This top is worked back and forth on circular needles, to accommmodate the large
number of sts.
When knitting is complete, top is sewn together
at center back.
C3BP: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, p1 from cable needle.
C3FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; p1 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
T4B: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work;
k3 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
T4F: Slip next 3 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; k1 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.

C8F: Slip next 4 sts to cable needle and hold to front
of work; k4 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
2x2 Rib
(Worked over a multiple
of 4 sts + 2):
Row 1 [RS]:
[K2, p2] to
last 2 sts, k2.
Row 2 [WS]:
[P2, k2] to
last 2 sts, p2.
Repeat these 2 rows for
2x2 Rib. |

Lower Body:
Using smaller needle, CO 134[154, 170, 190, 206, 226, 242] sts.
Do not
Work in 2x2 Rib until work measures 7.75[8, 8, 8.25, 8.25, 8.5, 8.5] inches,
ending with a WS row.
Next Row [RS]: Using larger
needle, work 34[38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 62] sts in 2x2
Rib, place marker, p66[78, 86, 98, 106, 118, 118],
place marker, work remaining 34[38, 42, 46, 50, 54,
62] sts in 2x2 Rib.
This row sets pattern for
bust: sts between markers are worked in reverse stockinette
st, all other sts are worked in 2x2 Rib as set.
this point, piece is worked using larger needle.
Continue in pattern until work measures 9.5[10, 10.25,
10.5, 10.75, 11, 11] inches, ending with a WS row.
more length is desired to cover a large bust, work more
length at this point.
Next Row [RS]: Work in 2x2 Rib to first marker, p21[27,
31, 37, 41, 47, 47], place marker, work Row 1 of Chart
A over next 24 sts, place marker, p to next marker, work
in 2x2 Rib to end.
Continue in pattern, working
sts between center markers following Chart A, until Row
24 of Chart A is complete.
Remove first and fourth markers when working next row.
Next Row [RS]: Work in
2x2 Rib to 1[3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3] sts before second marker,
p1[3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3], work Row 25 of Chart A, p1[3,
3, 1, 1, 3, 3], work in 2x2 Rib to end.
Work 1 more row in 2x2
Rib as set, working Row 26 of Chart A between markers.

Next Row [RS]: BO all sts in pattern to first marker
(1 st remains on right
needle); remove marker, sl
next 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work, BO
next st on left needle purlwise (1 st remains on right needle);
k2 from cable needle, [k1, p1] 9 times; C3BP, remove marker;
BO remaining sts in pattern. 24 sts.
Next Row [WS]: Join yarn
to remaining sts with WS facing. P3, [p1, k1] 9 times,
Work Rows 1-20 of Chart B.
8 sts remain.
Next Row [RS]: K4; place
remaining 4 sts on hold on smaller needle. Work in
stockinette st until strap measures 15[15, 17, 17,
17, 19, 19] inches or desired length.
BO all sts.
Place held sts on larger needle and join yarn with RS
facing. Work as for first strap.
Weave in
ends and block as desired. Stockinette st straps will
curl to form a tube. This is the desired effect. When
blocking, do not try to flatten straps.
Sew seam at center back and weave in remaining ends. |