Lots of people loved my Kingdom
gloves. However
I read a lot of comments from people all saying
the same thing – that
they were amazing but too fiddly, too detailed,
and/or too complicated for people to knit, and
wouldn’t it
be nice if they were fingerless?
I understand
the concern about how difficult those gloves
are to knit. I
figured there had to be a way to make the elegant
cables more accessible. So
after lots of playing around with ideas I present
companion – Queen
City. Larger needles, no cabling over short rows, fewer crosses,
and no fingers all make these fingerless mitts
more approachable.
photos: Neil
XS [S, M, L, XL] (shown in size M)
Wrist circumference: 6[6.5, 7, 7.5, 8] inches
Knuckle circumference: 6[6.5, 7, 7.5, 8] inches Note: For a good fit, choose the finished measurements closest
to your hand and wrist measurements.
Recommended needle size [always use a needle
size that gives you the gauge
listed below -- every knitter's
gauge is unique] 1
set US #2/2.75 mm double-point needles
PATTERN NOTES [Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]
C2B: Slip next st to cable needle and hold to back of work;
k1 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
C2F: Slip next st to cable needle and hold
to front of work; k1 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
C2BP: Slip next st to cable needle and
hold to back of work; k1 from left needle, p1 from cable needle.
C2FP: Slip next st to cable needle and
hold to front of work; p1 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
C3B: Slip next st to cable needle and hold
to back of work; k2 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
C3F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and
hold to front of work; k1 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
C1/2BP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle
and hold to back of work; k1 from left needle, p2 from cable
C1/2FP: Slip next st to cable needle and
hold to front of work; p2 from left needle, k1 from cable needle.
C2/1BP: Slip next st to cable needle and
hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, p1 from cable needle.
C2/1FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle
and hold to front of work; p1 from left needle, k2 from cable
C1/1/1BP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle
and hold to back of work; k1 from left needle, slip p st from
end of cable neede to left needle and p this st; k1 from cable
C4B: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and
hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
C4F: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and
hold to front of work; k2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
C4BP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and
hold to back of work; k2 from left needle, p2 from cable needle.
C4FP: Slip next 2 sts to cable needle and
hold to front of work; p2 from left needle, k2 from cable needle.
C5BP: Slip next 3 sts to cable needle and
hold to back of work; k2 from left needle,
slip p st from end of cable neede to left needle and p this
st; k2 from cable needle.
3-st inc: 3 sts will be worked into 1 st;
do not drop st from left needle until all 3 sts have been worked.
Into next st, k into back loop, p into front loop, k into back
loop again. Drop st from left needle; 1 st increased to 3 sts.
5-st inc: 5 sts will be worked into 1 st;
do not drop st from left needle until all 5 sts have been worked.
Into next st, k into front loop, k into back loop, p into front
loop, k into back loop again, k into front loop again. Drop
st from left needle; 1 st increased to 5 sts.
3-st dec: From right to left, next 3 sts
on left needle are designated sts A, B and C. Slip sts A and
B to right needle, pass st A over st B. Slip st B back to left
needle, pass st C over; k remaining st (st B). 3 sts have been
decreased to 1 st.
5-st dec: From right to left, next 5 sts
on left needle are designated sts A, B, C, D and E. Slip sts
A, B and C to right needle, pass st B over st C. Slip st C back
to left needle, pass st D over. Slip st C to right needle, pass
st A over. Slip st C back to left needle, pass st E over; k
remaining st (st C). 5 sts have been decreased to 1 st.
The main chart for this pattern is very large and fits on a letter-sized
page. Click here and print the resulting page.
CO 18 sts. Do not join; cuff is worked back and forth
in rows.
Set-up Row [WS]: K8, p1, [k2, p1] twice, k3.
From this point, first st of each row
is slipped.
When working Cuff Chart pattern
as directed below, work as follows: RS rows: Sl 1 purlwise, work chart row,
k1, p8. WS rows: Sl 1 knitwise, k7, p1, work
chart row, k1.
Work Rows 1-12 of Cuff Chart 5[5, 6, 6, 7] times, then
work 1[7, 0, 5, 0] more rows in pattern following Rows
13 and 14 of chart.
Cuff measures approx. 6[6.5, 7, 7.5,
8] inches.
BO all sts.
Break yarn, leaving a tail approx. 6 inches long. Use
tail to sew CO edge to BO edge, lining up sts of cable.
Lozenge shape formed by cable pattern at join may be longer
than other lozenge shapes.
