MC and Crochet Cast On (or other provisional
cast on method), CO 18 sts.
Work in garter st until work measures 8.5
Next Row: K all sts, CO 14 sts
using Cable Cast On; remove crochet chain
from CO edge, ensure that handle is not twisted
and place resulting 18 live sts on spare needle,
k these sts; CO 14 sts using Cable Cast On.
62 sts.
Distribute sts evenly between needles, place
marker and join to begin working in the round,
being careful not to twist.
P 2 rounds.
6 rounds.
Next Round: [K29, k2tog] twice.
60 sts.
K 2 rounds.
Join CC and work Rounds 1-3 of color chart
(chart is repeated 10 times in each round).
Break MC.
K 6 rounds using CC.
Last Round: [K13, k2tog] four times.
56 sts.
BO all sts tightly. (A tight BO will help
prevent the cup holder from stretching out.)