before center of
back. K3 sts, remove marker, K3 more sts.
As the pattern continues, work this intarsia
rectangle as for the front, breaking both
rectangles as before, after 15[15, 16, 16]
inches from beginning. Float the yarn behind
this rectangle and continue in the round;
do not turn as with the front intarsia block.
Work raglan decreases on every
RS row as established a total of 20[22, 22, 24]
101 [113, 135, 149] sts remain.
On next row [WS], work raglan
decreases as follows: p until 2 sts before seam
marker, p2tog tbl, sm, p2tog. 93[105, 127, 141]
sts remain.
Work decrease row every row on
next 0[0, 2, 2] rows.
93[105, 111, 125] sts remain.
On next two rows, BO 10[12, 12,
14] sts at the beginning of the row while continuing
to work raglan decreases every row as established.
57[65, 71, 81] sts remain.
Drop yarn for both intarsia rectangles and
work with MC only.
On next RS row, dec 1st
each side of neck edge while working raglan
decrease rows as established.
47[55, 61, 71] sts remain.
On next 2[3, 3, 4] rows, work
raglan decrease rows as established.
31[31, 37, 39] sts.
Put all sts on holder and
set aside, removing markers.
You should have 31[31, 37, 39] sts on your holder.