Turn cuff inside out, so that WS is facing out. Sts
will be picked up along edge of cuff lining (the portion
of the cuff that was worked in reverse stockinette st).
Once mitten is completed, cabled portion of cuff will be
folded up over cuff lining and sewn in place.
With WS (stockinette st side) facing and beginning at
seam, pick up and k 43[45, 49, 53, 57] sts (approx. 2 sts
for every 3 rows) evenly around edge of cuff lining. Round
begins at cuff seam.
Divide sts between three needles so that
there are 11[12, 14, 16, 18] sts on first and third needles
of round (Needles 1 and 3), and 21 sts on second needle
of round (Needle 2). Wrist will be worked in the round.
Work in stockinette st until work measures 1 inch from
picked-up edge.
Next Round: K to end of Needle 1, work Row 1 of Hand Chart
over sts on Needle 2, to end of Needle 3.
From this point, work Hand Chart over
sts on Needle 2.
Continue in pattern until you have completed Row 12 of
Hand Chart.
Set-up round for Thumb Gusset is worked differently
for right and left hands. As you work thumb gusset, continue
to work Hand Chart over sts on Needle
2, and work all other sts in stockinette st.
Left Hand: Set-up Round: K8[8, 10, 12, 13], place
marker, work in pattern to end of round.
Right Hand: Set-up Round: Work in pattern to end
of Needle 2, k first 2[3, 3, 3, 4] sts of Needle 3, place
marker, k to end of round.
Both Hands: Round 1: Work in pattern to marker, slip
marker, m1, k1, m1, work in pattern to end of round.
Rounds 2-3: Work in pattern.
Round 4: Work in pattern to marker, slip
marker, m1, k3, m1, work in pattern to end of round.
Rounds 5-6: Work in pattern.
Round 7: Work in pattern to marker, slip
marker, m1, k5, m1, work in pattern to end of round.
Size XS Only:
Continue in pattern until Row 27 of Hand
Chart has been completed. Proceed to Thumb opening.
Sizes S, M Only: Rounds 8, 9: Work in pattern. Round 10: Work in pattern to marker,
slip marker, m1, k7, m1, work in pattern to end of round.
Continue in pattern until Row -[29, 31,
-, -] of Hand Chart has been completed. Proceed to Thumb
Sizes L, XL Only: Rounds 8, 9: Work in pattern. Round 10: Work in pattern to marker,
slip marker, m1, k7, m1, work in pattern to end of round. Rounds 11, 12: Work in pattern. Round 13: Work in
pattern. Round 14: Work in pattern to marker,
slip marker, m1, k9, m1, work in pattern
to end of round.
Continue in pattern until Row -[-, -,
33, 38] of Hand Chart has been completed.
For size L, proceed to Thumb opening.
For size XL, k 1 more round, then proceed
to Thumb opening.
THUMB OPENING Note: Once all rows of Hand Chart have been
completed, work sts on Needle 2 in stockinette st.
In the next round, sts will be bound
off for thumb opening. BO these sts using this technique:
Sl next 2 sts to right needle, pass first slipped st over
second slipped st (1 st bound off), [sl next st to right
needle, pass previous slipped st over next st] until required
number of sts have been bound off; pass last slipped st
back to left needle. This technique leaves working yarn
attached to sts on right needle.
Left Hand: Next Round: K to 3 sts before marker,
BO 11[13, 13, 15, 15] sts as described above, CO 5 sts
and rejoin to continue working in the round; work in
pattern to end of round.
Right Hand: Next Round: Work in pattern to 1 st before
marker, BO 11[13, 13, 15, 15] sts as described above,
CO 5 sts and rejoin to continue working in the round;
k to end of round.
Both Hands:
Continue in pattern until mitten measures
6.25[6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 6.75] inches with cuff folded over
lining. When all rounds of Hand Chart have been worked,
there will be 43[45, 49, 53, 57] sts.
Next Round: P all sts to form turning ridge for upper
hem facing.
K 5 rounds. Loosely BO all sts and break
yarn, leaving a tail approx. 12 inches long.
Fold upper hem facing to WS and sew in place using attached
yarn tail. Fold cuff to RS and sew neatly over cuff lining.
When sewing hem facing and cuff lining, take care not to sew
too tightly; it is important to maintain the elasticity of the
knitted fabric.
Weave in ends and block.
Becky lives in Lamoille county in Vermont with her husband Neil,
two cats and two dogs, and a growing number of farm animals. She
knits and designs on the bus to her real job every day.
She can be found on Ravelry as
ladysaphira and blogs here.