Using larger needles and Open Cast On method, CO 47 sts. Switch to smaller needles and work first ruffle.
First Ruffle:
Row 1 [RS]: K all sts.
Row 2 [WS]: K7, [p1, k7]
to end.
Row 3 [RS]: P7, [k1, p7]
to end.
Row 4 [WS]: Work as for
Row 2.
Row 5 [RS]: P7, [yo, k1,
yo, p7] to end. 57 sts.
Row 6 [WS]: K7, [p2, p1
tbl, k7] to end.
Row 7 [RS]: P7, [yo, k3,
yo, p7] to end. 67 sts.
Row 8 [WS]: K7, [p4, p1
tbl, k7] to end.
Row 9 [RS]: P7, [yo, k5,
yo, p7] to end. 77 sts.
Row 10 [WS]
: K7, [p6, p1
tbl, k7] to end.
Row 11 [RS]: P7, [yo, k7,
yo, p7] to end. 87 sts.
Row 12 [WS]: K7, [p8, p1
tbl, k7] to end.
Row 13 [RS]: P7, [yo, k9,
yo, p7] to end. 97 sts.
Row 14 [WS]: K7, [p10,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.
Row 15 [RS]: P7, [yo, k11,
yo, p7] to end. 107 sts.
Row 16 [WS]: K7, [p12,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.
Row 17 [RS]: P7, [yo, k13,
yo, p7] to end. 117 sts.
Row 18 [WS]: K7, [p14,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.
Row 19 [RS]: P7, [yo, k15,
yo, p7] to end. 127 sts.
Row 20 [WS]: K7, [p16,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.
Row 21 [RS]: P7, [yo, k17,
yo, p7] to end. 137 sts.
Row 22 [WS]: K7, [p18,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.
Row 23 [RS]: P7, [yo, k19,
yo, p7] to end. 147 sts.
Row 24 [WS]: K7, [p20,
p1 tbl, k7] to end.

BO all sts using Picot Bind Off method, as follows:
BO 2 sts in pattern [When
binding off in pattern,
if the next st on the needle
is a knit st, purl it; if it is a purl st, knit it.];
slip st remaining on right needle to left needle.
Cable Cast On method, CO
2 sts; BO 4 sts (including
sts just cast on).
Slip st remaining on right needle
to left needle.
Using Cable Cast On method, CO 3 sts;
BO 5 sts (including sts just cast on).
Repeat from * until 1 st
remains. Break yarn and draw through last st.
Carefully remove waste
yarn from CO edge and place resulting live sts on needle.
Join yarn with RS facing. When working first row, increase
1 st, so that there are 48 sts in total.
Work Rows 1-8 of Chart A six times, then work Rows 9-18
Work Rows 1-42 of Chart
Work Rows 1-36 of Chart
Work Rows 1-88 of Chart
Note: If you wish to lengthen
scarf, work more rows of stockinette st between Rows
34 and 54 of Chart D.
Work Rows 1-36 of Chart C.
Work Rows 1-42 of Chart
Work Rows 1-10 of Chart
F once, then work Rows 11-18 six times.
Second Ruffle:
K 1 row (a RS row), decreasing
1 st, so that there are 47 sts in total.
Beginning with Row 2, work
as for First Ruffle. |