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photo: Lisanne & Bryce Thomas

How the heck did it get to
be winter already?
I don't quite understand it, but it's cold outside
and the calendar says December.
A minute ago, the leaves were just changing color
and I was in a rented Buick, driving across eight
states to meet tons of nice people and sign
books and buy a honking huge bag's worth of
silk and cotton handdyed yarn, a little from every
Now all I can think about is if my winter coat
is warm enough this year, or will it need fortification.
[I decided it would and send thanks to the folks
that invented polarfleece and breathable windblock.]
I've dug out the earmuffs and last year's mittens.
And best of all, my small stash of handknit hats.
There's my favorite -- the one I knit for almost
every female I knew in the late '80s and early '90s...the
ribbed beanie from VK with the little knotted icord
top, this one done in amy-dyed Bernat Gloucester
cotton [dyed by me before there ever was an internet,
mind you, with a box or two of RIT, of course, cause
what else was there?].
There's the moss-stitch wonder with the cat-ear
ties from that same issue of VK. This one was just
knit three years ago when I rediscovered that same
well-used magazine and realized that the cat-ear
pattern was really cute and was perfectly suited
to the stash of dyed Butterfly cotton I'd scored
on sale at the LYS. I knit it for everyone that
year, too.
And there's last year's addition -- knit in Paton's
Canadiana, for heaven's sake, it's a lilac hat with
my new favorite top finishing...take a tube with
any sort of patterning or embellishment and do a
3-needle bind off to close it straight across. A
pompom or tassel at each corner [there are two corners
when you do it this way] and you have possibly the
cutest hat ever. Knitting the squinchy acrylic on
bamboo needles isn't something I look back on fondly,
though. But an acrylic hat is a sturdy winter friend
and it survives the cramming into my purse when
I'm scrambling for the bus in the morning.
This is all just winterized rambling. I'm listening
to Joni Mitchell as I write this, and -- no joke
-- the song has just switched to "River".
Couldn't be much more perfect.
So really, the point of all this rambling is just
to welcome you back and wish you a happy, cozy,
satsifying knitting season that you can look back
on in years to come and remember with happiness
and joy and peace.
Peace. We all could use a little more of that these
days. Take care of yourself, and each other.