Using the Figure 8 Cast On method, CO 16 sts
(8 sts on each of 2 needles). Two stitch markers
will be used to divide the top and the bottom
of the toe and foot of the sock.
Arrange the sts on the needle(s) as desired
while working the first round. If you have
the stitches arranged on your needles in such
a way that the marker placement falls between
the needles, place safety pins or split ring
markers in your work instead, and move these
markers up as your work progresses.
Round 1: [K1, m1, k6, m1, k1, place
marker] twice. 20 sts.
Round 2: K all sts
Round 3: [K1, m1, k to 1 stitch before
marker, m1, k1] twice. 4 sts increased.
Round 4: K all sts.
Repeat these 2 rounds 9[10, 11] times more.
60[64, 68] sts.
Set-up Round: K2, p0[1, 1], k0[0,
1], p2, work first row chart pattern, p2,
k0[0, 1], p0[1, 1], k2; k to end of round.
The first 30[32, 34] sts of the round form
the top of the foot, the remaining 30[32,
34] sts form the sole. The stitch markers
divide these 2 sets of sts.
Next Round: K2, p0[1, 1], k0[0,
1], p2, work next row chart pattern, p2, k0[0,
1], p0[1, 1], k2; k to end of round.
Repeat this round until work measures 3.5[3.5,
4] inches less than length of foot.
Round 1: Work in pattern as set.
Round 2: Work in patt to marker,
slip marker, m1, k to marker, m1. 2 sts increased.
Repeat these 2 rounds 11 times more. 84[88,
92] sts.
Work in patt to first marker, place these
30[32, 34] sts on hold on needle or stitch
holder. Heel will be worked back and forth
over remaining 54[56, 58] sts. Make note of
last row of chart pattern; first round of
Leg will begin on following row of chart pattern.
Row 1 [RS]: K41[43, 45], w&t.
Row 2 [WS]: P28[30, 32], w&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K27[29, 31], w&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P26[28, 30], w&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K25[27, 29], w&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P24[26, 28], w&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K23[25, 27], w&t.
Row 8 [WS]: P22[24, 26], w&t.
Row 9 [RS]: K21[23, 25], w&t.
Row 10 [WS]: P20[22, 24], w&t.
Row 11 [RS]: K19[21, 23], w&t.
Row 12 [WS]: P18[20, 22], w&t.
Row 13 [RS]: K17[19, 21], w&t.
Row 14 [WS]: P16[18, 20], w&t.
Row 15 [RS]: K15[17, 19], w&t.
Row 16 [WS]: P14[16, 18], w&t.
Row 17 [RS]: K13[15, 17], w&t.
Row 18 [WS]: P12[14, 16], w&t.
Row 19 [RS]: K11[13, 15], w&t.
Size L Only:
Row 20 [WS]: P14, w&t.
Row 21 [RS]: K13, w&t.
Row 22 [WS]: P12, w&t.
Row 23 [RS]: K11, w&t.
All Sizes:
Next Row [WS]: P11[13, 11]; p next
8[8, 10] sts, picking up each wrap (loop of
yarn wrapped around base of st) and purling
it together with the st it had wrapped; pick
up next wrap and place on left needle, p3tog
(wrap on left needle, st which it had wrapped,
and next st, all purled together). Turn work
(do not wrap st).
Next Row [RS]: Sl 1, k19[21, 21];
k next 9[9, 11] sts, picking up each wrap
and knitting it together with the st it had
wrapped; pick up next wrap and place on left
needle, sssk (wrap, st which it had wrapped,
and next st, all worked together.) Turn work
(do not wrap st).
Next Row [WS]: Sl 1, p28[30, 32],
p2tog. Turn work.
Next Row [RS]: Sl 1, k28[30, 32], ssk.
Turn work.
Repeat these 2 rows 10 times more; all sts
have been worked. 30[32, 34] sts remain on
this needle.
Note: If making sock for foot with larger
instep, proceed to "Leg Instructions
for Larger Instep" below.
If sts for top of foot have been placed
on stitch holder, replace them now on needle(s).
Leg will be worked in the round over all 60[64,
68] sts. When working next round (Set-up Round),
beginning of round will be shifted 2 sts to
the left. Place marker as instructed; remove
any other markers currently in place.
Set-up Round: K2, place marker
(this will be new beginning of round); [p0[1,
1], k0[0, 1], p2, work next row of chart pattern,
p2, k0[0, 1], p0[1, 1], k4] twice.
Round 1: P0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2,
work next row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0,
1], p0[1, 1], C4B, p0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2,
work next row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0,
1], p0[1, 1], C4F.
Rounds 2-4: [P0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2,
work next row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0,
1], p0[1, 1], k4] twice.
Repeat Rounds 1-4, 13 times more,
or until work is 1 inch shorter than desired
Proceed to Ribbing.
Leg Instructions for Larger Instep:
If sts for top of foot have been placed on
stitch holder, replace them now on needle(s).
Leg will be worked in the round over all 60[64,
68] sts. When working next round (Set-up Round
1), beginning of round will be shifted 2 sts
to the left. Place marker as instructed; remove
any other markers currently in place.
Set-up Round 1: K2, place marker
(this will be new beginning of round); [p0[1,
1], k0[0, 1], p2, work next row of chart pattern,
p2, k0[0, 1], p0[1, 1], k4] twice.
Set-up Round 2: P0[1, 1], k0[0,
1], p2, work next row of chart pattern, p2,
k0[0, 1], p0[1, 1], work Front Cable Increase,
p0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2, work next row of chart
pattern, p2, k0[0, 1], p0[1, 1], work Back
Cable Increase. 68[72, 76] sts.
Rounds 1-7: [P0[1, 1], k0[0, 1],
p2, work next row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0,
1], p0[1, 1], k8] twice.
Round 8: P0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2, work
next row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0, 1], p0[1,
1], C8B, p0[1, 1], k0[0, 1], p2, work next
row of chart pattern, p2, k0[0, 1], p0[1,
1], C8F.
Repeat Rounds 1-8 6 times more, or
until work is 1 inch less than desired length.
Proceed to Ribbing.
Next Round: [K1, p1] to end.
Repeat this round 11 times more. BO using
Sewn Bind Off, or other elastic BO method.