Halter top
Starting at
the bottom edge, using CC and #6 needles,
CO 225
[240]stitches. Starting with WS facing, k
2 rows. Purling the next row, continue in
St st for 5 more rows, ending with WS row.
Row 8: [RS] *Sl 1, k2tog, PSSO*, repeat to
end of row -- 75[80] sts on needle.
Row 9: Smaller size:[WS]
*K1,k2tog* repeat to end of row -- 50 sts
on needle.
Larger size: [WS] *K1, k2tog*
repeat to last 2 sts, k2 -- 60 sts on needle.
Row 10: [RS] Purl.
Row 11: [WS] Change to MC and k across row.
At this point, you may change to the smaller
needle and knit a few rows in MC, then change
back to the larger needle. This works best
if you have a smaller baby in mind, as it
will ÒhugÓ the chest a little better. For
the average to larger baby, continue with
the #6 needles.
Row 12: [RS] Knit.
Row 13: [WS] Purl.
Continue in St st until top measures 1.5[2.25]
inches [or desired length], ending with a
purl row.
Begin underarm decreases
First row: K2, ssk,
continue to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Next row: Purl.
Continue, repeating these 2 rows until there
are 22[26] sts left on the needle [ending
with purl row].
Next row: K2. ssk, k3[5], k2tog, k2. TURN
WORK and continue on this side only. You will
rejoin the yarn for the second side. 9[11]
st on side.
Next row and every alternate row: Purl.
Next row: K2, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2.
Continue decreasing in the established manner
until 7 st. remain on Side A, ending with
a purl row
Next row: K2, sl 1, k2tog, PSSO, k2 -- 4 sts
on needle.
Place these 4 st. on a safety pin. These sts
will be the start of the i-cord strap.
Complete second side, reversing shaping, using
MC as established.
I-cord straps
With RS facing,
using MC, place the 4 sts from the first side
on a double-pointed needle. Knit. Slide the
work to the end of needle. DO NOT TURN. Bring
yarn around back, give it a little tug, k
4 sts again. Continue until strap is 7[8]
inches, or desired length. Repeat with second
Side Ties
With RS of work facing, using MC, pick up
10 stitches along the left side of top between
the ruffle and the start of the decreases.
Do not use the entire straight section, just
the inch or so above the ruffle.
Row 1: Purl to last 2 sts, slip these sts
as if to purl, with yarn in front.[Work these
2 sts on the next row as 2 separate sts].
Row 2: Knit to last 2 sts, slip last 2 sts
with yarn in back. The slipped stitches give
a rolled edge to the piece.
Continue these 2 rows until tie is 3.5 [4.5]
inches, or desired length, ending with purl
To taper end: SSK, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Next row: Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows until 4 sts remain.
with I-cord tie, as per "I-cord Straps".
Repeat with other side of top.
These are knit
from the back to the front in one piece, and
then stitched up the sides. The ruffles are
added as you knit [no sewing!], but I have
included instructions on how to make them
separately and then sew them on later, if
Ruffles: [Make 2] These are the same for both
With#6 needle and CC, CO 186 sts.
Row 1: [RS] purl.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: *Sl 1, k2tog, PSSO* Repeat to end [62
Place stitches on spare needle.
[If you would prefer to sew the ruffles on
later, instead of placing sts on spare needle,
purl one more row, and then BO all sts.]
With CC and #3 needles,
CO 48[54] sts. Work in K1, P1 rib for 6 rows,
ending with WS row.
Next row: Change to #6 needles and MC. K across
row, increasing 14[8] sts evenly -- 62[62]sts.
From this point to the front waistband, the
pants are the same in both sizes.
Continue in St st for another 2 rows. On row
4, hold the ruffle and the pants with right
sides facing. Purl together 1 st from the
ruffle needle with 1 st from the pants needle
-- [62 st]. The purl sts will be under the
ruffle, and hold the ruffle up a bit [very
Work in St st for another 15 rows, ending
with a purl row. Repeat the attachment of
the ruffle with ruffle no. 2.
Note --if you want to sew the ruffles on,
purl the attachment row, instead of attaching
the ruffle. When the garment is finished,
sew the ruffles on top of the purl row.
Continue in St st until piece measures 3.5
inches from the start of the MC [not top of
waistband], ending with a purl row.
Next row: BO 17 sts, k to end of row.
Next row: BO 17 sts, p to end of row.
Next row: K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Next row and alternate rows: Purl.
Continue these 2 rows until there are 18 sts
on needle.
Continue in established St st for 2 inches,
ending with purl row.
Next row: Inc 1 st on either end of needle
[20 sts].
Next row and alternate rows: Purl
Continue increasing in this way until there
are 28 st. on needle.
Next row: CO 17 sts at beginning of row, and
another 17 sts at end of row [62 sts].
Work in St st until front is the same length
as back, less one row, ending on purl row.
Next row: K, increasing 14[8] sts evenly across
Change to CC and smaller needles. Work k1,p1
rib for 6 rows and BO in rib.
Leg bands
With smaller needles
and CC, pick up and k 17 sts along back of
right leg, 18 sts along crotch, 17 sts along
front of right leg [52 st.].
Work in k1,p1 rib for 4 rows.
If you would like ruffles on outer leg, place
first and last 17 sts and BO center 18 sts
in rib. If you do not want ruffles, simply
bind off all stitches in rib.
Repeat for left leg.
Sew side seams together.
If making ruffles,
place all 34 st. from right leg onto larger
Knit in front and back of each st [68 sts].
Continue in St st for 3 rows, ending with
purl row.
Purl one more row.
BO all.
Repeat with
other leg ruffle.
sewing the ends in, catch the ends of the
ruffles to the leg bands-they will look softer
and more rounded, rather than squared off.