Body: CO
18 sts using #6 needles and Rowan All Seasons
Cotton in gray. Work 18 rows in St st, then
cut yarn and run through all sts, pulling together
Ears [make
2]: CO 8 sts using #6 needles and gray yarn.
Work 5 rows in St st.
Work 2 sts together at the end of each of the
next 3 rows. 2 sts remaining. Work those 2 sts
together and pull yarn through last st.
Make another ear in the same way.
Trunk: CO
13 sts using #6 needles and gray yarn. Work
in garter stitch for 5 rows and then BO all.
Join cast on and bound off edges together.
Making up:
Join back seam of puppet using mattress stitch
and turn right side out. Place trunk in center
of puppet and attach firmly. Attach ears to
each side of the top of the puppet with the
wrong side facing. Using black cotton, sew 2
eyes above the trunk. [An alternative to this
is to use toy eyes that you can buy from a craft
shop and attach to puppet. These are not suitable
for children under 3 years, so if you are making
the puppets for young children it is best to
sew on the eyes.]
Body: CO
18 stitches using #6 needles and pink. Work
18 rows in St st and then BO.
Ears [make 2]: Run
a diagonal row of back stitch along the top
corners of the pig to represent ears.
Nose: Sew
a pink bead or button in the center of the pigs
face for his nose.
Eyes: As
for elephant.
Making up:
Join back seam of puppet using mattress stitch.
Do not join top seam. Turn right side out.
Body: CO
18 sts using #6 needles and orange yarn.
Work 2 rows in St st and then join black yarn.
Work 1 row in black.
Repeat this pattern using 2 rows of orange followed
by 1 row of black until 17 rows have been completed
finishing with an orange row.
BO in orange.
Join back seam seam using mattress stitch -
do not join top seam - and turn right side out.
Ears [make 2]:
As for pig.
Eyes: As
for elephant using blue cotton instead of black
so that they show up on the stripes.
Making up:
Join back seam of puppet using mattress stitch.
Do not join top seam. Turn right side out.
Body: CO
14 sts using #6 needles and cream yarn and white
held together.
Work 14 rows in St st, then cut yarn and run
through all sts, pulling together tightly.
Ears [make 2]:
CO 4 sts using #6 needles and cream and white
yarns held together. Work 9 rows in St st, then
cut yarn and run through all sts, pulling together
Eyes: As
for elephant.
Nose: Sew
a black line to represent the rabbit's nose
in an appropriate place on the puppet.
Making up:
Join back seam of puppet using mattress stitch
and turn right side out. Attach ears to top
of head and secure firmly.
Teddy Bear
Body: CO
18 sts using #6 needles and brown yarn.
Work 18 rows in St st, then cut yarn and run
through all stitches, pulling together tightly.
Ears: CO
6 sts using #6 needles brown yarn.
Work 2 rows in St st.
Dec 1 st at each end of the next 2 rows -- 2
Inc 1 st at each end of the next 2 rows [6 sts].
Work 2 rows in St st.
Making up:
Join back seam of puppet using mattress stitch
and turn right side out.
Fold ears in half so that the cast on and bound
off sides are together.
Attach ears to top of head and secure firmly.
Eyes: As
for elephant.
Sew a black triangle with the point facing down
in the center of the puppet. Sew a line coming
down from the middle to represent the teddy
bear's nose and mouth.