Renewal – a
 It is often said that
Springtime is about renewal. Growth and strength
return all around us. The days get longer, the brave little
crocuses pop through the snow and the earth
wakes up.
Renewal is not just about
the landscaping and a little more sunshine. Renewal
is also about how we feel, an essence, our
state of mind and our energy reserves. Renewal
is a doorway to a sense of fresh and awake. The
word itself seems to be about starting over. Re-newal,
new beginnings, fresh start – all of
these phrases have a redundancy emphasizing
a quality of freshness and hope.
Springtime brings a
brightness and spark to everything, even
our knitting. What excites us about starting
a new project? For
whom do we choose to knit? What influences
us to select certain colors, certain fibers,
certain techniques? All these things
that get our juices flowing about knitting
relate back to that someplace inside of us
that nurtures the spark. In cultivating renewal,
we can invite this spark to burn brightly,
turning into a full-on bonfire (and often accompanied
by stash enlargement).
Renewal goes hand in
hand with wellness. Wellness has been a very
in-my-face theme in my own life this winter
as I have over and over been offered opportunities
to care for myself and refill my reserves
-- otherwise I am no good to anyone. Do I
listen? I am working
on it. Like my many WIPs on the needles, I
am in-progress. But even in the midst of my
own depleted reserves, I see the opportunity
to direct wellness back inward -- and
it is often accomplished through my knitting.
So many more times
than not, wellness is something we overlook
in our self-attitudes -- yet we so naturally,
willingly and quickly extend it to other
people. If we choose,
we can deliberately focus our attention inward,
and summon the feeling of springtime, new growth
and strength inside ourselves. In this
way, we wake up our creative energies, our
inspirations, and rejuvenate. Then, when the
time comes, we are more completely available
to those to whom we wish to extend our love,
care and basic goodness.
Mindful Knitting offers
a means of recharging and waking up to the
renewal -- and it
is something we already love to do. It
is literally right at our hands. The
work of our hands offers us a way to purposefully
cultivate “fresh start.” It provides
us with a feeling of comfort, relaxation and
open space. It captures our focus and
attention completely. Placing intentional thought
on the work of our hands develops the essence
of mindfulness, purposefulness, being on the
you knit mindfully, clear your head and simply
sit quietly with your work. Place
your attention absolutely on the formation
of each stitch and the movement of your hands.
Notice how the stitches are formed and the
tactile sensation of it all. Notice when your
mind wanders -- which will be often --
and bring it back to the moment and to your
knitting. Spend some time quietly with
this experience. Notice what thoughts flow
through your mind. Notice if something
inside you is waking up, if something feels
depleted, or if something feels rejuvenated.
It can be work to remind
yourself over and over (and over) again to
come back to the sensation of needles clicking
and fiber sliding through fingers. But, this
skill naturally develops, and you find a wonderful
sense of synchronicity as your hands, your
intention, and the comfort of repetitive work
in concert. You may find it helpful to make
notes about the thoughts and feelings that
arise with your Mindful Knitting. This can
be the beginning of your Mindful Knitting journal,
as well as a Mindful Knitting journey.
Then, when you are
replenished and renewed, you can effectively
offer yourself to others. If this means simply
knitting, by all means, knit. If this means
choosing to knit as a method of healing, please
knit. If the springtime energy that awakens
in you encourages you to knit for someone else,
share your spark, knit! Don’t miss this
opportunity to be in sync with the seasons.
Rejuvenate! Renew! Welcome the waking up. Welcome
Jon Manning is a designer, and author of five
books. With her book “Mindful Knitting:
Inviting Contemplative Practice to the Craft” she
pioneered the Mindful Knitting movement, and
invites knitters and readers alike to apply
the instruction of basic mindfulness meditation
to the work of their hands. Among her
other books are the newly released “Nature
Babies” and “Men in Knits.” She
lives with her family in Boulder, Colorado.
Visit to
learn more about Tara’s Mindful Knitting
retreats and workshops, and her blog, Earth-Sky-Knitter,
for musings
on life, knitting, dharma and motherhood. |