Finally ready to admit
to yourself you’ve
got a project you’re not going to finish?
A poncho perhaps? A cardigan with intarsia
reindeer on the front? Bought a sweater at
the thrift shop so you could reclaim the
yarn? Well, rip that baby back and let’s
get it ready to reuse!
When you frog something
that’s been knitted up for
a while, you’ll find that it’s
full of crimps and kinks..
Using a niddy-noddy,
a skein winder, a swift, the back of a straight
back chair or your arm, make a “hank” with
the frogged yarn…
Using short lengths
of spare yarn (of a type that you are CERTAIN
will not bleed!) secure the hank while it
is still on the winding device …

Make sure that the
hank is secured in at least 3-4 places so
that it will not unravel…

Fill your
sink or some other container with cool or tepid
water. Avoid submitting the yarn to anything
to which you would hesitate to submit a finished
garment made with the same yarn. If the yarn
has been hanging around for years or dragged
through lots of dirty places, use a little
mild soap in the water…

Woolen yarns might
need some encouragement to submerge themselves
under water all the way…

Let the yarn soak for
at least half an hour, then squeeze it gently
to remove the excess water. Repeat if desired.
Hang the hank to dry completely…

To wind the yarn into
a center pull ball for use, you can use a
skein winder. You can also use a nostepinne,
your fingers or - my personal favorite, before
I bought a skein winder – the
cardboard roll from inside paper towels!
Cut a slit in the end
of the roll and secure one end of the yarn…

If you’re the happy owner of an umbrella
swift, place the hank onto it. If not, enlist
the help of a friend – hopefully one
who will be persuaded by hours of holding yarn
skeins into buying you an umbrella swift – to
secure the hank on their forearms held slightly
apart. Begin by winding the yarn horizontally
onto the roll…

Then once a base is
built up, begin winding the yarn diagonally
across – slowly turning
the roll in your other hand…

When you’re finished,
simply remove the yarn end from the slot
and pull the roll out! Voila! Now pat yourself
on the back for your resourcefulness. |