Using US #6/4mm circular needle, CO 143[147, 151, 159] sts. Do not join work.
Work 11 rows in stockinette st, beginning with a RS row.
K 1 WS row to form turning ridge for hem facing.
Work 12 rows in Waffle Stitch.
Note: Read ahead. Shaping directions and stitch pattern directions are worked at the same time.
Work in stockinette st until work measures 11.25[12, 13, 13.75] inches from turning ridge, ending with a WS row.
Work 11 rows in Waffle Stitch (referred to below as "Waffle Stitch
AT THE SAME TIME: When work measures 11.75[12, 13, 13.25] inches from turning ridge, ending with a WS row, divide for armholes as follows:
Next Row [RS]: Work 36[37, 38, 39] sts in pattern, then place them on st holder for right front; work 71[73, 75, 81] sts in pattern; place remaining 36[37, 38, 39] sts on st holder for left front. Upper back is worked over 71[73, 75, 81] sts on needle.
Once Waffle Stitch band is complete, switch to US #7/4.5mm needle and set up for chart pattern as follows:
Size 6 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: [K3, p4, k3, p7] to last 3 sts, k3.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat 4 times.
Continuing in pattern as set, work through all rows of chart once, then work Rows 1-12 once more.
Place 21 sts on one st holder, 29 sts on a second st holder, and 21 sts on a third st holder.
Size 7 Only:
Set-up Row [WS]: P1, [k3, p4, k3, p7] to last 4 sts, k3, p1.
Next Row [RS]: K1, work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat 4 times; k1.
Continuing in pattern as set, work through all rows of chart once, then work Rows 1-12 once more.
Place 22 sts on one st holder, 29 sts on a second st holder, and 22 sts on a third st holder.
Size 8 Only:
Set-up Row [WS]: P1, k1, [k3, p4, k3, p7] to last 5 sts, k4, p1.
Next Row [RS]: K1, p1, work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat 4 times; p1, k1.
Continuing in pattern as set, work through all rows of chart once, then work Rows 1-7 once more.
Next Row [RS]: Continuing with next row of chart, work 23 sts in pattern, join a second ball of yarn and BO 29 sts, work in pattern to end.
Working each section of 23 sts separately, work 4 more rows in pattern, ending with Row 12 of chart. Place each section on a st holder.
Size 9 Only:
Set-up Row [WS]: [K3, p7, k3, p4] 4 times, k3, p7, k3.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat 4 times, then working first 10 sts of repeat once more. Do not work the 3 sts shown outside of the pattern repeat.
Continuing in pattern as set, work through all rows of chart once,
then work Rows 1-5 once more.
Next Row [RS]: Continuing with next row of chart, work 24 sts in pattern, join a second ball of yarn and BO 33 sts, work in pattern to end.
Working each section of 24 sts separately, work 6 more rows in pattern, ending with Row 12 of chart. Place each section on a st holder.
Replace held 36[37, 38, 39] sts of right front on US #6/4mm needle
with WS facing and rejoin yarn at armhole edge. Work to end of
Waffle Stitch band as for back, then switch to US #7/4.5mm needle
and set up for chart pattern as follows:
Size 6 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: K2, [p4, k3, p7, k3] to end.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat twice,
omitting last st of chart.
Work Rows 1-20 of chart once; neckline shaping below will begin
on Row 1 of chart.
Size 7 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: [K3, p4, k3, p7] to last 3 sts, k3.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat twice.
Work Rows 1-20 of chart once; neckline shaping below will begin
on Row 1 of chart.
Size 8 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: P1, [k3, p4, k3, p7] to last 3 sts, k3.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat twice;
k last st.
Work Rows 1-18 of chart once; neckline shaping below will begin
on Row 19 of chart.
Size 9 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: P1, [k3, p4, k3, p7] to last 4 sts, k3, p1.
Next Row [RS]: K1, work Row 1 of chart, working pattern repeat
twice; k last st.
Work Rows 1-18 of chart once; neckline shaping below will begin
on Row 19 of chart.
All Sizes:
Continuing in chart pattern as set, shape neckline as follows:
Row 1 [RS]: BO 4 sts, work in pattern to end.
Even-Numbered Rows 2-6 [WS]: Work in pattern to last 2 sts, ssp.
Row 3 [RS]: BO 3 sts, work in pattern to end.
Row 5 [RS]: BO 2 sts, work in pattern to end.
When Row 6 of neckline shaping is complete, 24[25, 26, 27] sts
Next Row [RS]: Ssk, work in pattern to end.
Work 1 row in pattern.
Repeat these 2 rows twice more. 21[22, 23, 24] sts.
Sizes 8 and 9 Only:
Work 2 rows in pattern.
All Sizes:
Join sts on needle to sts of back right shoulder using Three-Needle
Bind Off.
Replace held 36[37, 38, 39] sts of right front on US #6/4mm needle
with RS facing and rejoin yarn at armhole edge. Work to end of
Waffle Stitch band as for back, then switch to US #7/4.5mm needle
and set up for chart pattern as follows:
Size 6 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: [K3, p4, k3, p7] to last 2 sts, k2.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 11 of chart, working pattern
repeat twice, omitting first st of first pattern repeat.
Work Rows 12-20 of chart once, then work Rows 1-9; neckline shaping
below will begin on Row 10 of chart.
Size 7 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: [K3, p4, k3, p7] to last 3 sts, k3.
Next Row [RS]: Work Row 11 of chart, working pattern
repeat twice.
Work Rows 12-20 of chart once, then work Rows 1-9; neckline shaping
below will begin on Row 10 of chart.
Size 8 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: [K3, p4, k3, p7] to last 3 sts, k3, p1.
Next Row [RS]: K1, work Row 11 of chart, working
pattern repeat twice.
Work Rows 12-20 of chart once, then work Rows 1-7; neckline shaping
below will begin on Row 8 of chart.
Size 9 Only:
Set-Up Row [WS]: P1, [k3, p4, k3, p7] to last 4 sts, k3, p1.
Next Row [RS]: K1, work Row 11 of chart, working
pattern repeat twice; k last st.
Work Rows 12-20 of chart once, then work Rows 1-7; neckline shaping
below will begin on Row 8 of chart.
All Sizes:
Continuing in chart pattern as set, shape neckline as follows:
Row 1 [WS]: BO 4 sts, work in pattern to end.
Even-Numbered Rows 2-6 [RS]: Work in pattern to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Row 3 [WS]: BO 3 sts, work in pattern to end.
Row 5 [WS]: BO 2 sts, work in pattern to end.
When Row 6 of neckline shaping is complete, 24[25, 26, 27] sts
Work 1 row in pattern.
Next Row [RS]: Work in pattern to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Repeat these 2 rows twice more. 21[22, 23, 24] sts.
Work 1[1, 3, 3] rows in pattern.
Join sts on needle to sts of back right shoulder using Three-Needle
Bind Off.
(Make 2)
Using US #6/4mm double-point needles, CO 30[32, 34, 36] sts.
sts between needles and join to begin working in the round, being
careful not to twist.
Work 12 rounds Waffle Stitch.
K 5 rounds.
Increase Round: K1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1.
Repeat these 6 rounds 10[11, 11, 12] times more. 52[56, 58, 62]
Continue in stockinette st until sleeve measures 14.25[14.75, 15.25,
15.75] inches or desired length to underarm.
Loosely BO all sts. |