Inspired by a wavy rib detail in a vintage stitch pattern book,
I wondered: what would happen if I knit the waves in the round,
mirrored on one side and intersecting with themselves on the
other? This remarkable sock was the result!
The sock looks much
more difficult than it actually is – you get five rounds
of plain 2x2 rib in between the cable rounds. The waves themselves
are only a 12-round repeat; the snaking cable off center on
top of the foot makes up the few extra rows.
All in all, the
pattern is easily memorizable once you know what you are doing,
and the effort pays off in the end with a delightfully squishy
photos: Sarah
Wilson and Jonathan Wilson
Women’s Small (US shoe size 6-8),
Women’s Large (US
shoe size 9-11)/Men’s Medium
(US shoe size 8-10) and
Large (US shoe size 11-13).
Circumference: 8[9, 10] inches – will stretch to fit 11[12,
13] inches comfortably.
Foot length: Adjustable
to fit.
Recommended needle size [always use a needle
size that gives you the gauge
listed below -- every knitter's
gauge is unique] 1
set US #1/2.25mm double-pointed needles
OR a32-inch US #1/2.25mm circular needle
for magic loop method
OR 2 shorter US #1/2.25mm circular needles
Notions Yarn
needle Cable
needle (optional) 2
Stitch markers – ideally of a different
size, style or color
sts/44 rounds = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
PATTERN NOTES [Knitty's list of standard abbreviations and techniques can be found here.]
C4F = Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work; k2
then k2 from cable needle. C4B = Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2 then k2 from
cable needle. C4PF = Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work; p2 then k2
from cable needle. C4PB = Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2 then p2
from cable needle. SSP: (Slip 1 stitch knitwise with yarn in back) twice; return both sts
to LH needle and purl them together through the back loops – 1 stitch
pattern charts
The charts for this pattern are very large and fit on a letter-sized
Click here and print the resulting
CO 62[70, 78] sts. Distribute across your needles as you prefer, and join
for working in the round, being careful not to twist. Note or mark beginning
of round.
Ribbing Round: [K1, p1] around.
Repeat Ribbing Round until work measures
one inch.
Increase Round: ([K2, kfb] ten times, k1[5, 9]); repeat
once more. 82[90, 98] sts.
Place a marker after stitch 41[45, 49]
to indicate the center of the round. This marker divides
the front of leg/instep sts from the back of leg/heel & sole
Work in Crosswaves pattern, until work measures 7.5[8,
9.5] inches from cast on edge, or 2.25[2.25,
2.5] inches less than desired length
of leg, ending on Round 12 or 24.
Heel Flap Heel Flap Setup Round Right Sock: P1; slip this
st to last needle of round (it will now be the last st
of the round), work in patt to center marker; pfb, sl1
st to cable needle and hold to back of work; k2, pfb from
cable needle; work in patt across, p1.
Heel Flap Setup Round Left Sock: Work in patt
to last st before center marker; slip
this st onto next needle (this will become the first st
of heel); cont in patt to last 4 sts; slip 2 sts to cable
needle and hold to front of work; pfb, k2 from cable needle;
Heel flap will now be worked back and forth on
44[48, 52] sts.
Important note:
Begin the Left Sock on Row 1. Begin
the Right Sock on Row 7.
Row 1 [WS]: Sl1, k1, [p2,
k2] to last 2 sts, k2. Row 2 [RS]: Sl1, p3, [k2,
p2] to end. Row 3 [WS]: Sl1, k1, [p2,
k2] to last 2 sts, k2. Row 4 [RS]: Sl1, p3, [k2,
p2] to end. Row 5 [WS]: Sl1, k1, [p2,
k2] to last 2 sts, k2. Row 6 [RS]: Sl1, p1, RPC to
last 2 sts, p2. Row 7 [WS]: Sl1, k3, [p2,
k2] to end. Row 8 [RS]: Sl1, p1, [k2,
p2] to last 2 sts, p2. Row 9 [WS]: Sl1, k3, [p2,
k2] to end. Row 10 [RS]: Sl1, p1, [k2,
p2] to last 2 sts, p2. Row 11 [WS]: Sl1, k3, [p2,
k2] to end. Row 12 [RS]: Sl1, p1, LPC
to last 2 sts, p2.
Repeat Rows 1-12 until heel flap measures 2.25[2.25, 2.5]
inches, ending with a WS row.
Purl across 24[26, 28] heel stitches.
Pick up and knit 13[15, 15] sts along the side of the
heel. (This will be the new start of round position.
Place a marker if you wish.) Work in pattern across 40[44,
48] instep sts and place a marker. Pick up and knit 13[15,
15] sts along the side of the heel. Purl to end of round
(start of instep sts). Start of round is at start of
instep sts, and a marker designates the end of the instep.
Begin Gusset Shaping Round 1 (Decrease Round): Work across
instep sts in pattern; p1, p2tog, purl to 3 sts from
end of round, ssp, p1. Round 2: Work across instep sts
in pattern, p to end of round.
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 until there are
70[77, 84] sts total – 40[44, 48] on instep and 30[33,
36] on sole.
Continue working even as established (pattern across instep,
reverse stockinette across sole) until piece measures 7[8.5,
9.25] inches from base of heel, or 2 inches short of full
foot length from back of heel to toe.
Toe Setup Round: (P2, p2tog) 10[11, 12] times, purl to
end of round. 60[66, 72] sts.
Round 1 (Decrease Round): P1, p2tog, p to 3 sts before
end of instep, ssp, p2, p2tog, p to last 3 sts, ssp, p1. Round 2: Purl.
Repeat Rounds 1 and 2 until 28[32, 32] sts remain. 14[16,
16] each on instep and sole.
Cut yarn, leaving a 12 inch tail. Graft toe using kitchener
stitch. Weave in all ends. Block to shape.
Sarah Wilson is not an NFL cheerleader.
Visit her on the web at,
or on Ravelry and Twitter as TheSexyKnitter.