a single strand of yarn, and using the Long-Tail
Cast On, CO 8 sts.
Divide sts evenly between double-point needles and
join to begin working in the round, being careful not
to twist.
From this point, begin working with 2 strands of
yarn held together.
Place split ring marker or safety pin in work after
a few rounds have been worked, to indicate beginning
of round.
Odd-numbered Rounds 1-13: K all sts.
Round 2: [Kfb] 8 times. 16 sts.
Round 4: [K1, kfb] 8 times. 24 sts.
Round 6: [K2, kfb] 8 times. 32 sts.
Round 8: [K3, kfb] 8 times. 40 sts.
Round 10: [K4, kfb] 8 times. 48 sts.
Round 12: [K5, kfb] 8 times. 56 sts.
Round 14: [K6, kfb] 8 times. 64 sts.
Continue in stockinette st until work measures 6 inches
from beginning.
Next Round: Using US #7/4.5mm short cirular needle
or double-point needles, [p2, k2] to end.
This round establishes 2x2 Rib. Repeat this round 3
times more.
Front of Hat:
Next Round: BO 18 sts in pattern, work in pattern to
end. 46 sts.
From this point, piece will be worked back and forth
in rows.
Work short rows as follows, beginning the next row
(a WS row):
Work 7 sts in pattern, W&T. Work in pattern to
Work 14 sts in pattern, W&T. Work in pattern to
Work 21 sts in pattern, W&T. Work in pattern to
Work 1 row in pattern, picking up wraps and working
them together with wrapped sts.
Work short rows as above, beginning on a RS row.
When last short row is complete (ending on a WS row),
CO 32 sts at end of row using Cable Cast On. 78 sts.
Next Row [RS]: [K2, p2] to last 2 sts, k2, CO 32 sts
using Cable Cast On. 110 sts.
Next Row [WS]: [P2, k2] to last 2 sts, p2.Continue in 2x2 Rib as set until work measures 2.5
inches from CO edge of scarf.
Loosely BO all sts in pattern.