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photo: Lisanne & Bryce Thomas
No sheep for me!

So it's like this. Whenever any of my extracurricular projects gets published, I'm kind of stuck. Clearly I want to talk about them in Knitty, but I can't be the one to tell you about them. Because that's like showing you my child, making sure you know my child is more beautiful than any other child in the world [like a real proud mama would]. Not exactly unbiased reporting. In this case, the extracurricular project is my newest book, No Sheep for You, published by Interweave Press.

Instead, then, I asked two people to read it and tell me, honestly, what they thought of it. Kay Gardiner was an easy choice for the non-wool side; she's one of the few prominent blogger/authors who likes non-wool fibers like I do. But for the woolly side, who to ask? I decided to should consult the foremost wool-lover I know -- someone who's confessed trying to sneak wool socks on the feet of someone who says they won't wear wool [just because she knows how great wool is and she's sure she can share the wonder if she approaches the wool-avoidant person from the right angle]. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the Yarn Harlot [perhaps she should be called the Wool Harlot?] agreed to read it and tell me what she thought about it, despite her natural bias against the subject matter. And you can read what they both thought on our review page.

Meanwhile, this weird winter feels like it might be winding down, but one never knows. The groundhogs certainly don't. Never mind. We've got an issue full of transitional things that you can knit and layer on until you're just exactly warm enough. And lots more socks, including our cover sock, which has us all giggling into our keyboards.

By the way -- you may be used to our slightly unusual take on summer knitting with our past themed issues. This summer, we return to a seasonal format, so you can look forward to hot-wear garments and accessories, and things to knit to get a jump on fall.

Fall? How did we get to fall already? Never mind. Look out the window and if you see crocuses blooming, send me a picture. I could use a little spring over here.

Guess what? It's time for the 2008 Knitty Calendar contest!

Details here...

Need something new to wear for spring? Lots of fun gear to choose from right here!

To always know the latest Knittynews, sign up for the free Knitty reader list! The list is never shared with anyone and we only send out a few messages a year.

By the way -- should you want to know if I'll be in your neighborhood, check out my online schedule. I love meeting Knitty people, and because of the new book, I'll be traveling
a lot starting in April!

Amy R Singer
[editor, Knitty]

photo: Amy R Singer

Spring does it to me every time.

There’s still a footof snow on the ground where I live, but I’m dreaming of the smell of warm earth and shedding my down coat.

I love the potential of spring; the world seems to
groan with the new and the possible. Spring sends me to my spinning with the intention of learning something new. This issue of Knittyspin has two techniques to learn -- a quick, try- it- now spinning hemp technique, and a spend-an-afternoon-dabbling, or the-rest-of-your- spinning-life-studying -- color-blending technique. I hope they will satisfy your need for Spring innovation.

I am over the moon about going to SOAR (Spin Off Autumn Retreat) this year. It's in Traverse City, Michigan. March 8 is the magic day that classes and registration information will be listed on the Spin Off website

We'll be reviewing stuff!
Coming soon, Knittyspin will start publishing reviews of spin happy stuff, like we do here. If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny products that you'd like us to review, write Jillian for submission information.

Jillian Moreno
[editor, Knittyspin]