With smaller circular needle, CO 224[248, 256, 276, 312] sts using the long-tail cast-on. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts. Pm for beg of rnd.
Work k2, p2 rib until work measures 2.5[2.75, 2.75, 3, 3] inches from cast on, inc 40[44, 48, 52, 56] sts evenly across last rnd. 264[292, 304, 328, 368] sts. Place new marker after 132[146, 152, 164, 184] sts to mark half-way point of round.
Switch to larger circular needle.
Small Size Only:
Patt rnd 1: *K1, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, k1, p1; rep from * once more.
Patt rnd 2: *K1, work Chart D, k1, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart F, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, work Chart A, k1, work Chart E, k1, p1; rep from * once more.
Medium Size Only:
Patt rnd 1: *K1, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, k1, p1; rep from * once more.
Patt rnd 2: *K1, work Chart D, work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart F, work Chart C, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, work Chart E, k1, p1; rep from * once more.
Large Size Only:
Patt rnd 1: *Work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
Patt rnd 2: *Work Chart B, work Chart D, k1, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart A, k1, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, work Chart A, k1, work Chart E, work Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
1X Size Only:
Patt rnd 1: *Work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 1 of Chart A, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
Patt rnd 2: *Work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart A, k1, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart F, work Chart C, work Chart A, k1, work Chart A, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
2X Size Only:
Patt rnd 1: *Work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart D, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, work Rnd 1 of Chart F, work Rnd 1 of Chart B, work Rnd 1 of Chart E, work Rnd 1 of Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
Patt rnd 2: *Work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart F, work Chart B, work Chart D, work Chart C, work Chart F, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, work Chart F, work Chart B, work Chart E, work Chart C, p1; rep from * once more.
All Sizes continue here:
Cont patt as set in Patt rnd 2, repeating charts as needed, until work measures 13.25[13.5, 13, 13, 12.75] inches from cast on edge (approx. 86[86, 82, 80, 78] rnds in cable patt, not including ribbing), ending after an even rnd of charts.
Begin Gussets:
Round 1: *Work in chart patts as est to 1 st before m, work Rnd 1 of Chart G[H, I, I, J]; rep from * once more. 268[296, 308, 332, 372] sts.
Cont chart patts as set, repeating charts as needed, until you have completed Rnd 26[30, 34, 34, 38] of Chart G[H, I, I, J]. 292[324, 340, 364, 408] sts. Work measures approx. 16.5[17.25, 17.25, 17.25, 17.5] inches from cast on edge.
Front Yoke:
Next row [RS]: Patt to 15[17, 19, 19, 21] sts before m, place rem 161[179, 189, 201, 225] sts on holder and turn work.
Cont working back and forth in patt on these 131[145, 151, 163, 183] sts until work from cast on edge measures 23[24, 24.5, 24.5, 25] inches, ending with RS facing for next row. You will have completed approximately 52[54, 58, 58, 60] rows worked flat by this point.
Next row [RS]: Cont patt as set across the first 51[56, 58, 63, 70] sts and place these sts on holder for Left Front Yoke, patt across next 29[33, 35, 37, 43] sts and place these sts on holder for Front Neck, then patt across last 51[56, 58, 63, 70] sts (Right Front Yoke).
You will now be working the Right Front Yoke on these last 51[56, 58, 63, 70] sts only.
Right Front Yoke:
Cont patt as set, dec 1 st at neck edge on next row and then every alternate row 6[7, 5, 6, 7] times more, then every 3rd row 0[0, 2, 2, 2] times more, working decs as foll:
[WS]: Patt to last 2 sts, ssp.
[RS]: Ssk, patt to end.
44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts rem. Break yarn and place these sts on holder.
Left Front Yoke:
With WS facing, rejoin yarn to 51[56, 58, 63, 70] sts held for Left Front Yoke and cont in patt as set, dec 1 st at neck edge on next row and then every alternate row 6[7, 5, 6, 7] times more, then every 3rd row 0[0, 2, 2, 2] times more, working decs as foll:
[WS]: P2tog, patt to end.
[RS]: Patt to last 2 sts, k2tog.
44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts rem. Break yarn and place these sts on holder.
Back Yoke:
With RS facing, place first and last sets of 15[17, 19, 19, 21] sts from the 161[179, 189, 201, 225] held Back sts and place them on separate holders for the Armhole Gussets. 131[145, 151, 163, 183] sts rem on holder for Back.
With RS facing and with large circular needle, rejoin yarn to Back Yoke sts and cont patt as set, repeating charts as needed, until Back Yoke measures same as Front Yoke to held shoulder sts, ending on same row of charts. Break yarn.
With RS facing, place the first 44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts (Right Back Yoke) on one holder, the middle 43[49, 51, 55, 63] sts (Back Neck) on another holder, and the last 44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts (Left Back Yoke) on the third stitch holder.
Left Saddle
Place Left Back Yoke sts and Left Front Yoke sts on US #2.5/3mm straight needles with point of needles pointing toward neck.
With RS facing and scrap yarn in a contrasting color, provisionally cast on 10 sts onto the needle holding the Left Back Yoke sts.
Still using scrap yarn, with RS facing, knit these 10 saddle sts onto the needle holding the Left Front Yoke sts. Break scrap yarn.
Join main yarn and, with WS facing, purl the 10 saddle sts onto the needle holding the Left Back Yoke sts.
Turn work so RS of Left Front Yoke and Left Back Yoke pieces are facing. You now have 54[58, 60, 64, 70] sts on the left needle and 44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts on the right needle.
