photo: Lisanne
& Bryce Thomas |
your cool!
Once again, winter brings a bigger
issue than usual, because who could say no to all
this great stuff? Certainly not me.
We've got lots of quick-knit delights,
and more that you can start when you've finally given
up on malls and just need something for you.
[It IS okay to knit for yourself.
You know that, right?]
Lots of great things are happening
in the online and offline knitting worlds. In fact,
the fact that the online knitting world [the place
where you're reading this magazine!] exists is such
a huge leap for the simple art of knitting that it
could be easy to take it for granted.
But anyone who knit in the early
1990s or before that knows how extra-special it is
to have an online community available 24 hours a day,
to answer questions or provide inspiration. Shopping
for your next knitting project no longer requires
that you wear shoes or even underwear [just don't
tell us about it, okay?]. Knitting today is about
freedom and empowerment, and I'm so glad I got to
be alive to see all of this happen.
The more we participate in this
reinvention of our craft, the better it gets for all
of us. Man, I get the warm fuzzies when I think about
it, and since this is warm fuzzy season, I'll leave
you with that thought. Knit and share what you're
knitting with the whole world, online or in person.
Start a blog,
join a message
Lurking is fun, but until you jump into the conversation,
you have no idea how much more fun it is
to interact with knitters all over the world.
I wish you the happiest of holidays
and peace for all of us in the new year.

2007 Knitty calendar is the coolest ever!
Get yours [and peek inside] right
To always know the latest
Knittynews, sign up for the free Knitty
reader list! The list is never shared with anyone
and we only send out a few messages a year.
By the way -- should you want to
know if I'll be in your neighborhood, check out my
schedule. I love meeting Knitty people!

Amy R Singer
[editor, Knitty]

photo: Amy
R Singer |
Why does time seem to slip away
at this time of the year? Beyond racing from holiday
to holiday, there is something about winter that seems
to suck time away. For me at least, I seem to have
less time to spin during what’s supposed to
be the cozy indoor craft season.
But I refuse to be daunted. Here’s how I’m
approaching it this year.
I’m trying to get better,
smoother at Navajo plying. Instead waiting for that
elusive (& frankly mythical) ‘perfect time’,
along the lines of "The house is clean, the work
is done, there is world peace", before I can
properly practice plying, I sneak it in. In between
the kids, the lists, the work, the everyday-ness of
every day, I pull out one of those almost empty bobbins
leftover from a long finished plied yarn (why do they
never equal out?) and do some quick Navajo ply practice.
Never more than ten minutes. Just a little bit easy
to start, easy to walk away from.
And it’s working, my hands
are learning the rhythm, my joins are smoother, and
I feel satisfied that I’ve found my time to
We'll be reviewing stuff!
Coming soon, Knittyspin
will start publishing reviews of spin happy stuff,
like we do here.
If you have fiber, spindles, books, or other spinny
products that you'd like us to review, write Jillian
for submission information.

Jillian Moreno
[editor, Knittyspin]