Using US #15/10mm circular needle
and 2 strands of MC held together, CO 20 sts.
1 [RS]: K all sts.
Even-Numbered Rows 2-8 [WS]: P all sts.
Odd-Numbered Rows 3-9 [RS]: Kfb, k to last
st, kfb. 28 sts when Row 9 is complete.
Row 10 [WS]: Pfb, p to last st, pfb.
30 sts.
Rows 11-12: Work in stockinette st.
Row 13 [RS]: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Even-Numbered Rows 14-20: P2tog, p to last
2 sts, p2tog. 20 sts when Row 20 is complete.
Odd-Numbered Rows 15-21 [RS]: K all sts.
Row 22 [WS]: P all sts.
Note: When placing markers in the next round,
the marker which is different from the others
will be the last one placed.
Row 23 [RS]: K to end, place marker; pick up
and k 20 sts along adjacent side edge of work,
place marker; pick up and k 20 sts (1 st in
each CO st) along CO edge of work, place marker;
pick up and k 20 sts along remaining side edge
of work, place marker to indicate end of round.
80 sts.
From this point, bag will be worked
in the round.
K 5 rounds.
Increase Round: [Kfb, k to 1 st before next
marker, kfb] 4 times. 88 sts.
K 9 rounds.
Work Increase Round.
Repeat these 10 rounds 3 times more. 120 sts.
K 3 rounds, removing all markers except end-of-round
Next Round: K15, place marker, k60, place marker,
k45. Newly placed markers are at center front
and center back of bag.
Work Applied I-Cord (see Pattern Notes) to
first marker.
Work 9 rows I-Cord (unattached), which will
form a loop.
Resume working Applied I-Cord, continuing to
next marker.
Work 15 rows I-Cord (unattached). Break yarn,
draw through sts of I-Cord and pull tight.
Reattach yarn at base of cord just worked and
resume working Applied I-Cord, continuing until
all sts of bag have been worked. Graft or invisibly
sew sts of I-Cord to CO sts at beginning of
Weave in ends.
Using crochet hook and a single strand of MC,
work a crochet chain 24 inches long. Break
yarn and draw through last ch.
Felt Bag and Flower Centers:
Place flower centers in mesh bag or pillowcase.
Place knitted bag and flower centers in washer
with hot water, soap, and similar colored
items for agitation. Avoid adding any
items that might be discolored by leached
dye, or items that might leave lint on wool
Allow washer to run through cycle,
periodically checking felting progress. Once
bag has felted to desired size and density,
remove from washer and rinse in warm water
to remove soap. Do NOT allow bag to
go through spin cycle; this may permanently
crease the fabric.
Flower centers may be
rinsed and spun in machine if desired.
Turn bag inside out so that WS is visible.
This will be the outside of the bag. Shape
bag and stuff with plastic bags or bubble wrap,
to achieve desired shape.
Much of the
success of the finished bag will depend on
how well it is shaped and stuffed, so shape
and stuff the bag carefully. Place bag
on a towel, sitting it up on its base, and
allow to dry completely.
Flower centers may be finished while still
damp. Using sewing thread, gather piece as
shown in photo. Pull thread tight so that piece
forms a small flower shape as shown, then use
thread to secure. Allow to dry.
VINES (Make 2)
Using US #10.5/6.5mm double-point
needles and one strand each of CC1 and CC2
held together, CO 1 st.
Work 3 inches of I-Cord.
Next Row: Kfb. 2 sts
Work 3 inches of I-Cord.
Next Row: K1, kfb. 3 sts.
Work 5 inches of I-Cord.
Next Row: K1, kfb, k1. 4 sts. Place safety
pin in work at this point; this marks beginning
of handle section.
Work 21 inches of I-Cord, or until handle section
is desired length. Place safety pin in work
at this point to mark end of handle.
Next Row: K1, k2tog, k1. 3 sts.
Work 9 inches of I-Cord.
Next Row: K1, k2tog. 2 sts.
Work 3.5 inches of I-Cord.
Next Row: K2tog. 1 st.
Work 8 inches of I-Cord. Break yarn, draw through
remaining st and pull tight.
Apply Tendril:
Measure 5 inches from beginning (shorter end)
of vine. At this point, pick up and k 2 sts.
Work 5 rows I-Cord.
Next Row: K2tog. 1 st.
Work 5 rows I-Cord. Break yarn, draw through
remaining st and pull tight.
Using US #7/4.5mm needles and a single strand
of CC2, CO 3 sts.
K 1 row.
Increase Row: Kfb, k to last st, kfb. 5 sts.
K 2 rows.
Repeat Increase Row.
K 7 rows.
Decrease Row: Ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
5 sts.
K 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows once more. 3 sts.
Last Row: SKP. Break yarn, draw through remaining
st and pull tight.
Using US #7/4.5mm needles and a single strand
of CC2, CO 3 sts.
K 1 row.
Increase Row: Kfb, k to last st, kfb. 5 sts.
Repeat Increase Row. 7 sts.
K 2 rows.
Repeat Increase Row. 9 sts.
K 3 rows.
Repeat Increase Row. 11 sts.
K 2 rows.
Decrease Row: Ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
9 sts.
K 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more. 3 sts.
Last Row: SKP. Break yarn, draw through remaining
st and pull tight.
FLOWER (Make 2)
 Petal (Make 5):
Using US #7/4.5mm needles and a single strand
of CC3, CO 3 sts.
K 1 row.
Increase Row: Kfb, k to last st, kfb. 5 sts.
Repeat Increase Row. 7 sts.
K 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more. 13 sts.
K 2 more rows.
Decrease Row: Ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
11 sts.
K 3 rows.
Repeat Decrease Row. 9 sts.
K 2 rows.
Repeat Decrease Row. 7 sts.
K 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows once more. 5 sts.
Repeat Decrease Row. 3 sts.
Break yarn. Push petal down to end of needle
and disregard it as you knit the next petal.
As you continue to knit the petals, they will
accumulate at the end of your needle.
Do not break yarn when fifth petal is complete.
Join Petals:
Knit across all sts of all petals. 15 sts.
Next Row: [K2tog] 7 times, k1. 8 sts.
Break yarn, leaving a 12-inch tail. Draw through
all sts and pull tight. Use tail to sew first
and last petals together near base. Weave in
ends. |