Magic Cast-On first appeared in
Knitty in spring 2006, being both busy
and skeptical, I ignored it for about 3
months, until I kept hearing knitters rave
about it. Then I tried it and discovered
it is the best invisible cast-on on the
planet. So I hope you won't ignore this
newly minted bind-off, called Jeny's Surprisingly
Stretchy Bind-Off, or JSSBO, from the ingenious
Jeny Staiman.
Magic Cast-On and Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy
Bind-Off are real soulmates. I've
been using the JSSBO for about two months and
each time I finish binding off a pair
of socks I am stunned at how springy
and stretchy the edge is, and how it
snugs right back up when you let go.
The bind-off even hinges at the bends
of the ribbing, accentuating ribbing's
accordion quality. It is a superior,
stretchy, springy, and satisfying bind-off.
Cat Bordhi
This bind off combines the classic simple
bind off with a yarn wrap. It is thus named
because it defies logic that anything so simple
would be so elastic. Before you scoff,
give it a try. It has a higher elasticity
than Elizabeth Zimmermann’s sewn bind off,
and has an advantage in that it is not sewn,
and therefore easier to execute over a long length
of fabric. For optimum elasticity, avoid
snugging the stitches tightly after you knit
or purl them.
This bind off is well-suited to hats, sweater
necks, and especially toe-up socks – anything
that requires a lot of stretch to get into place!
You’ll be working the classic bind-off
(passing one freshly worked stitch over another
freshly worked stitch) with one game-changing
addition: each knit or purl stitch is “processed” in
a particular way as it is worked.
To process a knit stitch:
Yarn-over in reverse
(that is, wrap the opposite direction
around the needle from the standard yarnover)...
insert left needle into yo and pull it over the
stitch that was just knit.
To process a purl stitch:
Yarn-over (in the usual direction)
purl 1...
insert left needle into yo and pull it over the
stitch that was just purled.
To bind off:
Process each of the first 2 stitches.
Pass right stitch over left stitch and off
the needle.
Continue, repeating:
[Process next stitch. Pass
right stitch over left stitch and off the needle]
until only 1 stitch remains.
Cut working yarn
and pull through.
Note that once you have processed
one stitch, on your next and all remaining stitches
you can pass over the
yo and the processed stitch together in one
The bind-off hinges at the bends
of the ribbing.
Jeny Staiman is a mom, a usability
engineer, and a self-diagnosed knitting
geek. For the past 15 years she has knitted primarily socks, hats,
and gloves (i.e., short attention span for knitting in straight
lines) and has recently been seduced into the world of knitting
moebii and other nonorientable mathematical forms.