Row 1 [RS]: Sl1 knitwise, work Row 1 of Chart D, ssk, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl1 purlwise, work Row 2 of Chart D, p2tog, turn.
Cont patt as set until all 44[48, 50, 54, 60] Left Back Yoke sts and all 44[48, 50, 54, 60] Left Front Yoke sts have been incorporated into the saddles and 10 sts rem.
Break yarn and place these 10 sts on a holder.
Right Saddle
Place Right Back Yoke sts and Right Front Yoke sts on US #2.5/3mm straight needles with point of needles pointing toward neck.
With RS facing and scrap yarn in a contrasting color, provisionally cast on 10 sts onto the needle holding the Right Front Yoke sts.
Still using scrap yarn, with RS facing, knit these 10 saddle sts onto the needle holding the Right Back Yoke sts. Break scrap yarn.
Join main yarn and, with WS facing, purl the 10 saddle sts onto the needle holding the Right Front Yoke sts.
Turn work so RS of Right Front Yoke and Right Back Yoke pieces are facing. You now have 54[58, 60, 64, 70] sts on the left needle and 44[48, 50, 54, 60] sts on the right needle.
Row 1 [RS]: Sl1 knitwise, work Row 1 of Chart E, ssk, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl1 purlwise, work Row 2 of Chart E, p2tog, turn.
Cont patt as set until all 44[48, 50, 54, 60] Right Front Yoke sts and all 44[48, 50, 54, 60] Right Back Yoke sts have been incorporated into the saddles and 10 sts rem.
Break yarn and place these 10 sts on a holder.
Left Sleeve
With larger dpns, join yarn to 15[17, 19, 19, 21] held left gusset sts and work Rnd 27[31, 35, 35, 39] of Chart G[H, I, I, J] across these sts, pick up and knit 50[55, 59, 64, 67] sts up to held saddle sts, k1 from holder, work Rnd 1[1, 5, 5, 1] of Chart D across next 8 sts from holder, k1 from holder, then pick up and knit 50[55, 59, 64, 67] sts down to beg of gusset. 125[137, 147, 157, 165] sts.
Small Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 28 of Chart G, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart B.
Medium Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 32 of Chart H, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1.
Large Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 36 of Chart I, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1.
1X Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 36 of Chart I, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart F, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, k1.
2X Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 40 of Chart J, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work sts 2-8 of Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart D, work sts 1-7 of Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart B.
All Sizes:
**Cont patt as set until you have completed all 53[61, 69, 69, 77] rows of Chart G[H, I, I, J]. 111[121, 129, 139, 145] sts.
Next rnd: P1, patt to end of rnd.
Cont patt as set, keeping patt centered as est and dec 2 sts on 3rd[2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st] rnd and every following 4th[3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd] rnd 23[25, 27, 29, 30] times more, working dec rnds and even rnds as foll:
Dec rnd: P1, skp, patt to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Work-even rnd: P1, k1, patt as est to last st, k1.
63[69, 73, 79, 83] sts rem.
Next rnd: P1, k1, patt to last st, k1.
Cont patt as set in last rnd until sleeve measures 16[16.5, 17.25, 17.75, 18] inches from pick up edge, or 2[2, 2.25, 2.25, 2.5] inches shorter than desired total length.
Next rnd: Knit, decreasing 3[5, 9, 11, 11] sts evenly across rnd. 60[64, 64, 68, 72] sts.
Switch to smaller dpns and work in K2, p2 rib for 2[2, 2.25, 2.25, 2.5] inches.
Bind off in patt.***
Right Sleeve
With larger dpns, join yarn to 15[17, 19, 19, 21] held right gusset sts and work Rnd 27[31, 35, 35, 39] of Chart G[H, I, I, J] across these sts, pick up and knit 50[55, 59, 64, 67] sts up to held saddle sts, k1 from holder, work Rnd 1[1, 5, 5, 1] of Chart E across next 8 sts from holder, k1 from holder, then pick up and knit 50[55, 59, 64, 67] sts down to beg of gusset. 125[137, 147, 157, 165] sts.
Small Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 28 of Chart G, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart E, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart B.
Medium Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 32 of Chart H, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, k1, work Rnd 2 of Chart A, k1.
Large Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 36 of Chart I, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart E, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1.
1X Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 36 of Chart I, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 6 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 6 of Chart F, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart A, k1, work Rnd 6 of Chart D, k1.
2X Size Only:
Rnd 2: Work Rnd 40 of Chart J, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart D, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work sts 2-8 of Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart E, work sts 1-7 of Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart B, work Rnd 2 of Chart F, work Rnd 2 of Chart C, work Rnd 2 of Chart E, work Rnd 2 of Chart B.
All Sizes:
Rep from ** to *** as for Left Sleeve.
Remove provisional yarn from the Left Saddle and place the 10 resulting live sts on a stitch holder. Repeat for the Right Saddle.
With RS facing and smaller dpns, knit across 43[49, 51, 55, 63] sts held Back Neck sts, knit across 10 sts from holder for Left Saddle, pick up and knit 10[11, 13, 14, 15] sts down the Left Front neck edge; knit across 29[33, 35, 37, 43] held sts from Front Neck, pick up and knit 10[11, 13, 14, 15] sts from Right Front neck edge, finally knit across 10 sts from holder for Right Saddle. 112[124, 132, 140, 156] sts.
Join to work in the round and pm for beg of rnd. Work in K2, p2 ribbing for 1.5[1.75, 1.75, 2, 2] inches.
BO in patt. |