CO 69 [69, 81, 84, 84, 84, 87, 87, 87] sts.
Work 25 rows in Rib Pattern.
In the next row, you will work the Set-up Row
of the Cable Pattern. If you are working from
the chart, this is the row below Row 1.
Sizes XS, S Only:
Next Row [WS]: Work 2 sts in pattern,
[place marker, work Set-up Row, place marker,
work 7 sts in pattern] 3 times, place marker,
work Set-up Row, place marker, k1, p1. 73 sts.
Size M Only:
Next Row [WS]: Work 8 sts in pattern,
[place marker, work Set-up Row, place marker,
work 7 sts in pattern] 4 times, p1. 85 sts.
Sizes L, XL, 2X Only:
Next Row [WS]: Work 8 sts in pattern,
place marker, work Set-up Row, place marker,
work 7 sts in pattern, place marker, work Set-up
Row, place marker, work 10 sts in pattern, place
marker, work Set-up Row, place marker, work
7 sts in pattern, place marker, work Set-up
Row, place marker, work 8 sts in pattern. 88
Sizes 3X, 4X, 5X Only:
Next Row [WS]: Work 8 sts in pattern,
place marker, work Set-up Row, place marker,
work 10 sts in pattern, place marker, work Set-up
Row, place marker, work 7 sts in pattern, place
marker, work Set-up Row, place marker, work
10 sts in pattern, place marker, work Set-up
Row, place marker, work 8 sts in pattern. 91
All Sizes:
Work in pattern, working sts between markers
in Cable Pattern and all other sts in Rib Pattern
as set, until work measures 7.5[8.5, 9.5, 10.5,
11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5] inches, ending
with a WS row. Make a note of how many rows
you have worked of Cable Pattern. Set work aside.
Very Important Note: Do not be tempted to change
the back length of the piece! Because of the
way this garment is constructed, the length
of the piece directly affects the chest circumference.
The length at this point must be equal to one
quarter of the desired chest circumference.
Using spare needle and a new ball of yarn, CO
63[63, 69, 69, 69, 69, 72, 72, 72] sts. Break
yarn and set this needle aside.
With RS of work facing, CO 63[63, 69, 69, 69,
69, 72, 72, 72] sts using cable cast on. 136[136,
154, 157, 157, 157, 163, 163, 163] sts.
In the next row, the sts which have been cast
onto the spare needle will be joined to the
rest of the work.
Sizes XS, S Only:
Next Row [RS]: K1, p1, [k2, p1, place marker,
k12, place marker, p1, k2, p1] 3 times, k2,
p1, k1; work sts of Back in pattern as set;
working across sts on spare needle, k1, p1,
k2, p1, [k2, p1, place marker, k12, place marker,
p1, k2, p1] 3 times, k1. 199 sts. Make a note
of which row of Cable Pattern you have just
completed (on Back sts).
Sizes M, L, XL, 2X Only:
Next Row [RS]: P1, [place marker, k12,
place marker, p1, k2, p1, k2, p1] 3 times, place
marker, k11; k first st of Back, place marker,
work in pattern to last st of Back, place marker,
k1; working across sts on spare needle, k11,
place marker, [p1, k2, p1, k2, p1, place marker,
k12, place marker] 3 times, p1. -[-, 223, 226,
226, 226, -, -, -] sts. Make a note of which
row of Cable Pattern you have just completed
(on Back sts).
Sizes 3X, 4X, 5X Only:
Next Row [RS]: P1, place marker, k12,
place marker, [p1, k2] twice, p1, place marker,
k12, place marker, [p1, k2] 3 times, p1, place
marker, k12, place marker, [p1, k2] twice, p1,
place marker, k11; k first st of Back, place
marker, work in pattern to last st of Back,
place marker, k1; working across sts on spare
needle, k11, place marker, [p1, k2] twice, p1,
place marker, k12, place marker, [p1, k2] 3
times, p1, place marker, k12, place marker,
[p1, k2] twice, p1, place marker, k12, place
marker, p1. 235 sts.
 All Sizes:
Work all sts in pattern, working sts between
markers, beginning with next row of Cable Pattern.
Continue in pattern until you have completed
the same number of rows of Cable Pattern for
the upper portion as you worked for the Back,
ending with a WS row. The upper portion of the
work at this point must be the same length as
the cabled portion of the lower Back.
Next Row [RS]: [Work in pattern to
marker, remove marker, k2, p1, k2, p2tog, k2,
p1, k2, remove marker] until all markers have
been removed, work in pattern to end. 189[189,
211, 214, 214, 214, 223, 223, 223] sts.
Work 25 rows in Rib Pattern.
Loosely BO all sts. (See note in Pattern Notes
about selecting your BO method.)